Qled 6 points ago +7 / -1

Why do some many conservative role models turn out to be such jerks? It's people like this that are responsible for fueling the feminist movement.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your body has a lot of natural defenses, they just need a boost to get rid of some of the more sticky issues.

Qled 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are also people like me who initially got vaccinated, but I was able to remove the toxins from my body with Citrus Habanero Enemas. It works for preventing side effects of vaccine shedding too.

Qled 0 points ago +1 / -1

2022 was the last attempt the DS could make to steal the election. It's life hearing gun shots. First shot, you have no idea of the direction, second short you have a general idea of where it is at, and third shot you can pin point it. This is what the White hats have done and DS knows it. If they try to steal the 2024 election, the White hats will be able to expose exactly what they're doing.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not about arresting a few low level agents, it's about exposing the whole system. If we win by moving the goal posts, then we still win.

The White hats new that the DS would steal the 2020 election, but they let it happen so they could expose the corruption. It's all part of the plan. This way, President Trump has effectively been able to work behind scenes for the last 4 years. When he wins in 2024, it will be like he was president for 12 years, without violating the two term limit.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

There hasn't been a incumbent president in the last 100 years who hasn't won their own parties nomination. He'll probably get it with little protest.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I think it will be different. President Trump fully exposed the Deep State's methods of stealing elections. They know if they use it again in 2024 that people will riot in the street. They've burned their best methods and agents thinking that President Trump couldn't recover, but they are so wrong and now they're scared because they'll be defenseless on a level playing field.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their backups aren't just in fiat currency. Lots of Spanish silver, Nazi gold, etc. They've positioned themselves so that if there is a societal collapse, while not ideal, they would still end up on top. But chaos increases risk, so they prefer the slow and steady method, which makes sense if you're able to live beyond 150 years. They think in terms of the long game and so should we.

I imagine in the future, our grandchildren will study out posts in school and trade NFTs about us, like Baseball cards or Pokemon.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think Q ever said it would all be finished in 8 years, I think that's just their general window of time. If it was less than 80 years, I would be surprised.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not talking about hysteria or feelings, just facts. Even from .03% to .04%, that's a 33% rise.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hasn't Co2 gone up though? I'm not saying it's causing problems, but I thought we all agreed that the actual measurement of Co2 in the air has steadily increased since the industrial revolution. I think we're currently at ~420 parts per million.

Qled 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think anyone who says the DS will be dismantled anytime soon is at best, ill informed. The DS was built and maintained over centuries. They have many backups, black sites, offshore accounts, etc. It will take decades to root them out. I may not live to see it, but I hope that my grandchildren will one day live in a world free of the deep states and the cabal. I will gladly lay down my life as a meme warrior to make this happen.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

The real question is, did Tucker choose to leave, or was he forced too as part of the settlement for the Dominion Lawsuit? On Friday, he ended his show with "See you on Monday", but maybe he was talking about a different Monday.

Qled 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, not a statue, but maybe they'll make an NFT in my honor so that my legacy and live on forever on the block chain.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last time I tried the milk challenge I got so sick. As babies, we completely subsisted off of milk. As an adult, a gallon shouldn't be a problem, but I got horrible cramps and diarrhea. My wife had zero sympathy for me, despite the fact that I won the challenge. Later I put two and two together (four) and I realized that the milk we drank as babies was unpasteurized, but modern milk is pasteurized and I think that's why it makes us so sick. Seriously, even a half gallon is enough to give you a bad night.

Qled 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is classic misdirection, textbook Sun Tzu. The post you linked is vague. Is Q saying "No, the earth isn't flat" or "No, I will not shut up the flat earthers"? Obviously people are assuming one thing, but with Q, things are never obvious.

Even if that was what he was saying, we know sometimes Q uses misdirection to throw off the DS. Hillary Clinton wasn't arrested and executed and we know that was to throw off the DS and cause them to scramble and panic. Being unpredictable makes Q an impossible foe. If he came out and states that the earth was flat, there would have been a huge backlash because so many of us have been programmed to think spherically. We weren't ready then, but I think more of us are ready now.

Disinformation exists and is necessary.

Qled 2 points ago +2 / -0

This person is obviously mentally ill. There are certain people who really shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. Let the patriots keep the government at bay.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair, if someone tried to stop my from using the bathroom, I would probably be upset to.

deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3
Qled 7 points ago +8 / -1

The more you know, the worse it gets. So many people just blissfully unaware. They're bodies are being poisoned by fluoride in the water, chem trails, "pasteurized" milk, GMOs, and MSG. Their minds are being poised even worse, with ideas about homosexuality, multiple genders, global warming, round earth theory, and so called calculus. which doesn't make actually make any sense. I think they made it up just to try and convince smarter people that they're stupid, so everyone just pretends it makes sense. The vaccine is just the latest in a long line of weapons brought on by the globalist agenda.

Qled 12 points ago +12 / -0

I keep telling people, the cabal was built over centuries, it won't be taken down in just 4 years. It will take several more, possibly even decades. I may not live to see it fully, but my grandchildren will live in a free world. I just keep doing my part and sharing memes.

Qled 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Finnish Air Force adopted the Swastika in 1918, before the Nazis. And basically just kept it around until they finally decided to remove it in 2020.

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