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No Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.
Quality shitpost.
That left me with a lot of Hopeium. Thanks, I'm in tears.
Sleep is for the weak!
Comments like this are just going to egg on the President. He's an alpha, not a sell-out.
Lemon just puts me off. Now I know why. The guy is the WOORRRRRSSSTTTT.
Who knew Greece was based? Hell yeah. Thanks for the hopeium!
I haven't seen this email or message. If I do hear anything I'll post it.
Same, haven't heard anything. If I do I'll post the hell out of it.
I'm a teacher, and they've said nothing. Must have been a rogue shill district. >.> But I am in a red AF city.
I want to say it was early presidency or before he ran. It's very old.
I loved it when he said it, still love it now.
I trust him. Would be a safe bet.
I hope the Clinton's get it.
Have fun, kids are great, get sleep when you can.
America will be in a better place when we have a Pompeo/Hawley ticket in 2024 and you can start to tell your little one about the great Donald J Trump.
Last I checked it was free to hang someone. Also, the noose can be reused.
Same, but it's it fun to explore stuff and see it happen live?
OMG it's the 17th!
lol, I was wondering.
I enjoyed that video! Thanks for telling me.
Thanks homie DJtrumpMAGA you the 2nd best GOAT, only to DJT. Love this post.
I love that man. I feel so bad for him. Probably 2nd most tragic person next to Trump of our times.
No Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.