MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Important - and no one is paying attention.

This is a bit tangential to this topic, but did want to say one thing. Take it for what it is.

Back when a little younger, when I was very active in my church, I showed up for visitation night ever week. I picked up shut-ins and took them to Wed, Sunday services. IOW, in my view, I did more than just warm a pew on Sunday.

One day, I made the comment to my sister that reflected my frustration that most of the people that attend Sunday service where slackers, more or less, and she opened my eyes to the error of my thinking.

She, being a very faithful, solid, consistent Christian told me that many of the people in the congregation actually do much more in the name of Christianity than would appear, but they do it in there on quite way, a quite way that is not visible to anyone, and more over, they have been doing it over the course of the entire lives.

I realized that I was wrong in my condemnation. Sure, many people just come to Sunday services as though it were a social event, but just because someone is not doing what I am doing, has my same level of enthusiasm, and on the same things, does not mean they are not active, in other ways.

Sounds a bit like Scott might be falling victim to this same wrongful thinking.

MuckeyDuck 4 points ago +6 / -2

Right, but that's not what she stated on her FoxNews segment. One, she gave the impression that she had it in front of her. Second, are you telling me that she did not know, just having what would fit into a thin binder, that somebody was hold back on her. If this is true, someone is not doing their job. The anons out here, who are outside the system, could have told her that.

MuckeyDuck -1 points ago +2 / -3

Time will tell fren. I tend to think that on social media we need to keep bringing heat to issues where we fell unsatisfied in a way that tells powers, all good, or not, that we have eyes on.

MuckeyDuck 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yes, I had seen that earlier, and believe that this goes to SD's statement about Bondi being performative by nature. That she is more interested in Bondi that anything else.

And for the record, I f'ing hate the term "Influencers", as though anyone on social media by mere dent of their tweets, is able to illicit in us a Pavlovian like response to whatever they report, that we are rudderless fools blow by any old wind this way or that. I consider myself to be pretty humble, and I detest this "look at me" society.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, I agree with you that Sundance shows great resistance to anything that tends to deviate from his established pattern of thinking. This, in my view is one of his flaws, and I have seen holes in his line of expression on some topics because of his inability to think outside is established beliefs. I think sometimes that every things that he knows about the machine, he applies unwavering to all future thought.

It also seem that he has been able to change his thinking a bit in light of what Trump has done in his short time.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I am aware of the definition. That is what I am saying, is that I hope the data that We The People has access to is not semi-transparent.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

This claim has not be vetted properly as being authentic. X comments suggest that it is fake. Why would we sticky something that has a high potential for spreading false claims, that would make us look like fools?

Just my opinion. You guys are the wise and powerful, so you decide.

MuckeyDuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

A key tenet in negotiations is called, "Result to a higher power."

For example: If I make a claim that to inspect my house, you are not allowed to come inside of it, I remove the attempt to be convinced otherwise by stating, "These are not my rules, but my fathers. Only he can grant you access to inside of house."

Surely within the DOGE organization, I would think the person granting access, and interfacing with any potential resistance to infrastructure would be different than the person accessing. What purpose would this serve?

  1. Primarily, it would remove DOGE technical expert from access right argument and allow them to focus solely on what they are expert at.

  2. It would remove criticism target off DOGE technical expert and place of a person more able to take these arrows.

DOGE autist are highly specialized in accessing data. They are not going to waste that talent on people problems which they are not very skilled at.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +3 / -1

No way this is legit. For one thing no doge employee is given the right to treat people rudely, I don't believe.

Remember what Dalton said: https://youtu.be/O8aNfg0LBgQ?t=99

Hank: Yeah, that sure sounds great... but a lot of the guys who come in here we can't handle one-on-one, even two-on-one.

Dalton: Don't worry about it; all you have to do is follow three simple rules: One, never underestimate your opponent... expect the unexpected; Two, take it outside, never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three... be nice.

Hank: [Incredulously] Come on!!

Dalton: If somebody gets in your face and calls you a c*cksucker I want you to be nice.

Hank: [With resignation] Ok.

Dalton: Ask him to walk, be nice. If he won't walk, walk him, but be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you and you will both be nice. I want you to remember that it's the job, it's nothing personal.

Steve: Being called a c*cksucker isn't personal?

Dalton: No, it's two nouns combined to elicit a prescribed response.

Steve: What if somebody calls my Mama a wh*re?

Dalton: Is she?

[Everyone snickers.]

Dalton: I want you to be nice... until it's time... to not be nice

Bouncer: So, uh, how are we supposed to know when that is?

Dalton: You won't. I'll let you know. You are the bouncers, I am the cooler. All you have to do is watch my back and each others... and take out the trash!

MuckeyDuck 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I wanted to see Real Alpha male, that incidentally still has a full head of hair, all I'd have to do is look in the mirror lol.

MuckeyDuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did a little looking, and surprised to discover that the latest 2020 census form is a lot less intrusive that the 1960 census form.

Of course 2020, unlike 1960 form ask about same sex relationships, but still only has Male and Female choices for Sex, and no questions about Gender, which is surprising.

The 1960's form delves much more into questions like: Washing Machines, Televisions, Electricity, Plumbing, that are common to ever household in 2020. Or maybe this is due to the 1960 form combining Housing, and Persons information into one form. You will see below that from 1970 to 2000 this was split up.

Between 1790 and 1820, U.S. Marshals conducting the census were responsible for supplying paper and writing-in headings related to the questions asked (i.e., name, age, sex, race, etc.). In 1830, Congress authorized the printing of uniform schedules for use throughout the United States.

The 1940 Census included separate questionnaires to count the population and collect housing data. The 1960 and later censuses combined population and housing questions onto a single questionnaire mailed to households or completed during a census taker's visit.

Between 1970 and 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau used two questionnaires. Most households received a short-form questionnaire asking a minimum number of questions. A sample of households received a long-form questionnaire that included additional questions about the household. The 2010 Census had just one questionnaire consisting of ten questions.

This report contains detailed information on the questionnaires and instructions used for each census, plus individual histories of each census.

Here you can see different years.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Want to bet that this does not happen in Florida?

876.12 Wearing mask, hood, or other device on public way.—No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be or appear upon any lane, walk, alley, street, road, highway, or other public way in this state.

876.13 Wearing mask, hood, or other device on public property.—No person or persons shall in this state, while wearing any mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter upon, or be, or appear upon or within the public property of any municipality or county of the state.

876.14 Wearing mask, hood, or other device on property of another.—No person or persons over 16 years of age shall, while wearing a mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, demand entrance or admission or enter or come upon or into the premises, enclosure, or house of any other person in any municipality or county of this state.

876.15 Wearing mask, hood, or other device at demonstration or meeting.—No person or persons over 16 years of age, shall, while wearing a mask, hood, or device whereby any portion of the face is so hidden, concealed, or covered as to conceal the identity of the wearer, hold any manner of meeting, make any demonstration upon the private property of another unless such person or persons shall have first obtained from the owner or occupier of the property his or her written permission to so do.

MuckeyDuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

"We spend $40 billion every 10 years doing the census. And that means we hire 625,000 people. And they go, and they rent cars and gas, and you pay them food... They go to every household and count the people."

"What department do we already have that already employs 625,000 people? It's got cars, already has gas, and goes to every household. [Answer: USPS]."

"They can go to your house when you have a baby and give you the form for Social Security. And the 20,000 Social Security officers that we have, we just don't need them. We actually can do real customer service."

"Let's use the assets of the government to make us better and save us money."

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