I thought that was the math greater than sign🙄
I understand fraud vitiates everything, but isn't military justice above a Federal pardon making it irrelevant?
Release the truth about who the C_A killed, and then maybe release the truth that the CIA didn't get JFK JR?
It had to be this way.
I've had four of these and none of them worked!
Give her some privacy as she battles testicular cancer.
Once the Red Cross money grab dries up they're on to the next bs
Isn't it interesting how we were all programmed to answer questions from when we were in school? Who the fuck answers some random dude's questions. I'd respond "fuck you bro, I'm not answering your questions." What a shitty terrorist.
Too many gloss over what a hot piece of ass (& mind) POTUS pulled.
Oops! I read Tucson! Thanks Fren
This was epic and mind blowing. I've sent to all of my frens to listen
Borax is a salt. It's not "bleach" 2.0
Get the capsules 3mg. Much easier
Boron is easy to take. Get 3mg capsules. Take one per day. Helps with testosterone production as well. I had a bone spur on my hip, all but gone. No joint pain.
They're eating the cats, They're eating the dogs. They're eating the pets, of the people who live there! 🤣🤣
Cut out carbs increase protein. Get a constant blood glucose monitor to see what foods spike blood sugar/insulin.
You had me until until cat food🤣🤣
Govern me harder, daddy.
Ayahuasca from South America. It's a root made into a tea. It's a deeply spiritual and expansive experience. One of the best experiences of my life.
The difference between the cartel in Mexico and the one in America, in America they're cartel has letterhead...
Why would he even bother being burnt over a spit like that and do interviews. These people are stupid.
Awesome. Giddyup 🤠