Well good. I hope I gave you extra context.
Those photos you reference as unconfirmed are not Bolsonaro rallies, they are from the Brazilian 200th anniversary of independence that happened in September of 2021. They are carrying Brazilian flags which is confusing because often Bolsonaro supporters carey primarily the Brazilian flag claiming it for their party. Lula rallies have a red flag as their symbol.
I was in Rio de Janeiro walking the city the night of the election. Throngs of people all carry red flags only the very very very seldom Bolsonaro supporter was visible in stark contrast to the huge crowds of people in red. The Bolsonaro supporters were Stronger out in the Suburbs. Rio is a city but it’s also a huge metropolitan area stretching out 50km. And it’s a state. The rural areas of the state were more conservative but the city center was absolutely a Lula stronghold. All the rallies I’ve seen in 10 months here were Lula rallies.
Those videos that you think are all bolsonaro supporters. They aren’t carrying bolsonaro flags they are carrying Brazilian flags. All of those crowds are from the sept 2022 Brazilian 200 year independence anniversary.
There was a big rally for Bolsonaro at Copacabana beach last year: that’s the video everyone keeps seeing . Since then I have seen dozens of massive rallies for Lula in the streets of Rio. Rio de Janeiro is a state and a city. It has an urban core and then massive dense suburbs stretching for 50 km out of the center. You’ll find the bolsonaro supporters out there but more in a 50/50 kinda way.
The vote was 51 to 49. Of course Bolsonaro has supporters and rallies. It’s not like the USA in 2016 and 2020 where trump filled stadiums and Biden couldn’t fill an auditorium. The cities here have huge populations and you’ll find videos of massive rallies for both of them. Just as I try to get accurate information on Facebook and Twitter I also want this forum to have good information and not just act from their confirmation bias. It’s important if you want to have a good map of the terrain.
Thank you for being empathic
Jesus never said anything against the gays but he did on divide Mathew 19:9
“I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.“
I don’t see you calling Trump to the carpet for divorcing Ivana. Totally pick and choose on the a Bible bro.
Yeah well I live here and have traveled Brazil extensively.
If it was an electoral vote Lula would have won also. He carried a majority of the states.
Also whoever this idiot is only posted five states. Brazil has 26 states and Lula carried 14 of them. That’s more than half. He also beat Bolsonaro by 2 million votes. Twice. Bolsonaro is not trump and this election is not the USA in 2020. If Truth social would get it’s act together and let people from anywhere other than the United States log in, like Brazil, maybe it would have some real international News.
The center of Rio de Janeiro was filled with Lula supporters. I didn’t see a single bolsonaro supporter except out in the suburbs. The northeast went for Lula because it is poor and black.
I’m gay. Been following q before it even got to Reddit. I was a Republican voter all the way to bushes term and it was the Georgia gay ballot amendment to disallow gay marriage and the Iraq war that got me activated and made me vote dem for the next 15 years, because the Republican big tent politics felt like a lie. I was a Bernie advocate because what I really wanted was an outsider. Finally trump got my attention with his actions. I didn’t vote for him the first time but I wish I had. He was awesome and he never crapped on the gays. So smart. But it’s the anti-gay commentary on here that makes me question my few years Of rooting for the right. I do think activism goes too far but it often arises out of a felt trauma from being acted against. Activist often get activated by something they experience directly. Never forget that. Treat all beings as children of the divine, divine expressions of God worthy of respect and you will catalyze a mass of people. Throw crap and people walk away or launch worse at you. It’s not smart, it’s not effective.
Seems like a bullshit story to me.
Gay man here talking. Been with Q since the beginning. There are just as many heterosexual opportunities for your son to have in school. If he’s kissing a boy there’s a good chance that your son might be gay. There’s nothing wrong with him, there’s nothing wrong with you. Creating a bunch of wrongness is going to weave judgement, against ness and rejection into the space where God wants there to be love, connection, family. Don’t loose family for an idea. I bet you don’t freak out this much about a pork sandwich and the Bible is pretty explicit about that too. Jesus didn’t condemn the gays, he condemned the Pharisees who put money and ideology before love and humanity. Just lobe you son. As he is. As God made him. He will navigate just fine. Love and acceptance that is Jesus’s way. Trust in that. Trying to argue with what is will tie you in knots and drive a wedge in your loving family. He may be straight too. You’ll know when he knows. Leave the parasite meds for covid.
Remember in the movie, “The king’s men” when they implanted explosive devices in the main politicians heads that would explode if they didn’t obey orders? First Hollywood tends to telegraph the truth, second there were a lot of other things in that movie that came true.
Please show me one.