Wonder what size collars they all wear? Want to make sure the rope fits right
Welcome to the party. Those of us awake are like family, even as members of our actual families are asleep. It's like living through a zombie movie, and it can be lonely. Ask questions if you have them, and get caught up. No time like the present
Using the words "retard" and "faggot" to close out a losing argument. Your hypocrisy is showing. Lecture me more about the bible, tho
"I'll report you to the admins." What a limp-wristed invertebrate you are 😆 Can't debate, so run to the hall monitor. Do what you gotta do, champ. What a weakling 🤡🤡
I'm not reading your wall of text. You've lost the argument. Your point was stupid. In your rush to proclaim yourself more Christian and holy than others, you judged others. I'll let God judge me. You don't get to question my faith. Let me know when all these people trying to force a needle in my arm turn into the Apostle Paul. Until then, shut your mouth.
Read back through your comments. You called me names multiple times, the true sign of someone who can't debate and doesn't have the mental capacity. You made the argument that the people taking my rights will one day be like Paul. In fact, they will only be shown the error of their ways and woken up. At that point, I don't care if they realize they were wrong or take the side of good. It's a weak point that you've been unable to articulate over multiple long-winded, nonsensical posts. Who are you to question the faith of others? You don't know me. You don't get to judge me. You aren't holier than me. Christians who lecture and question the faith of others disgust me, just as much as the people taking my rights. You do you, bro. I've heard enough from your blasphemous mouth
Blah, blah, blah. You're licking the boots of your oppressors. I don't need the lecture from you. Your original take was a bad one, no matter how many names you call me, how much you assume yourself to be holier-than-thou, and no matter how much you condescendingly tell me you have a better understanding of the bible than me or anyone else. Keep praising slavemastah, the one of oppressing and usurping your rights, hoping they become like one of the holy apostles one day. It really is comical, tiny brain. 😆🤡😆
You triggered? A lot of caveman grammar and run-on sentences. I'm a long time reader of the site. I started posting recently. I'm not a paid shill or handshake account. Here's a stone cold fact: more posts on this or any message board don't give bad analogies or comparisons validity. It doesn't give you more standing or credibility. When someone doesn't agree with a bad opinion, you don't get to play God and claim the other person is "against Jesus." What will it take? You not being able to shop, have a bank account, work? Maybe you get thrown in a camp? You go ahead and compare the evil in society to actual biblical figures all you want, sport. It's a hard no from me.
I'm not a handshake account. I'm about to lose my job because of the vaccinated and their embrace of fascism. But we should coddle them, thank them, and compare them to Paul, right?
Sorry, but this is a bridge too far. Comparing the vaxxed Nazis to the Apostle Paul aren't one and the same. These are weak-minded bootlickers with televisions stuck between their ears, cheering on as I and several million others are about to be fired. They went from "healthcare for everyone" to wanting me jobless and without the ability to grocery shop. They chose to separate themselves from God and turned to medical apartheid and fascism at the drop of a hat. These people disgust me. Fuck em
Chicago Cubs for me. 2016 happened, and it was all I could ever ask for and more
Meh, you'll get your vengeance by sign stealing and banging on trash cans
I was on the fence for a long time, but am not anymore. It's full on good vs. Evil
Bush appointed Roberts, not Trump. And Roberts, Mr. Little Knight of Malta, is scum
Fuck you, Beetlejuice! Nasty butthole eyes
A regular at Bohemian Grove. Went to the UN to lie before the world about "mobile chemical weapons plants." Fuck him
Sad to see what's happened to my birthplace, the Forest City. Democrat policies and years of the Chicago ghetto exported to Rockford after they tore down Cabrini Green. Add in the Section 8 housing compound they built on State and Milford and you have a recipe for Demonrat disaster. Fuck em.
I'll not fly one of these scumbags' airline until they are burned to the ground and replaced with something else. In addition, I'm waiting patiently to sue the fuck out of my company (not an airline) for dangling this threat over me for 3 mos and lying to the employees that the death jab was "FDA approved." Lying and breaking human rights laws is not a good look. Going to drag them on LinkedIn, as well, when it's time. Ask me if I give a fuck about a reference
Post a link to something if you're going to spread this, cuck