You have all the right to own Silver. (Fun fact, not too long ago you were not allowed to own Gold in a lot of countries)
If you so like the metal then sure go ahead and buy it. But if you think by buying Silver right now you show them who the boss is, then you are completely wrong.
Witch how much money in the GME game is right now, how much millions do you think they put in false information? Why should the "push" on SLV not be a distraction of GME?
And what do you want to archive? There are not that massive shorts on SLV than there were/are on GME, so what do you want to archive? Push the price up, for what? You can't trap them in shorts, like it was possible with GME.
Xi a whitehat. That Xi who turned china from a one party system to a one man system? That Xi who pushes chinas expansion? That Xi who wrote a ideology book that everyone should / must know? Look how china chaned since Xi is in power. With so much blood on his hand he cant be a whitehat.
I was searching a wikileaks email that was used in a fall cabal video related to pgate:
But it looks this email does not exist.
Makes me wonder what more infos to pgate was just fabricated? Fall cabal videos are just bad? Is there a more serious approach to pgate?
Think about the consecenes, all the innocent lifes this would cost. And think about how this would strengthen the chinese propaganda. They can blame the US for decades for this. Now.. you really think Trump would be in favor of such a plan? And now think about clintons/bidens/bushes.. what you think, would they help create a chinese 9/11?
I liked that tulsi gabbard called the wars regime change wars. I have respect for that. But someone calling out the wars for what they are will never have a chance in the establishment