Puppylady33 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, I will see how I do. I have lots canned but this is great to have also!

Puppylady33 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you are buying meat that is wrapped in plastic, buy some butcher paper and rewarp it. I have meat in the freezer that is a few years old. It is still perfect. Plus I learned to can meat and it is really good. Veg., beef soup, chili ham and bean soup. I learned how to make sourdough bread, learned about medicinal herbs. Have printouts on how to make a smoke house because we won’t have freezers. The old time knowledge is out there , find it and print it off because if it gets bad we won’t have google. Start small build it up.

Puppylady33 4 points ago +4 / -0

I worked in a bakery/coffee shop when it first came. They bought special stuff to clean with. I worked with a few die hards that really were scared of it. So I looked at the bottle of cleaner and it said it had to stay on the surface wet for 2 mins I think. They sprayed a little on and whipped it right off. Showed them the bottle and they still sprayed and whipped off. I just laughed. When illinois opened up dining again as long as you had your mask on unless eating they obeyed . I didn’t and they yelled at me. I said it makes no sense. I tried. But of course msm told them the opposite.

Puppylady33 3 points ago +3 / -0

No rooster just In case we need more babies. Once hens get to be about 3 years old they lay less. If shtf we can have new birds. And if not as long as he stays nice and doesn’t attack me he can stay. A light Brahma rooster and he is beautiful .

Puppylady33 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mix them up a little, I freeze 2 at a time and put in little bags then in a bigger freezer ziplock. I also have coated them in shortening and left them downstairs good for 6-12 months. But I think you should use fresh unwashed and in fridged eggs for that. Also have some stored in lime. (Water glassed I think that is called. But I also have 11 hens and a rooster.

Puppylady33 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fresh eggs have a “bloom” on them but once you wash them they have to be put in the fridge. Store bought eggs in the US are washed and should never be left out. I have heard of putting crisco on your store bought eggs snd stored in a cool location. By putting crisco on them it mimicks the “bloom” on the fresh egg.

Puppylady33 16 points ago +16 / -0

When I got some from the local farm supply the checkout gal asked me if I had horses. Since I got 2tubes I said yes, then she asked me their names. Had to act fast but I said Cricket ( my horse I had in high school) and sassy ( I am sure someone has a horse named that. All the way home I was asking for forgiveness because I lied. Started feeling icky (a medical term) yesterday and broke it open and took some. Took it straight with a water chaser . Not too bad and feel better today.

Puppylady33 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they offer you money for your blood it is going for animals and experiments. They can not $ if going to be used in humans