The amount is stupid shit on here is rising exponentially. A lot of people think everything is a conspiracy, even when it’s easily explained by common sense. I have to wonder if there are trolls posting this stuff then laughing when people believe it.
This is a new level of stupid. It was very expensive to live there and a lot of the residents went to their summer home because it’s hot in Florida in the summer. You can’t see the bodies because the roof is on top of them. The flashes were electrical arcs. The building fell because it was poorly maintained in an environment that was corrosive to the concrete and the post tension cables and the foundation was subpar. The elevator shaft is the strongest part of the building and it stopped the rest of the building from falling.
I’m sure I missed something but I’ve made my point.
I agree. We all know they will come up with some major news to push when the audit comes out. I interpreted the post as a reminder to not forget about the audit. I don’t see what’s wrong with that. The clickbait headline is gay though.
You went from character assasination, to men don’t have balls(which is what you disagreed with in your first post), to domestic abuse. I don’t think men are backing down from you because they’re scared. I would hazard a guess that they don’t know what’s going on and don’t want to deal with it. I know I’m in that camp. Have a good night.
I would absolutely say the women have more balls than the men in general. I haven’t backed down from shit, I even had the cops called on me for it. There is no reason the men can’t stand their ground and speak the truth.
A few places require vaccine records. To go to a concert, fly, or shop; for example. They do demand we show proof of vaccination(papers), like Hitler in WW2, and they can fuck off. It’s happening in the US and abroad.
Yup. I skimmed it and it basically said they don’t know what they are.