Tax reasons in Canada.
That's on page 512 or something of the build back better. As well, eveey car to have a breathalyzer
Its probably so they can sell stock in this fucked up market. Once you resign, you can sell the fucking shit out of your stock.
Crash incoming post TPG listing is my best guess.
Lactoferrin was 73 bucks for 15 or so pills... Definitely not a daily part of the vitamin regime!
Two kikes and a virtual signaling white
Kikes gonna kike
Correction... This is just another way to manipulate history for the victor.
Anyone that believes in mass gassing, mass burning etc are idiots if they ever studied war and logistics and or certain laws of thermodynamics.
I thought ths Ukraine was the original home of the Khazars... Hence the thousand years fight with russia when she wiped out the khazar empire originally.
Explains thd Holodomor.