Because: Giving in to the sexual passions leads to giving it to other passions, such as love of money, cheating and all the rest. It is only a matter of time before the fabric of the society is rent and the civilization goes down the tubes. We in America should be worried about this.
And this year we, or rather I, had guests screaming because I said that what I was most thankful for was the outcome of the election. So, attempts to control me. Didn't work. They shouted, "No politics!" That wasn't politics, it was thankfulness. So, you see that people are still out to control others, as prescribed by the stupid COVID rules that many followed to the "t"!
I guess I committed the Great Faux Pas at Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. There were four guests with whom I was unacquainted. Everyone at table said what they were thankful for, and I said, "For the outcome of the recent election." No names were mentioned. This created groans and protestations from, I guess those liberal ladies I did not know. I didn't care. THAT was what I was thankful for. Thank you my President. I am thankful for you!!! And, being Orthodox, I was not eating meat or gravy, just vegetables and bread. I don't think they liked my explanation of why I was fasting. I said, "It's a spiritual exercise". All in all, I was not on the same wavelength, and I got out of there soon enough. Wow!! Even if they didn't like my reason for being thankful, it was MY reason. So, frens, more harassing from the left!! I don't care. I am a fighter for the truth!! I hope you were all surrounded by frens!
The word "pure" is descriptive of the quality of the milk. and how was that achieved??? So, not a good alternative. I suggest "real milk", meaning milk that has not had many of its properties destroyed by pasteurization. It's real.
Now he's a hero.