QAJQAJQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

May he RIP. The corruption has taken many lives. I so sorry to hear this. Many families have to endure this, and are still blind as a bat. My BF died 1 year ago on the 27th. Type 2 Diabetes, went in for a finger amputation due to infection. He was transported to another hospital for recovery and then tested positive there. With their protocol and his family being blind (although they are great people), its almost impossible to intervene. Thank you for being as passionate as you are. Sorry for your loss, take care and take pride in your knowledge. Never stay silent. You may have saved lives without knowing it.

QAJQAJQ 17 points ago +17 / -0

So you understand the Assange case ruling:

What was issued is not an approval of extradition. It was a remittance. This means, the UK High Court found that the district judge ruled in error on 2 points out of the 5 the US government appealed on. Because of this, the case is sent back to the magistrate courts and is effectively retried before being sent to the UK Secretary of State, who makes the final decision.

This ruling just represents the continuation of using the process itself to punish Assange.

As long as the US can endlessly appeal decisions, they can keep Julian as a silent hostage in the UK without ever having to proceed with their actual case against him.

Assange's legal team will likely be able to appeal things during this process, and by no means does the road end here for Julian, or for our collective rights and liberties at stake in this case. Everything is still very much in motion, and despite the UK High Court having failed to uphold any semblance of justice here, we are neither hopeless, nor lost.

We will win this yet.

QAJQAJQ 10 points ago +11 / -1

For those that regret getting the shot, let them know they can start with N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine. This supplement helps Boost Cellular Glutathione Levels. This will help your body break down Graphine Oxcide.

QAJQAJQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad I updated doctors services authorization form today. At the end of the consent statement, I added (non covid related) Then signed. Also at the end of the authorization to release information statement, I again added(non covid related) Then signed. 😁

QAJQAJQ 2 points ago +3 / -1

In this day and age, survival may not work if you are coerced into getting a shot that may possibly cause infertility. Thats when there is no survival.

QAJQAJQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not if you offspring dumb ass liberals.

QAJQAJQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are one with a fit mind! Stay fit and train others! When you speek out, you get others to think twice, especially in a time that you let pass. Be thankful for Q and say it out loud once in a while. You are not part of a cult but part of freedom.

by Quelle
QAJQAJQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Must have been the delta variant.

QAJQAJQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Project veritas episode #4 coming out tonight has created a world wide outage!

QAJQAJQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any significance with Jan. 30th? Thats the 21st Sunday from Sep.11th.πŸ€”

QAJQAJQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are the chances of a person to be mugged/robbed compared to their information stolen for purchases? Crypto is not the way to go.

QAJQAJQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the major elections have to be done before any audits can be exposed? Sounds legit to me on why the audit has not presented their findings. Are there any other major elections coming up?

QAJQAJQ 1 point ago +1 / -0


QAJQAJQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

I will delete it if you want. I haven't been on GAW all day. My bad

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