PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

Feels like the French are doing it right. Signs and posters don't bear teeth in 2023, but torches and pitchforks sure as hell do.

Wonder when we'll see this kind of uprising in the US? I feel like if we didn't live in a surveillance state, Americans would've done this to Wall Street by now. Wishful thinking, lmao...

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi! I recommend a few sources--a website called Cafe Astrology is invaluable for beginners. It is where I learned all the basics. Astro.com has lots of resources too, and they're one of the more "official" websites about astrology. If you feel like taking the YouTube or podcast route, check out anything by Chris Brennan, The Astrology Podcast, and Anne Ortelee. I absolutely love Anne. She's a pretty left leaning person and I definitely don't agree with all of her political viewpoints, but in my opiniom she's an incredibly well-spoken person with a big heart. I have learned more from her "weekly astrological weather" videos and recordings than anywhere else, other than Cafe Astrology.

The more you delve into the subject, the more complex it tends to get--but don't be intimidated if it seems like a lot of info. You don't need to know it all. The most important things are the signs of the Zodiac, the planets that rule them, and the house system--which divides different areas of mortal life into 12 slices, one to correspond with each Zodiac sign. Aries matches the first house, Taurus the second, and so on. There are common denominators between houses, signs, and the planets connected to them. And you'll learn that all the signs have different relationships with one another in interesting ways. That's where Anne's information is wonderful. Every week she talks about where the planets are, what alignments they're forming, and what that means for us humans.

All that being said, astrology has vastly improved my quality of life. I've never been an unhappy person, but sometimes really weird and confusing shit happens. Astrology has helped me understand how there is divine timing in everything. It's helped me look at stressful situations from a different and more spiritual perspective. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about!

I wish you the best with your journey. If you do decide to learn more about astrology, one day you should come back to the day you posted this comment to look at the transits from the sky to your own birth chart. Chances are something interesting will line up, which perhaps encouraged you to learn more~ :)

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's so cool, I look at it the same way! And thank you for this info--I never knew the name of the astrologer, but I'd heard about Nancy being involved. Would be awesome to learn more...time for research!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

He also threw his own creation out of the heavenly realms for daring to give humanity higher knowledge (cries in Prometheus 🥲)

PumpkinsAndPopsums 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're welcome, and same here! I'm in my 30s, and when I was a teenager I thought astrology was the dumbest shit ever LOL. But the universe humbled me. The older I got, the more I noticed the coincidences too--and eventually I found a "tool" and a "language" to help me wrap my mind around them...and that is astrology.

I don't think every single little thing about it is 100% valid 100% of the time, but I do believe that the main foundation of all astrology comes from some divine force outside of us all, which we experience every moment, even though we can't fully understand it. Maybe that's "god" to some people. It's something like that to me. But whatever's going on, I personally think it is too consistent to be ignored or treated like heresy!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're welcome!! And thank you for reminding me of this verse! I KNEW there was a verse about the stars as signs, that's so cool!

I am personally not a Christian but I do believe in a divine force, and I do believe that the figure of Jesus Christ was a real & loving being that is beyond full human comprehension. That's why astrology is so cool to me--it fits in with my worldview perfectly. I think those "heavenly lights" can be interpreted like great gears of a clock. We can use them as a way to keep track of what has happened, and what may happen next, because of energetic cycles. Do they cause Earthly events to happen? I'm not totally sure. Maybe sometimes, maybe not other times. But can they be studied as signs from above, for what we might expect here on Earth? Absolutely. In my opinion, they are too consistent to be ignored. And it is not our job as mortals to understand every angle of how these forces work, or why they happen...that's for divine energies outside of ourselves to worry about. But we get to experience it in our own way, in our own lifetime. I think there's something beautiful about that.

PumpkinsAndPopsums 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is untrue but I know you're coming from a place of decency and concern. I do not believe in a god that punishes its creations for studying the symbolic meaning of its other creations. That is not logical to me. I'm a spiritual person in my own way but I do not subscribe to any one secular religion or practice--astrology included! I just do my own thing. And the infinite divine that I believe in doesn't love me any less for the way I choose to perceive it. If you believe that the god you worship, as you perceive him, would punish his creations for not following specific guidelines perpetuated by centuries and centuries of religious dogma, designed specifically to frighten commonfolks into submission...then I encourage you to open your mind to other viewpoints, and I wish you peace & harmony--because, not to be too judgy, anybody that thinks someone else is going to be branded in hellfire for all time for studying the movement of the stars and planets needs to do some soul searching about what really matters. This isn't something that "really matters." Loving your neighbor and looking out for one another does. So, with respect, I completely disagree.

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +3 / -1

TLDR: Trump's indictment today took place during a "void moon"--a period of time when the Moon is travelling between zodiac signs and not forming alignments to other things in space. This period of time is said to be terrible for "trying to make things happen," to such an extent that even the Trump haters out there who study astrology think that today is gonna be a nothing burger. I could've told ya that! But I thought it was cool and worth a share.

PumpkinsAndPopsums 12 points ago +12 / -0

Man, it really does always lead to sketchy shit in Ukraine, right? It should almost be expected at this point. The bad shit going on there is well known to all of us...but it's still almost shocking to me that like literally every fuckin person who's in on all the bad shit has some kind of diplomatic business or research project or whatever in the damn Ukraine. Wild...

by gamepwn
PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw this happen at Disney World last year. My mom and I go annually, just something we do together to get away from all the stress. And we'd never seen anything quite like it. A woman who must have been in her early 70s just dropped in the middle of one of the parks. She was standing taking pictures of the castle, or just looking at it or something. Totally normal. It wasn't THAT hot either, even for Florida. At this point in time masks were still required...maybe that was a factor. I guess she ended uo being ok, but she literally fell directly onto her face for no discernable reason, then got up shortly after and went about her day. She seemed stunned, like she had no clue what happened or why she fell. Her family just kinda stood and watched in shock. She was older but not like sickly or frail...and she dropped, like directly face down onto the ground as if her body just gave out. Not a trip, or a stumble...nothing like that.

Anyways...I dunno. I'm sure a lot of things could have caused her to fall, but in that moment I was thinking the same thing you probably were at Universal: That it's not right, and that maybe it's something to do with the vax and the heat. Clearly there's a connection there...

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a shame, really. I was never a super regular InfoWars listener before ending up here, but I'd tune in now & then. Up until pretty recently I still did. It's a shame, because AJ stands for a lot of stuff that I & other truth seekers stand for. He is a beacon of hope for people who are just starting to think "fuck the man!" and I believe that some of the stuff shared on his show still rings true--ie, stuff about Covid & the vaxxes being a fluke and all that. But, as this post points out--the water is poisoned.

Again I say...it's a shame. You can tell I looked up to the guy somewhat in my past, given that my username is a meme from some goofy shit he said that people were rightfully picking on him for. I always thought he played a character, and I always thought he was at LEAST misinformed about Q, or falling for disinformation. Maybe that's the case, but as I do my due dilligence into researching these subjects, it certainly seems like he's part of the disinfo.

I listened to him when he was an avid Trump supporter & covid hater. During those bizarre months of late 2020 & early 2021, he felt like a safe place--BRIEFLY--because he acknowledged the virus scam and the election scam, and advocated for the truth.

I heard he turned on Trump not long after, and kinda doubled down on the "Qanon" horseshit, which we all know has nothing to do with the actual Q stuff. I haven't listened since.

I say all this, because THIS IS HOW THEY ROPE PEOPLE IN YALL...I dunno if I believe AJ is deliberately doing this, or just being played himself. But either way, people like me--like some of you, perhaps--have listened to InfoWars and resonated with his angry character yelling about bullshit that also makes us angry. It's kinda hard not to vibe with that when times are hard. And then, people just fall for actual misinformation because they trust him too much.

At the end of the day, it's all just a big lesson in how vastly important it is for people to do their own research & think for themselves!!!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hey all--I'll be the first to admit I haven't been on here in a while, & thus have some catching up to do. Couple weeks of health crises for me & family, which thankfully is much better now.

I thought this was worth a share--we know "big" names, ie well known people on the internet, have in the past said stuff like this in the event of being in the Clinton Crosshairs™️, so to speak. McAfee comes to mind. Wonder what's up with EM saying this???

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just wanna say I'm proud of all you fuckers LOL, I did not expect that sharing this story would encourage so many people to post the same picture, but that's RAD because it's like causing the opposite of what Fbook wants. Like, oh, you're gonna take down my picture? Fine, there are a dozen anons who are gonna share it. Gonna take down theirs too? Cool, they've got friends who'll post it afterwards as well. It's like less people would have seen the "offensive content" if they'd have let me post it...instead, it started a wildfire of sharing and many more folks have come across it!

This is, of course, a huge win for us, and while it wasn't the point of my post I'm glad it happened all the same. This is truly an information war we are part of folks--and as some of yall have seen me say before, we're white hats too. For me to share that image with good intention, get in trouble, and then have tons of people cascading the image onto Facebook instead of me...that's the digital equivalent of us firing a munition shell at our enemies, and hitting a damn good target. Keep up the good work, frens. Thanks for sharing that picture. I don't know or care what the context is, that shit's fuckin shocking and people need to see it. Speaks for itself. WWG1WGA

PumpkinsAndPopsums 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, and great points! The dude was pretty lost unfortunately--he immediately replied and said "oh, ok, so you HAPPENED to find nazis in Ukraine. So what? Still has nothing to do with Russia being there." To me, that's a fight-or-flight "oh fuck he's right, COGNITIVE DISSONANCE ACTIVATE" moment. That's someone outright saying "so what" to a fucking blue and yellow swastika flag because it shatters his world view. Panic. It's annoying, but ultimately a good thing--for many reasons that you highlighted in your comment!

When I posted the picture, it didn't get taken down for a few minutes, so I'm not sure if the guy noticed that it got removed. Either way though, it's the truth--and if a blue & yellow swastika flag isn't enough to shake someone awake, then maybe they're one of the ones that falls into that category from the Q quote "Not everyone is meant to wake up" 🤷‍♂️

PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's all completely fair! I guess I was thinking more along the lines of, "what if one day my niece meets a man claiming to be a trans woman with a full beard, I don't want her to think that's normal"...which is admittedly a little dramatic of me, but that's where my mind was!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, 100%!! I'm shocked (in a good way) that they somehow hadn't already started with her. I was seriously expecting a "I heard President Trump was a bad man" comment...it made me smile that she'd never even heard of him. And now, when she does find out more about him, she'll remember that the first time she learned about him at all was positive stuff, and she can build on that foundation!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

TL,DR: My niece is learning about Presidents in school, and has not yet been brainwashed into hating Trump. I took an opportunity to speak positively on him & some other matters, and I'm hopeful that my niece will remember my words as she grows up!

PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayy, hell yes to Blavatsky reference. I got a massive compendium of her work, I think all the volumes combined and outlined into certain sections. I have been researching "conspiries" (aka, the truth) for most of my adult life, but I have never felt "ready" to take a full dive into Blavatsky's work--I'm close though. It's just so so much to take in.

I know within her Secret Doctrine, many of the things we discuss today are probably outlined. Maybe not specific events, but concepts and outlines; words describing the human relationship to time, to the cosmos, to things much bigger than us, and how folks here on Earth with ill will, greed, malice & contempt towards others will use this relationship for selfish & unclean purposes. Then you look at modern times and see Zionism, Imperialism, globalists coming together under the guise of WEF and NATO n shit..........Blavatsky knew what the fuck was up, looong long ago...

edit: And she was Russian too! Imagine folks these days coming across Secret Doctrine: "Oh, she's Russian, it's fake disinformation" omegalul

PumpkinsAndPopsums 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very well said--and we see this relationship in so many ways. Media as a shepherd is certainly a thing as well~

by DrMcCoy
PumpkinsAndPopsums 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wonder if this'll have ripple effects in the states? Wouldn't surprise me..

PumpkinsAndPopsums 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus, that's nuts. How fitting would it be for prices to hit "$6.66"...it's a sick and twisted game "they" play...

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