QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Summary of his speech in advance "Afghanistan- some things happened, some people died, what difference does it make? The thing we need to focus on is COVID is bad, everyone get your vaccines"

by BQnita
QDay 26 points ago +27 / -1

They had 30 days to comply and that was 120 days ago. They received a finger slap and now another 30 days. This is going no where. Military == only way.

All eyes on the audit, that has turned into a nothing burger.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where is the line to hold?

Seems like we gave up the presidency, house, senate, livelihoods, freedom, businesses, health... next is children, then country? What is the line we are holding exactly?

QDay -2 points ago +1 / -3

Listen to Kamala - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o3fv_5OWYY

Just wait... keep waiting... China is about to attack Taiwan. USA will enter a new war.

China trained with Canada in winter war exercises. Timeline == Winter for this invasion.

By the time all of this unfolds, the military and 70% of the population in the USA will be deeply compromised by a vaccine that will make them sick / if not kill them.

You can bash this post but you are all sitting here as your enemy is advancing and check mating you on your own territory.

The people here are the ones that think they are awake, but you are missing the strategic end game. China has been preparing for this for centuries... they need your land and resources and the meme war is not doing anything except making you feel better at night.

You all need to be thinking 10 steps ahead. USA is about to invaded. You may have had the fire power to defend, but now you will lack the people to do the defending.

There is a reason China is not vaccinating their own people with these jabs. They have their own vaccine. Wake up! The war is already here and your military and even Trump is mislead/misleading... Why might that be?

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

And they will refuse to save them if they do not have have their vax papers

QDay 49 points ago +50 / -1

Remember how 'his' conspiracy all started? A water main pipe break.

Remember election night?

This charade with election fraud all started with a water pipe breaking in GA.

I was laughing about that coincidence during election night. Not so funny now.

QDay 28 points ago +29 / -1

His mean tweets only offended the marxists. 99% of Americans didnt read his tweets as mean, they read them as TRUTH

QDay 9 points ago +11 / -2

I think that when the vaccines start killing people - this ordeal will flip and health insurance companies will cancel the policies on anyone who received it, saying they are no longer covered due to taking an experimental drug.

They will bait and switch in a heart beat.

QDay 5 points ago +7 / -2

Its the health insurance companies - I can guarantee it. They are screwing with companies saying if employees dont get the jab their rates will go through the roof.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

He didnt ruin the covid op. He put the fraudsters in positions of power to spread fear and propaganda. These people purposely killed people and those that were already dead were reported as covid deaths.

He had plenty of time to squash this. He had plenty of time to save us from the covid narrative being fake. He didnt do any of it. He had proven theraputics that worked - he squashed those. He is now pushing a vaccine that is more then likely going to kill a lot more people and he is wishing everyone takes his experiment and becomes part of the BIGGEST trial ever placed on mankind (2 Billion+)

God have mercy on humanity. Trump should be questioned.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

Bingo - he is endorsing and stating he wishes everyone would be vaccinated. That is not even pretending to be cautious about it. That is a statement of his will and intent of what he wants.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Thanks for this. Wish he would call all of it a scam instead of wishing everyone would get it.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

That is what I am doing. I think the vax is a bigger issue then the election fraud personally. The election fraud has already been exposed... Trump is openly talking about Biden being illegitimate so our conspiracy is true. Trump is still silent on the damage of the vax.... that leaves a lot of us confused.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not my intention, that is what I felt I heard from his statement saying he wished everyone would get the vaccine and then ending his statements with we need our freedom.

Obviously I do not know what the future holds it could go a direction people are not expecting based on his rhetoric and being so pro-vax.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

Good advice and thank you. I realize I posted my interpretation and phrased things towards my own clouded judgement. It was not for intentions of shilling and along the lines you laid out seeking opinions. It is too late to clear up my assumptions and misguidedness. Was just trying to spark conversation because the majority of those here disagree with the vaccine... what is clear to me is Trump is not disagreeing with the vaccine even though he knows there are remedies besides a gene altering therapy that he is no longer talking about.

QDay -1 points ago +3 / -4

Sorry for the offending post. I appreciate those of you who are helping me through discernment on this. I am not a shill and/or dooming, just confused on the topic.

I hate the thought of wanting Trump to be re-instated and crushing the Cabal, when he is so pro-vaccine but that is what I am dealing with.

This community is a great resource on sharing valuable information. Sure I made mistakes in this post, but it was not communicated clearly and my bias towards the vaccines has clouded clarity.

QDay -8 points ago +1 / -9

That is my concern. His rhetoric to the vaccine is so positive. The vaccine to most of us is so negative.

What if he is the one to force it upon us when he is reinstated.

People here are bashing me for thinking about that scenario, but does anyone really think it wont happen?

deleted -7 points ago +1 / -8
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