There are a bunch of posts now about this and I just want to post a few pics of obummer that I found in a 2 min search for taped fingers. He does this. Golfers use tape. He’s got delicate hands. I really don’t think this is evidence of anything. Bandage- look at hand holding ball Bandage next to ring finger on cart. Bandage ring finger and possibly index
LOL these are so much fun outside. For indoors though, lotsa salt on the floor. But I love mine outdoors. It’s beyond satisfying in Florida. golf tape
I golf a lot and I agree with you 100%. This is nothing, why stickied?
Obummer has high cheek bones and what looks like impending ballsack eyes. I don’t see why a shadow is being touted as a black eye. This is him normally-
The golf pic shows a shadow and nothing more. I can’t stand the POS but the golf pic is just a golf pic. I seriously doubt he’d be out and about if he had injuries. No freaking way.
Yep. I went to Walgreens the other day and an employee I encountered confused me and caused a severe case of heebie jeebies (and that takes a lot with me.) Black dude, dressed in fairly normal men’s clothes (black pants and button down shirt,) full beard, average hair and... fake huge eyelashes, bright purple lipstick, blue eyeshadow, bright blush, flashy earrings. Super effeminate sounding voice and extremely nice to me. I just.. idk how to deal with it. I was polite, didn’t show any kind of reaction. I usually know when someone is trying deliberately to shock me and so I play their game to see how long it will last. Anyway, got the eff out of there as quick as possible.
I think it was in the words of comedian John Mulaney who I USED to like who said “is this what they think women look like? Bold and Brassy?”
What was the point though? Does that make me want to go back to that Walgreens? Hellllll to the heck no. Probably never again. What’s their motive, besides offending the average straight man, woman and child? Why is their interpretation of the opposite sex so cartoonishly badly exaggerated? Ugh.
Looks good!
I’m sorry, fren. Praying for you. I wasn’t a fan of SO’s music but just reading about her history and losing a son to suicide. I can’t imagine that sort of pain.
You ask for prayers to help get you out of this hole. I’ll certainly try to do that. I can pray for you to have comfort and relief from pain. I’ve abandoned the physical church (also Catholic) but one thing I won’t abandon is my faith. Prayers going out to you and remember, you’re not alone.
Does anyone have any guesses who “W.H.grampa” at TS might be? It’s spelled with an “m.”
He or she is leaving cryptic messages about going to Europe.. seems like an important mission. I’ve been through many of the comments and idk. Thoughts?
Yes, actually. It started a couple months ago with a tightness. I thought it was asthma. Now, several weeks of annoying, productive cough. I have many jabbed friends, coworkers etc so I figured it could be from them since they’re always sick lately. Last weekend I was with some friends who I know have had multiple jabs and sure enough, came down with a bad headache for two days and worse cough. Idk, it’s not anything to actually go to a doctor for but it is there.
This is somewhat off topic but what do you all think of the latest Ozempic (and similar) drug frenzy? It’s a diet drug errrbody who has money seems to be taking, only the people who really need it (diabetics) are having problems with shortages everywhere due to popularity. There are all kinds of warnings about side effects and possible cancers. It’s been popular in the bodybuilding world for a while now, as well. Anyway, I just wonder if this latest diet drug is somehow related to the AJ depopulation theory. If you deep dive into the history of the drug and the rapid explosion of it being pushed everywhere, especially with celebs.. but no real long term studies of it’s safety-I wonder if it is a ticking time bomb. That Starvation diet (which it essentially is,) combined with the c19 jabs...??? Seems like an ominous combination.
I do know once you’re on it, you’re pretty much on it for life and will gain back all the weight loss rapidly and then some. Even if you don’t have side effects, you’re now dependent on another drug. I guess I’m just rambling. Any thoughts? My instincts are telling me they’re connected.
Nah, I think Big Mike was the one who whacked him with the paddle. You’ve seen his biceps, yeah? But it does have lover’s triangle written all over it.
Well, Obama could get away with that and drop someone in a pond or creek but I could not. But a golf club is a good self defense weapon, in a pinch.
This same kind of thing happened while golfing. My buddy and I had a tee time and last minute this single guy asked if he could play with us. The whole time he talked about climate change, Covid, bashing Trump etc. It was all I could do to not lose my cool. He was a little older, so my buddy said “aww he seemed like a nice guy” while I was trying to ditch him but sure enough, he showed up in the clubhouse after wanting to buy us beer. More and more argumentative type topics brought up. I finally got up and said I had to get going and my friend followed me out asking why I was getting obviously annoyed and I said that normal “nice” people know what is polite conversation and what isn’t. Then it dawned on me- the @sshole is probably a paid influencer.
I believe they were paid to do this stuff during covid with masks, jabs and fear mongering and I believe they’re doing it now with climate, Ukraine and anything to sway people politically. Why not pay people to do this? It seems far fetched until you start thinking about the lengths they’ve gone to to steal an election and cause worldwide fear and loathing of Trump. I think they’re paid.
Having seen it today- I think it was extremely well done. You’ll be emotionally wrecked but glad you saw it. I was surprised it seemed completely apolitical. There was no way to take sides or claim bias. There is no good reason for the left to avoid it. Not one politician was mentioned. The border chaos wasn’t mentioned, though I realize it was made 5 years ago. You can’t be human if you’ve chosen to avoid this movie and deny this worldwide problem. It’s like the left/Dems don’t even want to hide their depravity and evil anymore. It’s like they’re saying “nah, we hate children unless we can rape ‘em and we want them sold into slavery. The more the better.” That’s what they’re effing saying.
Another thing I noticed was the theater was pretty full for a 4pm showing. We had to choose our seats and not many were available. Then, I noticed how diverse the audience was. Many ethnicities represented, several seemed teenaged. Tampa. So I also just read it’s being released internationally. This is great.
Go see it, if you haven’t yet.
The American Smarties are sour but the Canadian ones are totally different. They’re like larger M&Ms- chocolate inside, candy coating.
The Canadian version of sour Smarties are called “Rockets” btw. Kinda confusing.
I got a care package while deployed with “Spotted Dick” in it. LOL that can made it’s rounds, man. It became a legend, the receiver shamed. Best snack I ever got but I don’t think it was ever opened.
Smarties from Canada are really good, though they’re Nestle. But far better than M&Ms. They’re slightly bigger.
I like Cillian Murphy a lot as an actor (from Peaky Blinders,) so I was interested in seeing the movie Oppenheimer... but I’ve read a lot of reviews and it seems like fear porn, basically. People were frightened, even though we know how it worked out. And I also think it sounds like some predictive programming and possibly brainwashing. I doubt I’ll see it, def not in the theater.
Hey Zuck... claps robotically good job @sshole.
This one explains wars we’ve been involved in, how Trump’s foreign policy is so different and what he thinks will happen from now till 2024. This is a good one to send to people who need an intro into MacGregor
Driver 8! Probably my favorite.
Oh! Thank you!
I know, I hear ya. I don’t get too many inside. I pay for pest control, so that helps.