Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an excerpt, relative to the topic, from a Substack column about Q being on our side.


All psychopaths know from a young age that they’re “different” from the rest of us, and thus they spend their entire lives learning how to superficially fit in. In other words, they are BORN infiltrators. (If you think about it, you’d be pretty good at manipulating people too, if you spent your entire life honing your craft).

They are capable of banding together when their interests align, but it would be a mistake to think that they “enjoy” each other’s company. Rather, they’re united in their aims to consume, debase, and destroy.

You know that warm happy feeling you feel when you’re on your way to meet your friends? Psychopaths don’t experience that (though sometimes they have the wherewithal to pretend when necessary). Their motivations for socializing amongst each other are almost wholly alien to the rest of us normal folks.

Another reason why they work together sometimes is that they ensnare each other through blackmail. “Promises” aren’t a very stable currency in psycho-land, hence, they need collateral on each other to keep each other in line. Their world runs on threats, deceit, torture, and nothing else.

When you have a band of predators coming together to hijack a given society, all of whom are deeply self-taught in the art of manipulation, and all of whom are prepared to fight to the death to keep their feeding frenzy going, then you have a serious problem—one that can be likened to a deadly parasitic infection. What makes it deadly is the fact that it’s hard to detect while it effortlessly spreads itself throughout its host environment, eventually monopolizing the resources of said environment. And this is exactly what the cabal has done to society.

To refine our metaphor even further, the cabal’s mode of operation can be specifically likened to that of the Strongoloides stercoralis parasite (which we’ll call “Ss” for short), which can avoid detection by the immune system for decades. One can be infected with Ss without presenting ANY symptoms at all as the Ss thoroughly colonizes the body, which can in turn lead to deadly complications the moment one’s immune system finally recognizes the threat and begins to mount a response.

I hope the parallels to our current predicament with the cabal are obvious?

Like the Ss parasite, the cabal has managed to evade detection whilst infiltrating almost all the “organs” of society. Consequently, they’re capable of mounting a system-wide response any time a local branch of their criminal network is threatened (at the end of the day, what is a “criminal” if not just another lowly variety of parasite?).

The situation faced by the White hats is that they must extract the parasite (the cabal) without killing the patient (civilization itself). In order to do this, they must orchestrate an “immune response” amongst the masses.

This is precisely where Q enters the picture…

There's a lot more in that Substack column about psychopaths and how they've come to infiltrate the entire world and to run most of human society, but the point is, they're never giving up because this is all they know and all they care about. They want to own everything and control everyone, and they won't stop working for that while even a single one is still alive and not in prison.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I LOVE that boat comparison . . .

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well then, Q is full of shit and we're all sociopaths who should probably be in prison. After you, bob_a_bouy.

Or maybe Jesus was making the point that no one is perfect (except God), while Q was using the term "good" in the common sense of basically decent and kind-hearted. There are many definitions for the word "Good" in English; the term was many meanings. Here are two:

  • possessing or displaying moral virtue: I've met many good people who made me feel ashamed of my own shortcomings | (the good as plural noun) : the rich and the good shared the same fate as the poor and the bad.
  • showing kindness
Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, you (and me, and most of us here) are just hoping.

When the arrest happens, THEN we'll know something meaningful is going on.

As you already knew, but . . . I like hearing myself type, apparently. 🤣

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This sort of thing used to be almost unheard of. Very rare, especially for young or middle-aged people to get hit by aggressive cancers only diagnosed when the victim was already in Stage 4.

It DID happen, though: Andy Kaufman (famous as the Latka character on Taxi) died from aggressive lung cancer at age 35.

That was a shock because so few people died in that manner and at that age. You heard about such a thing maybe once a year.

Today it's so common I often find two or more such stories in the news on a given day.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

BTW there is no book of facts out there that says that we are the only sort of life or even that carbon based life forms are the only places that where some sort of consciousness can reside. IDK if you ever took a course in plasma physics but it's so vast & complex that there are easily more types of interactions than possible with carbon based chemistry (at of course a very different temperature) There's also an incredible amount of unknows (at least nearly a 1/2 century ago when I took it) It's very likely to be able to contain some sort of intelligence.

Wow. No, I've not looked into anything like that. I have read, over the years, various brief discussions of possible life-forms in ecologies hostile or outright lethal to carbon-based life-forms, but have never rabbit-holed the idea. Thanks for the brief overview. Plasma-based life-forms in the Sun are an amazing idea, and of course brings thoughts of whether their actions would influence or create solar flares or sunspots, for instance. Doesn't seem possible, but plenty of things people USED to think impossible are now known to be real, so who knows?

On a tangent: Your post triggered memory of the Rare Earth hypothesis, from a book I read in 2000 (the Amazon page says 2003 but that must be for whatever edition first got put on Amazon; my hardback copy shows 2000 as publishing date) -- Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe by Ward and Brownlee. It discusses the HUGE number of specifics needed for advanced, intelligent life to survive, including some I'd never have thought of. From the book jacket:

. . . while microbial life may well be more prevalent throughout the Universe than previously believed, the conditions necessary for the evolution and survival of higher life -- and here the authors consider everything from DNA to plate tectonics to the role of our moon -- are so complex and precarious that they are unlikely to arise in many other places, if at all.

The book is an engaging read, if you're interested in the idea. Plenty of conversation about the idea on the Web, also, of course.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ivermectin IN A LIQUID FATTY BASE does absorb better than a capsule (powder) version taken on an empty stomach. IDK if the liquid would absorb even better if taken with a fatty meal, but clearly Ivermectin needs to have some fat for best absorbtion.

I checked with my buddy Leo, the Brave Browser's AI, and got this:

Ivermectin Absorption in Fatty Base

Ivermectin is more readily absorbed when administered in a liquid form compared to solid formulations. Specifically, ethanol-based liquid formulations can have up to twice the bioavailability of solid formulations, with an AUC ratio ranging from 1.08 to 2.29.

This enhanced absorption is likely due to improved dissolution of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, the intake of a high-fat meal can increase the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of ivermectin by promoting bile secretion, which aids in the dissolution of the highly hydrophobic ivermectin in the intestine.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is the living gonna unite with the dead?

What the hell are you talking about? I wrote a column about working to end the Cabal, pointing out that the more allies we have IN THAT TASK, the more likely we are to succeed.

I don't care what your, or anyone else's, spiritual beliefs are as long as you are not malicious, and at least sincerely TRY to follow Jesus' commandment to "love one another."

I'm certainly not suggesting Christianity MERGE with other religions (or that the living "unite with the dead).

I'm suggesting that here in the material world, people of good will make for good neighbors, regardless of whether they were raised in and/or believe in one religion or another, as long as the religion isn't malicious, doesn't advocate cheating, stealing from, or killing non-believers, and actually supports love (AKA emotional health). I'm suggesting that Christians consider other good people, including Buddhists, Taoists, Confucionists, Jains, and others -- whose religion supports love, compassion, honest dealing, common sense, and other "Christian values" -- as ALLIES IN BRINGING DOWN THE CABAL.

That's it.

There are billions of people all over the world who want the evil and corruption of the Cabal GONE. Do you really think that Christians should carry that task alone?

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate your expressed compassionate for me, ThisIsHowItStarts (no sarcasm; I feel actual concern from you in your response). But, while my post is specifically ABOUT the worldly problem of defeating the Cabal and the worldly need to engender as much Unity on that score as possible, I disagree that my "views couldn't be any more worldly."

For example, from the post itself (I've added the italics here):

I believe ALL the supernatural schemas in the True Religions -- God, the Great Spirit, the various pantheons of gods and spirits, the Tao, etc. -- are attempts to describe a reality beyond human comprehension which can only be grasped partially and metaphorically.

Some of my comments below the post also make the point that I don't think in just worldly terms. I that you may be responding to a comment I posted a little above this one in which I say --

. . . the human soul is a blocked-off piece of the Universal Consciousness

Which is to say, your soul is a little piece of God.

You probably also have seen that I quoted Luke on that topic as well:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Honestly: can you say that verse doesn't fit with what I said about consciousness?

I may be weird, but I'm being honest about how I see things. I think for myself and can't turn that off. As it happens, science (physics in particular) brought me to a belief in God (or the Universal Consciousness, as I think of it) after decades of not believing in anything beyond the physical.

I understand that people can only see things in a way that makes sense to humans (no surprise, really). That includes me, of course. I honestly don't believe any human can really comprehend the nature of God or the Universe. Do you?

So we tell and believe stories and paradigms that feel right on the subject of God and the nature of the Universe, and we use metaphor because that's all we have.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is love? OK -- interesting and insightful question.

People know "love" because they FEEL it; as an experience, it is knowable by it's very nature. Conscious experience is all we CAN know directly. So the question becomes, do different people experience love differently? In fact, EACH PERSON experiences love differently at different times and in regards to different loved ones (including pets, for instance).

Like any experience, love cannot be quantified or broken down into parts. Life, and by that I mean all life-forms and all conscious experience, is ever-changing, never static (although sometimes it appears so), and only a whole, not a mere collection of pieces. It can thus only be hinted at by words, which fix things into categories and re-present what is real rather than replicating it.

Iain McGilchrist puts it this way in The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World:

All attempts at explanation depend, whether explicitly or implicitly, on drawing parallels between the thing to be explained and some other thing that we believe we already understand better. But the fundamental problem in explaining the experience of consciousness is that there is nothing else remotely like it to compare it with: it is itself the ground of all experience.

Love is a conscious experience. Is there another experience we can compare it to? Because nothing else but another type of conscious experience would allow for a meaningful comparison, and indeed: every experience, including the moment-by-moment changes in your conscious experience right NOW, with your left hand in one position and your right hand in another, with perhaps a small itch starting on your neck or a speck on your glasses annoying you as you read this and with the smell of dinner fading but still in the air, and so on -- THAT whole experience is unique, different from every other you have ever had or ever will have, and we can only assume different from MY experience, now or at any time in my life. Similar, perhaps, but never identical.

Where LOVE is involved, experience is even more varied, and emotional health plays a huge role in the character of the experience.

People who are not badly traumatized and who are treated from birth with love, respect, and common sense naturally feel a warm connection with others. They have a strong sense of connection to other people and to all life; this sense of connection is positive, warm, profound, generous, and calming. (And there's my definition of love, to the extent I can find words that may point in the right direction -- which is about all I think can be done for a definition of an experience).

People who are emotionally healthy literally love others as a matter of course. They naturally and habitually have the experience that Jesus tells us to strive for. This is why His teachings about treatment of children are so important.

But many people carry enough trauma (threatening/painful experience that has been repressed and never fully experienced, and which continually strives to reach full consciousness, as every sequestered emotional or physical pain or danger MUST DO for survival reasons), and defending against this constant push of PAIN to the fore requires WALLING OFF experience to some degree -- not just particular traumas but, as the load increases, whole categories of experience begin to dim. People become selectively numb, walled off from the feeling of connection to others and with real reactions to old events spilling over into the present, dumped on unlucky others.

Do you see why some people must experience a diminished level of love in their lives, and often with toxic overtones -- some to the point that life for them is essentially loveless, or, as I would say, literally Hell?

Even popular music knows the truth, and these lyrics ARE true, if a bit metaphorical:

"Love is all you need."

"Love is the answer."

Narg 0 points ago +1 / -1

EVERY major manufacturer has had to get going with electric vehicles because most large governments have put in place laws, regulations, tax structures, and other forms of coercion to make them do so.

That'll change right quick now, with Trump removing the bribes for buying an electric car, stopping the never-stopping-tightening of emissions regs that was designed to eventually ("soon", more like it) make gasoline and diesel vehicles illegal, and so on. Other countries will start doing the same, some quicker than others, but while SOME electric vehicles make sense and will continue to be made, the Green wish to have NOTHING but EVs on sale is over.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Making mistakes is not a sin

Yes. "Shit happens", if you'll pardon my language. Or "to err is human."

If there's neither malice nor harm from egregious incompetence, there's no sin.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

this low level consciousness may also have a very high level consciousness as well

That's an interesting possibility. I don't think we would even recognize such an intelligence, just as we don't (well, we do now, sort of) recognize geological time and astrophysical time; human lives are too short. And mice don't understand quantum physics because their brains are much smaller than ours.

But what I actually think is that WE ARE THE WAY THE UNIVERSE HAS BECOME SELF-AWARE. OUR brains, with their captured bits of the Universal Consciousness, give direct, focused, self-aware access to everything the brain sees, learns, feels, and KNOWS. The Universe doesn't have eyes -- or didn't, until LIFE came along. And with human brains, it has all the intellectual awareness that we create as well. Our souls, our little walled-off bits of Universal Consciousness, merge back into that same Universal Consciousness when we die.

I don't know exactly what that means; for instance, I don't see a way for memory storage, and certain kinds of brain damage include memory loss, so without our physical brains being intact, what is left? Kastrup believes we continue on as identifiable entities after death; I'm not so sure. That could change; new knowledge ensures change, and I love new knowledge.

it is now the anon movement which is about to do what Gandhi did but in a much larger scale & more permanently, because we are being guided by Q, whoever they are, who has the plan thought out & gave us the info that we need to spread in clever, loving & non violent ways. As long as we remain non violent & loving in our dissemination of what Q enlighten us of, there is no way the cabal can stop us. Their every attempt only hastens their own doom.

I love that idea and hope we can bring it to fruition.

Narg 1 point ago +3 / -2

Repent and believe the Gospels.

I do, for the most part, "believe the Gospels", but I don't interpret them as you do. For that matter, there are many interpretations in "official" forms of Christianity, thus all the differing denominations. And what, for instance, does Jesus mean in Luke: 
17:21 --

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

I'm pretty sure I have a different interpretation of that than you do.

And I'm fine with that -- I'm not trying to change the way you interpret the Gospels at all. For that matter, it doesn't bother me that you think I'm "damned to hell" (if indeed that's what you think). Think of me what you will.

The whole POINT of my essay is that people with (some) different religions can be ALLIES AGAINST THE CABAL.

Russia isn't America and doesn't have completely similar traditions and beliefs as America (although it IS a mostly Christian nation) -- but we allied with Russia to take down the Axis nations in WWII.

Allies don't have to share identical belief systems: they just have to have compatible Earthly goals.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

distinguish between his physical embodiment (named Jesus) and his spiritual essence

Yes, exactly.

And as it happens, that fits perfectly well with Bernardo Kastrup's theory of Idealism, which posits (with much to back it up) that the human soul is a blocked-off piece of the Universal Consciousness, dissociated (separated from and out of direct contact with) each other person's trapped bit of consciousness and from the greater, Universal Consciousness that underlies the universe as a whole.

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

IDK if that's the actual way things are, but then I don't imagine I ever WILL know for certain what the nature of the universe is. For now, I've pretty much embraced most of Kastrup's paradigm as part of my own, and I see it as a good alternative interpretation of much in Christianity and some other religions.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That sounds, yes, quite memorable. Kastrup discusses evidence (a surprising amount of it) that out-of-body, end-of-life, psychedelic, and other special forms of consciousness that involve a feeling of greatly expanded awareness and oneness with the universe (among other things) typically involve LOWER brain activity. He believes this points to a partial breakdown of the dissociation (separation) between the Universal Consciousness [i.e., the overall universe, AKA "God"] and our individual minds / souls, which are captured (by the physical brain) bits of the Universal Consciousness -- which return to the overall Consciousness after we die. And the frequent similarities among those altered states also suggest that something real is happening.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK what you mean here. Q said a lot of things, a few of which I quoted here. In any case, I'm not saying we shouldn't focus on what's important. I'm saying that what's important is UNITY (and THAT'S quoting Q) and that UNITY in our opposition to the Cabal cannot be achieved if we (that is, some sizable percentage of us) sees people who are not professing Christians as the enemy, or even as unworthy of working with to defeat the Cabal and put an end to the overwhelming Evil in this world.

Narg 0 points ago +3 / -3

I AM with Jesus, or did you not understand that?

You think you have the ONE and ONLY interpretation of Jesus' teachings.

You are almost certainly wrong.

There are many versions of Christianity. I grew up in the Methodist church. What say you: is THAT the proper interpretation? Or not?

Some bible translations (most, actually) say in essence that "anger is bad" (in various wordings. Others say "Thou shalt not be anger with another WITHOUT CAUSE" (or the like). Which is right?

And how do you know?

Narg 2 points ago +5 / -3

Great comment, inspoken. I mostly agree.

So yes, you could say that none of these faiths actually worship any God other than the God of Abraham.

I have, after many years, come around to thinking that "God" = "Nature" = "the universe" -- which is a low-level but omnipresent consciousness. A bit of that universal consciousness is trapped in each of our brains, by the highly recursive and other characteristics of brain architecture and of the elements (neurons etc) of which it is constructed. This trapped bit of consciousness is dissociated from the overall universal consciousness and from other individual, trapped portions of consciousness in other individual brains.

That's the soul, or so I believe (for now at least). And yes, it means your soul and mine are PART OF the Universal Consciousness, AKA "God." Or as Jesus put it:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

That all would have sounded laughable to me even a few years ago, but the mental, non-material foundation of the universe (i.e., sub-atomic particles are point disturbances in various types of waves -- photons are point disturbances in light waves, for example; thus the results of the double-split experiment) -- is beyond dispute at this point. The beginnings of Quantum Wave Theory go back to the 1920s. Even most physicists ignore the implications, apparently, because the math -- quantification -- for particle physics works so well.

Note that consciousness cannot be quantified. The material world is precisely quantifiable, but experience is not. The components of a food item can be broken down to specifics including the percentage of each, the TASTE of that food cannot be.

See Bernardo Kastrup for more (I've barely touched the surface here) --

The Idea of the World: A Multi-Disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality

Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell: A straightforward summary of the 21st century’s only plausible metaphysics

Narg 2 points ago +4 / -2

We are inherently inclined to do continuous evil to each other

I disagree with that completely.

Sociopaths -- neurotics who are damaged enough in certain ways -- have damaged views of life and damaged attitudes towards others -- they are cut off to some extent from the sense of connection to and love for others, blocking or dimming empathy -- and are generally harmful in their behavior.

Psychopaths -- people with certain frontal-lobe deficits -- are also cut off from the sense of connection to others, which must be somewhat akin to spending life in solitary confinement, seeing and sensing others without connecting with them. Psychopaths who are also sociopaths are exceptionally dangerous, and even psychopaths who are not emotionally damaged (to the extent THAT is possible) are somewhat dangerous because (like AI, btw) they don't experience much or any empathy.

Emotionally HEALTHY people, on the other hand, are NOT evil and do NOT typically hurt their fellow man -- or even animals, at least unnecessarily. And, thank goodness, most humans on Earth are not so terribly damaged as to be sociopathic.

A good early life usually prevents sociopathic damage, and Jesus was absolutely right in his teachings about "not offending children" and otherwise treating them well.

Pregnant women, newborns, infants, and children: if they were all treated properly, with love, compassion, and common sense, the world would very quickly (in a few decades) become the heaven on Earth that we all expect at birth.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, there's a lot of good in the Old Testament. Plenty of not-so-good also, imo. Jesus' genius was to bring the need for love and compassion to the fore, tempering the OT, and actually teaching the need to have love for others "a new commandment."

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do you have against the supernatural?

Nothing at all.

I just have a different view of it. A different paradigm, if you will. As I say in the post, I don't believe "the supernatural" -- the basic truth of what the universe IS -- can be comprehended by human brains, any more than I think we (or at least I) can visualize a 5-dimensional object. I agree with you that Jesus used parables to help people understand what he was saying, and the reason for that is because some of what he was talking about could only be perceived implicitly, not explicitly, because, again, human brains are not adequate for some perceptions and understandings.

I started to write about what my view IS but it'll take an essay about as long as this one, I think (and I doubt that most people would care about it). I've got other things I need to do now, so maybe later.

Narg 2 points ago +8 / -6

There is no life for those outside the body of Christ; only death and eternal separation from God. Nobody gets to the Father but through Christ.

You and I have different interpretations of what that means.

Your interpretation (correct me if I'm wrong) means that EVERY single soul who lived and died in the many centuries before Jesus is writhing in Hell, now and forever.

Every person who lived in a place where the name and teachings of Jesus was unknown, is also suffering eternally in Hell.

Every skeptic and person born into a different religion than Christianity is likewise doomed to an eternity in Hell.

My idea of a "loving God" does not include anything like that.

More on this another time.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christ ushered in a new age in which love is the law.

YES! That was the entire purpose of Jesus' ministry, as I understand it. But the world wasn't ready for it -- and Christianity, along with EVERY OTHER religion and movement that also taught the need for LOVE, has been repeatedly attacked and followers imprisoned, massacred and otherwise mistreated.

It often feels pollyanna-ish to me, but I wonder if we're not ACTUALLY entering a time when Jesus' vision of an emotionally healthy world where love and compassion are powerfully present in ever-more of us.

Treatment of pregnant women, infants, and children is the key. Decent treatment of ALL is the goal, but we won't get there if more new, incoming lives aren't treated well.

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