deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
PaleMale 1 point ago +1 / -0

What we expect: arrests

What we get: Trump NFT trading cards and Trump coin

These breaking announcements are breaking the will of the people. The fact that he hasn't addressed the safety concerns of COVID vax or the phase 1 blunder are deeply concerning.

That being said, the man took a bullet and continues to fulfill countless other promises. Far better than the communist alternative.

PaleMale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol says the person posting absolutely no information. Smug and probably wrong. Name a top crypto that doesn't have infinite creation capabilities please.

PaleMale 0 points ago +2 / -2

There is a fixed number of Bitcoin. I'm pretty sure all of the other cryptos allow for infinite supply. It's either Bitcoin or digital fiat.

PaleMale 7 points ago +7 / -0

Kill Tony is a popular show where edgy jokes are consistently made. Outrage about his jokes doesn't make sense. Anyone offended by his set wouldn't vote for Trump.

PaleMale 8 points ago +8 / -0

The anti-culture folks are quickly being exposed as just anti-Christ.

PaleMale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Post claims second attempt. I don't know what all the psychic predicted. Suspect is in custody.

PaleMale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like the second attempt was from a white dude. Nice try though.

PaleMale 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you press someone on the point of everything from nothing, they usually respond with something about how the big bang doesn't account for the creation of matter. The big bang only explains the distribution of matter.

This is a lame cop out. The beginning of matter must be explained or you don't even have a hypothesis.

Again this is not ignorance concerning the property of matter, it is the understanding of conservation.

PaleMale 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't have to insert opinion. Something that is evident to one may not be to another.

This argument shouldn't be from ignorance, rather the argument should be based on established science.

Matter and energy are always conserved. Either something outside of this system (God) inserted the mass and energy, or mass and energy are eternal.

If eternal, energy always flows from higher energy sources to lower, and energy transfer always results in increased entropy. Therefore it is impossible for mass and energy to be eternal without reaching a state of entropy where no energy can be exchanged. This would have occurred somewhere in the infinite past. There is a beginning of this universe where no mass and energy existed.

PaleMale 4 points ago +4 / -0

No pictures? Must be black or trans.

PaleMale 4 points ago +9 / -5

There is only one God, Jesus Christ. When God says something will happen, it will. People falling for false prophets are down voting. Oh well. Popular opinion does not determine truth.

I'm not calling the guy in the video a false prophet. I know very little about him. If Trump doesn't have another assassination scare from a woman in a dress, he is a false prophet.

PaleMale -4 points ago +5 / -9

God doesn't say something is going to happen, so you can stop it. That would make God a liar and the prophet a false prophet.

PaleMale 3 points ago +3 / -0

Other posts on here showing she is all for DEI. What a joke. If she had integrity, she would step down immediately. wow... who could of thought of a rooftop sniper. This was the first one. No one has ever heard of this strategy before. When the guy bagging your groceries knows to check for rooftop snipers, this is an utter embarrassment.

PaleMale 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone get the feeling that Kim Cheatle was promoted purely for being female? DEI is now just a misspelling of DIE.

PaleMale 1 point ago +1 / -0

As much as I hate the Bidens, I believe they have the right to keep and bear arms.

Trump is not allowed to own a gun after being convicted as a felon. If you think felons shouldn't own guns, I hope you remember that when charged with bogus felonies.

PaleMale 2 points ago +2 / -0

At his events, he was happy to send people to protestant, catholic or Jewish worship centers. This is not something a Christian would do.

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