Normie12398 -2 points ago +1 / -3

But do you recognize the fishbowl of Bitchute, Rumble, GA.Win, Lin Wood, Flynn, Trump, etc?

All information is open to manipulation.

Normie12398 -2 points ago +1 / -3

“ Hence why it's used for propaganda. Charlie Chaplin did not allow music in The Great Dictator for this reason. He did not want to sway American audiences.”

Yes, but that’s specific to his movie, not all music is used for propaganda. Most musicians are broke and just trying to survive on something they love.

“ You're still exclusively consuming from the fishbowl.”

And what about the fishbowl of Bitchute, Rumble, GA.Win, Lin Wood, Flynn, Trump, etc? It’s definitely its own fishbowl of ideas repeated over and over.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

“Art and music aren't entertainment persay. I use my music to either earn money or propagate propaganda.”

Music isn’t entertainment? You never enjoyed music for the sake of enjoyment? If you think music is only good for money and propaganda, that is incredibly sad. Music is an expression of beauty and the emotions of the human experience.

“Are you starting to see the problem?”

Information can be manipulated and censored by large corporations. I’m well aware. I use my own discernment to consume what I choose to consume. You do the same thing with the information you consume from Bitchute or wherever. Both of our sources are open to manipulation.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

“People should consume 0 entertainment. It's a time waster.”

I disagree, art has existed since the dawn of time for a reason. Don’t you like music? By the way, this message board is technically a form of entertainment, it provides your brain with dopamine (pleasure).

“What information silo are you stuck in?”

A creative and colorful one, I like design.

“What happens if those bubbles are created and then GUARDED by all media? What happens then? Can you convince populations of complete lies?”

Of course. Those same bubbles can be manipulated by large swathes of social media accounts and people too.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who designs the tools for your design space?


Who provides the schooling for your design space?

Most art schools, but I’m self taught.

Who creates the tech for your design space?


Focus on one of those elements. Any cracks appear for you?

Art school and Adobe. Adobe is basically the Google of design programs, so it’s just capitalism doing its thing, as usual.

Masonic teachings place each of their cultists at an 8hour segment of work, an 8hour segment of rest, and an 8hour segment of study and contemplation. Why is entertainment not in that 24-hour block?

I know people who consume more entertainment than they work and sleep.

Do you understand your problem yet?

I understand your fish bowl analogy, which is also the “escaping the Matrix” analogy. Both of which are based on Emmanuel Kant. I recommend his philosophy books if you like those ideas.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

The power structure for graphic design?

Most designers are self-employed, or they work for a private business. There isn’t any higher structure than that.

“Have you seen this same corruption creep through your social media?”

I just use social media to keep up with old friends, or for comedy.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

Will reply to this in the other comment thread

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool, I like focused discussion.

My hobby is graphic design, usually messing around with color palettes and design elements.

“When has the media establishment lied about that?”

Well they never discuss graphic design, it’s a creative field with no absolutes.

Do you think I just consume news/media all day? Honestly, I prefer to create more than I consume.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which uncomfortable topic are referring you to exactly? Please be specific.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

1.) I was responding to you, remember? You said:

“Start to ask yourself why things don't make sense. You guys seem to be very upset about everything happening right now with "break away realities"”

So I responded and said no, I’m not upset, I’m happy with a girlfriend. That’s it. I was just giving an example that life is good.

  1. I never said you were uneducated. I said Q posts are just ideas you learn in college. It’s not mind blowing stuff like people seem to believe.

3.) I never said you were a boomer, I said the majority of Q adherents are.

By the way, you were the first person to start slinging insults, just look at your first couple of replies.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

The original Q posts were debunked by 4chan users, which would mean any projections from a consensus would be based on faulty information.

Just because a large group of people agree on the same biases, it doesn’t mean the original information is not fake. Large groups of people used to think the world was flat. I mean, 4chan was a notorious shitpost site, posters were constantly trying to fuck with groups of IRL people.

Don’t you think it’s strange that most Q followers are from the boomer generation? Why do you think that happened?

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

Earlier, you said you trusted the original Q posts because other people did as well. How do you know that those people weren’t being misled?

Start at the source, anything you believed after those original posts is just confirmation bias.

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol not true, that’s a straight up lie. I’m responding to your other comments (not on this thread I guess). I don’t even know what comment thread I’m responding to because I’m doing this on my phone and can’t see all the comments. I’m just responding to the notification bell.

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, you’re misunderstanding me.

Obviously, some things can be drawn to conclusion, like gravity or the weather.

However, when it comes to nuanced situations regarding people and their thoughts, you have to scrutinize your own biases more thoroughly.

For example, from that video, maybe Kanye was giving a Masonic handshake to Jay-Z or maybe he was giving a half-hearted high five because of the reach? I’ve done that plenty of times, and it never meant a Masonic handshake, I just wasn’t paying attention to giving a high-five. You see what I mean?

The world is complex and nuanced. Not everything can be explained by using your own personal belief system. Certain things need to be double-checked and scrutinized more critically.

Normie12398 0 points ago +1 / -1

But those are all assumptions. You’re just saying that your assumptions are fact before testing them. Same as the video. The guy states a bunch of assumptions, and then believes that his assumptions are fact without testing them.

For example, a person might make this assumption: “my microwave is monitoring me.”

While another person might say, “Not true, your microwave is not monitoring you.”

So they test the assumption and dissect the microwave, and realize the second person was correct, and the assumption was incorrect.

The problem with all of your claims is that they never leave the realm of assumption.

Start to ask yourself why things don't make sense. You guys seem to be very upset about everything happening right now with "break away realities" and an increase in the number of "crazy Trump Q people."

This is actually incorrect. Things are going fine for me and people like me. Life is good, I just got a new girlfriend, my stocks are up, and the weather is finally warming up, it’s great. Occasionally, I’ll poke my head in here to see what the new Q trend is, or the new hopium trend. It’s entertaining to watch, albeit kind of sad.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

We just went over this, I never stated I went through every Q post or what that was.

Just explain your point, and then we can discuss.

Although, to be fair, you already answered my question earlier, so I’m not sure why you’re asking.

I'm going to ask you not resort to childish demeaning filth like that in the future.

What? What is childish demeaning filth? I was just curious about your education because Q posts just sound like college talking points.

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not judging, but did you go to college? This type of thinking is not that deep, it’s literally the basics of an early college education.

Maybe this type of information blows your mind, but it just reminds me of when everyone was watching Fight Club in college and acting all edgy. In case you haven’t seen it, the movie glorifies this Q outlook and nihilism in general.

Add multiple layers of 'coincidences' which mathematically proves legitimacy (standard deviation)

Not true, actually, coincidences do not prove legitimacy. Proving an evidence-based hypothesis more than once proves legitimacy.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did I say I went through all the Q posts?

You make a lot of assumptions. You said I was from Reddit too (not true). You said I was a golem blah blah blah.

You literally know nothing about me, but constantly make assumptions and insult me over and over again. Why? Are you insecure? Are you sad, frustrated, angry, miserable? I’m guessing it’s all of the above.

You originally said to ask a question and I asked a basic question. You gave a good answer and I agreed with you, that you believe the original Q posts because other people believe them. Now you’re angry again. I don’t understand why you’re so upset.

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

You said earlier that Q wasn’t about predictions, remember?

Again, what about the predictions that didn’t come true?

Do you know what cold reading is? It’s a method by self-proclaimed “psychics” to predict a person’s life story or future. Sometimes cold readings are accurate, and sometimes they’re flat-out wrong. Regardless, the method is simply a form of manipulation.

Nothing you have stated has given me a reason to trust the original Q posts on an anonymous message board. I don’t trust random anonymous people on the internet simply because other people trust them.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because people built a community around those words to do research which later bore immense fruit.


You trusted a random internet person’s original posts because other people trusted those posts.

Which means, if the original posts were lies or manipulation, any fruit that bore from them would be formed around lies.

If there is no way to validate the original Q poster, everything that formed around Q could technically be invalid.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m aware of baking ideas, etc..

I’m saying to question the very, very beginning. The original Q posts that started everything.

Why do you trust those initial posts at face value?

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q is literally asking us to stop taking the world at face value and figure it ourselves.

This is not new information though, the whole idea of questioning authority and questioning the world around you has been taught in schools for decades. I learned these ideas during my freshman year of college.

So now I will ask again, why do you trust a random internet person that posted on an anonymous message board?

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK here’s a basic question:

Why do you trust a random internet person (Q) that posted on an anonymous message board?

This may seem like a silly question, but as someone that grew up on the internet, it was always common knowledge that every message board / chat room was full of trolls, liars, bad faith actors, sociopaths, and master manipulators. Remember the saying, “never trust anything you read on the internet”? It’s because the internet is full of bullshit artists.

Normie12398 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t watch mainstream news. I don’t know anyone under 40yrs old that watches mainstream news. This is why a bunch of tech-illiterate boomers got manipulated by an online message board.

All of your answers would take time to unpack, so I’m just going to focus on one thing for now.

Q asks us to specifically do research like looking up old newspapers and doing our own thinking.

Research does not mean finding information that you agree with and drawing red lines between them. Research means finding contradictory sources (sources you agree with AND sources that oppose your views), and then using additional evidence to deduce which source of information is the most accurate.

This is why I mocked “do your own research,” because it’s not research when you’re simply confirming your own biases. Actually doing research would involve looking at both Q drops and MSM, and then providing additional evidence to both sources and trying to deduce which seems the most correct.

Normie12398 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ugh you say that, but it’s always happening. Here’s just some random ones off my head:

Why isn’t Hillary in jail and why did the military never take over? Why do you continue to trust Q drops if there have been false predictions?

If other people are being manipulated by MSM misinformation, why do you think you are not being manipulated by Q misinformation?

If vaccines are secretly killing everyone, why wouldn’t the DS use something more hidden like food or over-the-counter medication? It’s far more expensive and difficult to create mass-vaccination sites.

I mean, I could go on and on. And by the way, “do your own research” is not an answer, it’s just a way to avoid the question.

The thing is, the more questions asked, the more likely I’ll get banned. I’d be happy to discuss elsewhere though.

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