As I sit on a flight that was supposed to take off at 6pm.... it’s now 11pm and no fucking explanation. Yeah, super confident. Don’t fly southwest.
Oh sad. L I c g a f.
I remember...
Thank you. I’ll be honest, I was a real dumbass when I enlisted, thinking I was going to make a difference or something post 9/11. It’s been a long road. I’m not sure which was harder though-being active duty or the last 4 years. I feel as though we are all serving our country here. We’re all vets by now. I am grateful for everyone here.
You’ve been missed! Welcome back!!!
My nephew has severe autism. This past year he started having petit mal seizures. I never really knew what that was until I saw him have one on Thanksgiving day. He was fine, he has a rescue nasal spray for them but he slept all day. So then I found out 40% or more people with autism have seizures. It’s like.... could this nightmare be any worse? He used to speak well as a 2 year old, was perfectly developed until his 2 year shots. Then a light switch got flipped off. My poor sister has scratches all over her arms and face from his acting out but nobody can get a handle on what triggers it. You could say a word he doesn’t like and he’ll flip out. Anyway- for people who have children with autism- I pray for you every day because it is so incredibly difficult and discouraging to see what you go through. And there is very little help, at least where we live in FL. Please if y’all could say a little prayer for some hope for this.
Yes!! Amen!
Update us when you can.
Prayers for your family on the way. It all seems overwhelming. Multiple problems but it’s pretty typical that someone would be on a vent after this type of surgery. Standard, really but sometimes they come off of it in 3-4 hrs. However, most are longer and many 48 hrs or more. It depends on a lot of things-like their condition before surgery. Check out this site. You can call with questions. This isn’t like the c19 stuff. This is when vents actually are needed and so try not to be upset. I know it’s easy for me to say. Point is, it’s not crazy he’s still on it.
But you’ve just gone through an enormous amount of stress in a short time and it seems like all around you is this buzz of chaos. Take one thing- forget about the other stuff like the car for the time being. I would focus on praying for your stepdad, praying for yourself, for peace, wisdom and for HIM to help dad and mom, guide and comfort you. We’ve got this- we can pray hard but it’s times like these we learn a lot and especially learn about our faith.
I like Winn’s advice about the car.
Hoping so.
Thanks for this! I live in Hillsborough co. He’s not great and can confirm all that is true.
Cheers and God bless you! Gratitude is what I feel for all of you at GAW and the family and friends I do have, even through the mess and hell that has been the past 4 years. I’ve been here as long as I was in the MC-getting out after the horrible Obummer years. I’d say the stress the past 4 has been as great as it was back then and I’d also say- we should be very proud we persevered! God is good and so are we. God bless Pres Trump and his family!
My home away from home for so long now. It has been a blessing.
You’ve got it! Keep us updated, please!
For those who like eagles- this is a live nest cam from Ft Myers, FL with eagles M15 (male) and mate F23. Two eggs laid over the past 4 days and expected hatch is about New Years Day (they’ll see signs of impending hatch around then and the hatchlings are staggered.) I’ve followed this cam for years. It’s the coolest thing to see the hatchlings develop and also the bonding, care and nurturing both eagles provide. Anyway, I think it’s a nice stress reliever and even though things are looking up- they’re the best birds!
Awww sad Clooney is getting out of politics LOL the buzz around celebs being paid for endorsements continues
It appears to be the case. fox was talking about it as well.
Have you seen Homan shred Aoc? Gold.
Fec filings show Oprah received two payments of 500k each by the Harris campaign. Super flawless campaign. Pay money to celebs who don’t need any money at all.. meanwhile most of America can’t afford nutritious food or affordable housing. Flawless.
Yup. Who even listens to demon Eminem? No people. And Obama tryin to rap his lyrics... what a fing joke.
Along with Rachel madcow.
PBD podcast
Ohhhh man 3 am homecoming. So wrecked but plane didn’t crash so there’s that! Thanks!