NMZ25 5 points ago +5 / -0

Here's a link to an article that touches on Walt Disney's history, connections to FBI, CIA, Allen Dulles, MKUltra, etc. It may have been posted somewhere in the group previously, but is still a interesting read for anyone who may not have seen it: https://www.coreysdigs.com/trafficking/exposing-the-keys-to-disneys-operations-and-agenda/

by jdqw210
NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for posting. This is the type of info I've been searching for. Looking forward to doing a deep dive into the info linked at q17. Just took an initial look and can't believe I didn't somehow notice it earlier.

NMZ25 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's an article I found helpful - "Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus" https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/

I've also started to look into a parasite cleanse protocol that I plan to try, however I haven't finished researching yet. I first heard about it via this rumble video from The Kate Awakening interviewing Alexia Icenhower - https://rumble.com/vtwxua-the-kate-awakening-live-with-alexia-icenhower.html

Alexia has her own rumble channel where she goes further in depth. I've just started working my way through some of those videos, but here's a link to her channel if you're interested: https://rumble.com/c/c-828543

Lastly, here is one more video on parasite cleanse linked from Alexia's rumble channel that precedes the series of videos she has posted - https://youtu.be/NBqJ5sBHoz8

NMZ25 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad you liked it! Thanks.

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can also vouch for NAC. Here (https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/) is an article that discusses how it combats covid through its function as a serine protease inhibitor.

From the linked article:

"Serine protease is another enzyme that’s “responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, enabling host cell fusion of the virus.” Inhibiting serine protease may therefore prevent spike protein activation and viral entry into cells."

The article also lists a variety of other supplements/medicines that help with covid.

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for putting together all of this info. Much appreciated.

I saw an interesting video today that was published on Sean Stone (Oliver Stone's son) bitchute channel today - "Hollywood, DC". Covers historical connections between hollywood and military industrial complex/intelligence. Also touches on topics of MKUltra, Epstein, Clinton connections near the end.

*Link to video here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xMNW1gouVfyZ/

I posted a link to the video, but figured it might get more attention if I mention it here in the comments. IMO, worth a watch.

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brave (mentioned by other commenters) and Presearch both claim that they don't censor. Link: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2022/03/brave-search-and-presearch-say-they-dont-censor-search-results/

There is also searX. Link: https://searx.thegpm.org/

From searX about - Why use searx? *searx may not offer you as personalised results as Google, but it doesn't generate a profile about you *searx doesn't care about what you search for, never shares anything with a third party, and it can't be used to compromise you *searx is free software, the code is 100% open and you can help to make it better. See more on github

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Might be a bit of a stretch, but I came across this article today with the headline "Not Well Enough - Queen, 95, so frail she can't walk her beloved corgis and more - and hasn't been able to for six months". Link: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/17929053/queen-too-frail-walk-corgis/#

It made me think of dog comms/coded messaging referencing dogs linked to prominent deaths.

On that topic of dog comms, George News posted a picture to their telegram today captioned "Conan: Hero Dog, Happy National K9 Veterans Day". Link: https://t.me/georgenews/3961

I'm not sure, but I think the picture may be from when Trump was in office. Trump put out an official statement on 3/13/2020 titled "Presidential Message on National K-9 Veterans Day" that specifically references military dog Conan. Link here: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/presidential-message-national-k-9-veterans-day/

Also, I had no idea that today (3/13) was National K9 Veteran's Day until now.

NMZ25 10 points ago +10 / -0

I recently watched "V for Vendetta" - full movie available here on bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B3HMzQCxGtuP/

Have to say the themes of totalitarian gov't, media/gov't propaganda complex, and gov't using biowarfare on its own citizens hits a bit different now.

Recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it.

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saw a clip of him speaking on a bitchute channel I watch called "And We Know". The most recent video posted to that channel also has a clip of him talking to Tucker Carlson that is worth a watch. Starts about 2mins into the video linked here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0AI66xpqDHeB/

Also here are the telegram links of him (Bryce Mitchell) speaking referenced by that bitchute video: *Tucker clip - https://t.me/PatriotAlerts/19229 *UFC interview clip - https://t.me/PatriotAlerts/19204

NMZ25 1 point ago +1 / -0

Updoots for Chris Cornell. Been on a bit of a Soundgarden & Audioslave music binge lately. This one's stuck in my head right now - Soundgarden "Blow up the Outside World" https://youtu.be/sC2GjXMk7i4

NMZ25 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those are two more of my favorites. Here's a link to one of my top live versions of Sing for Absolution - Glastonbury 2004 https://youtu.be/Kxwsrt35tY0

NMZ25 3 points ago +3 / -0

*Apologies if this posts twice. I tried to fix the formatting and I'm not sure if I deleted original post.


Love this band. Their lyrics and videos are really worth a watch. I put links below to some of my favorite videos, live performances, and album playlists for anyone who may be interested.

Also of note:

*They released a new single on 1.13 from their upcoming album with some fairly relevant lyrics - "Won't Stand Down" https://youtu.be/d55ELY17CFM *Short video released today (3.11) - "Compliance" https://youtu.be/mvrBlDleaQE *One of their top live performances at Wembley in 2007 was titled "HAARP". They recently referenced a picture from that performance in a YT community post and captioned it "Calm before the storm" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGGhM6XCSJFQ6DTRffnKRIw/community?lb=UgytKeKNFXfCFUialK54AaABCQ


Videos *Uprising https://youtu.be/w8KQmps-Sog *JFK + Defector https://youtu.be/kzbFxLNpguM *Revolt https://youtu.be/91fQTXrSRZE *Supremacy https://youtu.be/XJ2S2_TpWN8

Live *Panic Station - Rome 2013 (must watch for the visuals) https://youtu.be/AnIBP4fWMAs *The Globalist - 2016 (awesome song & performance) https://youtu.be/Cfs9D0HjaGQ *Knights of Cydonia - 2017(classic song, love the lyrics) https://youtu.be/sihF18dU0Qw *Take a Bow - 2017 https://youtu.be/VFXLWpZ--Dw *Exogenesis Symphony part 1 - 2010 (rare live performance, beautiful song) https://youtu.be/SJCQmTXfKy0 *Apocalypse Please HAARP - 2007 https://youtu.be/cNhLIuOJ6mo *Invincible HAARP - 2007 https://youtu.be/PxXtQmy0RZY *Ruled by Secrecy - 2004 https://youtu.be/WtifoW8W81Q

Recommended albums *Origin of Symmetry 20th anniversary edition https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7vWQArY3hLlk2WwSJWe8VbQr_QvkGqo *The Resistance https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nt5acJTCFwMg9gQPimWk8wkrY7rpBKg20

Link to discography - https://musewiki.org/Discography

NMZ25 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if it is related in any way, but I saw this post referencing AF1 on George News telegram a few days ago (link here: https://t.me/georgenews/3865).

From linked post:

Air Force One replacement facing additional delays, up to 17 months late

While the Air Force and Boeing have yet to finalize a new schedule for the presidential aircraft replacement program, it now appears that the first new Air Force One plane will be delivered to the service even later than previously expected.

Boeing now expects that it will deliver the first VC-25B a total of 17 months later than originally scheduled, two sources with knowledge of the program told Breaking Defense.

That timeline has not been accepted by the Air Force and could change as the service negotiates with Boeing on a new schedule baseline. But Boeing’s new projection, which has been conveyed to stakeholders outside of the company, represents a growth from the 12-month delay presented by the company last year.

NMZ25 8 points ago +8 / -0

Think I found an article with additional details. Link if you're interested: https://thefrontierpost.com/containers-with-ectoparasites-of-bats-were-transferred-from-laboratory-of-kharkov-abroad/

From the article:

MOSCOW (TASS): The study of the received materials confirms the fact that more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats were transferred from the biological laboratory in Kharkov abroad. This was announced on Thursday by the head of the radiation, chemical and biological (RCB) protection troops of the Russian Armed Forces Igor Kirillov.

“Analysis of the received materials confirms the fact that more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats – fleas and ticks – were transferred abroad from the biological laboratory in Kharkiv,” Kirillov said, noting that the Penta-gon is also interested in ve-ctor insects that can spread dangerous infectious diseases. One of the documents received by the Russian Armed Forces confirms that all high-risk studies in Ukrainian biological laboratories were carried out under the guidance of specialists from the United States, Kirillov said. “One of the documents confirms that all serious studies of increased danger are carried out under the direct supervision of specialists from the United States,” Kirillov said...

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sean Stone also has a bitchute channel with some interesting vids. Link here if you're interested: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xAeBTS7owP1n/

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting additional description info. Nice to have a full transcript of the speech to read through.

NMZ25 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saw this posted to George News telegram here: https://t.me/georgenews/3859?single

Here's a link to the website referenced: https://fightforua.org/

I was curious so I ran a whois lookup on the domain. Not sure if this means anything, but the registrant location is listed as Arizona, US. Is it just me, or is it kind of odd that a website focused on Ukrainian military is registered out of Arizona? (link: https://whois.domaintools.com/fightforua.org)

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

OP - saw a comment below that the original site link didn't load. I found an archived version on wayback machine - link here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210719011623/https://privacy-watchdog.io/truth-about-protonmail/

Archived version also contains multiple links (also archived) to sources that corroborate claims made in original post.

NMZ25 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been looking into protonmail alternatives a bit. I know it's pretty much impossible to find a service that is completely private/secure, however I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the options below.

**Startmail (https://www.startmail.com/en/) - from the creators of startpage, offers pgp encryption, advertises self-hosted servers in netherlands that comply with strict privacy regulations, is a paid service but is currently offering a discount to new users through March 18 (more info here: https://support.startmail.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405633857949-StartMail-Deal-2022)

**Mailfence (https://mailfence.com/) - open pgp encryption, advertises no third party access to data, free and paid account options

**Ctemplar (https://ctemplar.com/) - advertises anonymous end to end encrypted communication, based out of iceland > strong privacy laws, no data retention, free and paid account options

**Disroot (https://disroot.org/en/#services) - offers email (rainloop) along with other cloud services, advertises focus on freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization, free and open source, may take a bit more work to set up when compared to other options

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