Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotta tip my hat to them.

Peanuttles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm really sorry, son! I'm meeting with some people to pray for everyone tonight. I'll be sure you and your family are remembered, too.

Peanuttles 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think they called that "cracklin" cornbread, didn't they? Because the bacon grease made the edges a little crispy in the iron skillet? OMG, it's great!

Peanuttles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Grew up middle class, but as the family was from Louisiana to Texas, originally, we loved pinto beans, cornbread and fried potatoes. Our mom usually made them on rainy days. But I grew up in Cali, so it was a treat! Chili beans and cornbread, too. My wife follows a channel on youtube called Hillbilly Kitchen and a few others. I think that woman is from Appalachia and she has a lot of good ideas from the old days to stretch the budget. She recently made koolaid pie and it was great. Neither one of us ever had it before. There's another woman who showed cooking from the depression era. She passed well into her 90's a number of years ago. But her name was Clara. You can still see her channel on youtube thanks to her Grandson who was the one who filmed her. Looked it up. It's called Great Depression Cooking. The stories are great that go along with it, plus there are plenty of money saving ideas.

Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the updated list. I've been wondering about that. You know, there is more real news here than any news channel I used to watch. Been feeling there is a lot being kept out of the news from around the world here in the US. Thank God for the Q boards!

Peanuttles 5 points ago +5 / -0

Abiotic oil theory--not "fossil fuel." It's created by heat and great pressure underground. I remember reading about a well in Louisiana, I think it was. Drained and capped it. Went back to check a few years later and it was full again.

Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been saying this for some time. He is the catalyst that was needed with all the woke nonsense we're seeing.

Peanuttles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Soon they'll be exposed. Then the whole world can laugh at them with the rest of us. They keep wanting to promote us as violent extremists. They should be ashamed. But it's pretty obvious they have no shame. No brains, either. They keep coming up with such boneheaded schemes. I can't even get very excited anymore when they start pushing a new one, because without fail, the next day they're unmasked and proven to be frauds, liars and pervs. They're the evil gift that keeps on giving. We don't even have to do anything but meme. They take care of destroying themselves, all by themselves!

Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's also the day before the Jewish holy days begins, isn't it? Either sundown that day or the next?

Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found Keith Jeffer's LinkedIn profile. If you scroll down it says he's part of the Scottish Rite Masons...


Peanuttles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been telling people this since the beginning. But it did wake up millions around the world. And I still trust the plan.

Peanuttles 4 points ago +4 / -0

Truthfully, I think they're afraid. The governments of the world are melting down with massive protests everywhere. I think they're trying to intimidate the people here before they can follow suit.

Peanuttles 5 points ago +6 / -1

Same here. We have family there. Been praying for the good people in the UK for several years. God help and protect our brothers and sisters there.

Peanuttles 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think a lot of other people are, too. My family actually began praying for a cleansing of our judicial system over 30 years ago. We could see the rot taking over in our own little town, so we began praying for the whole US judicial system to become what God intended it to be--with no two-tiered system that allows the wealthy and connected to avoid real justice. I think we're getting close to seeing it begin.

Peanuttles 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if you accept that truth, you begin to see evil involvement in other things--including the rot inside our own governments. You actually go through the stages of grief when you come to the realization of how evil your own government really is. It felt like a death to me. Death of a dream I had about my own country, really.

Peanuttles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think his ego has everything to do with his current stance. I think a lot of people had an intuitive visceral reaction to it and the way it was pushed on the public. But doing the research backed up what God was trying to tell us. And he doesn't believe in God, so he didn't ask for wisdom and insight like many of the unvaxed I know. God gives you wisdom and intuition, if you stay tuned into Him. But it's up to you to use what God gives you to put it into perspective. That's one thing Q did that will help us in a lot of situations. They taught us to recognize there is a matrix of sorts and much is deliberately being hidden from us. But it's up to us to do our due diligence to research things we're being confronted with, instead of just staring at the boob tube at the end of the day.

Peanuttles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, the first major clues to me were Bill Gates own words and his involvement in big pharma. Over and over, as I listened to his speeches, he mentioned vaccines and DEPOPULATION, which made no sense. Vaccines should save lives. But this was not a standard vaccine. It was something else. And I looked for trials Gates was part of in third world areas of India, Africa and places like Peru to see their ultimate outcome. He liked to test the poisons he invested in on poor, brown children. Those tests killed and permanently disabled many of those children. Pray for justice for all of the victims of these evil oligarchs. I also ask God to take back their wealth so it can be distributed among all their many victims. It's too late for those who have died, but maybe it would help their families survive and cope.

Peanuttles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because they created this one as a weapon on purpose. We weren't fighting something born of nature. This was a cabal-created pandemic. And from the groups promoting it to the point of talking about incarcerating the unvaxed against their will, you can now see entities the cabal controls through placing of their people in top positions. So many government entities are suspect, as well as international ones like the UN and the WHO.

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