the power of truth compell you!
I would partially agree with you. But the thing is a good 75% of doomers I see on here have never even bothered to read the drops or do their own research. They went from blindly following the msm to blindly following whatever talking Qhead is telling them.
You should really upgrade to the doomer bopper 5000. It's got a customizable sound that plays when you bop some dooms. I have mine currently set to play the "because you'd be on jail" trump quote iys great
No clue. Not my choice to make. I read the drops and interpret them as I see fit. Just like everyone else here should do. I know it's not easy but what other choice do we have? Give up the country and our freedoms to these bastards? Not a chance even if we did give up they would still come looking for all of us. Stay strong fren do whatever you can to keep your head above water. I fear the worst is yet To come
So if it doesn't happen for another year? As long as it happens who tf cares. It's not our timelines it's the militaries. So if it ends up happening anyone who says things like that was being a doomer. And if it never happens then we were all fooled and were all a bunch of dumb asses.
Thank you! At least there are a few sane people left on this board. ITT doomers, date faggots, and shills.
Not judging his account age he's judging the fact that the dudes being a dooming faggot with a month old account. 99% of Q is waiting. Been waiting for 3+years what's a little while longer? Did Q not say then end wasn't for everyone? Did Q not say things would get a lot worse before they got better? What is a precipice?!?
Man so many people hating on you. Dude you replied to being a doomer faggot and yet you are being the one down voted and people are attacking you. This place need to tidy up the ship. Button down the hatches and prepare for the storm. Instead it's full of doomers, shills, and posts with zero context or proof. Smdh
Nope. Barr made him a special counsel back in October 2020. Mueller special counsel went on for three years so who knows. Waiting sucks but there's nothing else we can do at this point
Well considering durhams investigation isn't over. And the scope of it just got massive in October 2020 I find it very hard to say that it's a disappointment. Q has talked on the Huber investigation so my point is moot on it.
I still feel like we are waiting on durham. Q has mentioned him to many times as well as mentions in his last posts. I honestly think his investigation is what sparks it all off.
Well you would to if the man was about to expose the fact that you and all your friends are satanic pedos. And with that being said let's fire up the gallows!
Ya but think how enjoyable the next part of the movie will be? Things will get a lot worse before they get better.
Was going to upvote but you at -17. I liked the joke.
Well thats all fine and you can say that but I'm not about to go sniff a bunch of old men...
Nothing wrong with stepping back for a while. At the height of Qs posting in 2018 I was staying up all night trying to come up with quality decodes, and when I did sleep it was normally about Q related shit in the form of nightmares. Occupied my mind 24/7. I took a couple months off and just dipped my toes back in for a while. Focused less on decoding and just reading and supporting the movement.
Lol man do I feel this comment on a deep level.
Anytime I bring up an article I saw months ago to friends they always demand a source. Sorry I didn't save one super specific article from 6 months ago because I thought it would be relevant today.
On the other hand I do love that we are all growing to where we want to see sources before we blindly follow things. Cause that's how we beat project mockingbird
Imma press D. This man deserves no respect. Only a massive DEPORT. NCSWIC!!!
It's been that way since back on reddit. Trust me it's pretty fucking organic. When I talk to liberals about Q they go wow that's a deep conspiracy theory you found yourself in wtf. When i try to talk to TDW about you basically get excommunicated.
This is months old...
^^Doomer trash^^
Trump won't be back till March 4th imo. Original inauguration date
Man been there. It hurts so much. Sooooooon
Came for an erection joke stayed cause also excited af
Well what we going to cook?
"I like my chicken just slightly undercooked. I know I'm a monster. But not the same kind of monsters as all those satanic child murdering pedos am I right? Guys...? Surely you know about all the pedos? No, well boy are you in for a bad time where should I start? What's that you don't want to hear about it, but why knowledge is power?
And now you see why the wife and I aren't invited to more BBQs lololol.