I haven't drawn any conclusions. That's the whole point. I don't see how anybody can call BS on a claim when you have only tested the theory on a sample size of 2. You indeed could be correct, but you could be wrong. A data set of 2 is insufficient.
Q737 I hope some day Patriots, Vets, and Anons get the respect that we deserve. Marine anons have felt betrayed by the same people we were willing to die to protect. I've felt lost until you showed up in October.
Thank you form the depths of my heart
343080 We are with you, Patriot. We honor your service to our great country. Without people like you, the world would be lost. Godspeed. Q
Now red1?[enter text] one red tie (https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1350540845716561927)
Run the Gematria on the endings of his tweets: WHERE WE ENDED = 555= Q555 we are WITH YOU
We never took our eyes of Yemen= See numerology teaches those that pay attention.
There are many other interesting links if you run them. Make of it what you will.
I got equine stuff online from veterinarians. It's the same stuff;just calculate the dosage by weight.