These people are the best gun salesmen!
The underwhelming riot response has been the biggest tell the deep state is neutered.
“If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same”
Don’t linger on yesterday’s victory. It’s time to move forward and this is a great place to go!
I do believe art is part of the mechanism that launders money, but this actually is one of the more realistic valuations I’ve seen.
WHOA at your first line. WTactualF
Welcome to the desert of the real.
That’s quite the performance from someone conspiring against their own child.
How can you know the verdict already? FreekyleUSA says it was setup by wendy rittenhouse? How can you tell glowies from those with genuine hope?
At first I thought I was looking at the dress. Then I saw the tattoo. Then the earrings! Wowzers!
Looks like a dude wearing some jewelry.
I think we are finally awakening to real evil. We are kind of alone together here and some of these truths are too much for one person to approach without surrendering at least part of the burden to Christ. Black pills do exist and the only defense is to pray against it.
Love this sauce!
Thanks for compiling these posts, mukzn!
Not all search results fall on November 12
These people are sick