QuantumPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't, I will have a look. I have only heard of the two people I mentioned due to chance, Jim came up in a YouTube comment and people were very divided about his 'message', so naturally I had to take a look at it. There sat a man spouting the exact thing I had been trying to spout for 15 years but was covering it in flowery language hoping to 'teach' it to someone. The idea that there was no one to teach, and nothing that needed to happen because it was complete/whole already triggered, and is still triggering, a very funny cycle as there is still a seeking energy here that appears to be trying to teach someone, despite a recognition that there is no individual here nor there to teach, and that it is not something that can be taught.

It appears as some residual process of the body. I would like to tell him personally, and probably will, that my experience of it, and the recognition that is here, is not like he is describing as a total cessation of the sense of self arising, and I suspect it is not like that for most people either. He had a long period of following a spiritual path, though he says it's just a story and that it has no value, he may be mistaken in some way. This brain, 'my' brain if you like is autistic, something which I only discovered after there was a recognition of 'this', an awakening, and thought there are times where there is only this, as I said, the sense of self does arise, though it is recognised as illusion. I suspect that what autism actually is as a 'condition' is this, a difference in functioning of the brain that gives rise to a stronger than normal sense of separation, and therefore a stronger sense of ego or self, and all of it's disfunction arises from that. A more intense seeking energy, if you like, that cripples the social function of the organism and in extreme cases is like a prison for the mind, without the ability to connect with others, communicate or perceive anything outside of itself. Yet it is the case that the 'recognition' as Jim calls it IS here, and has always been here.

I'm not sure whether Jim has it completely right, basically, and perhaps he is just simplifying it to the most confronting, brutal point possible. If it is that radical, brutal and simple, all of this attempt to do anything about 'this' at all is completely pointless, hopeless even. It really flies in the face of basically every other 'path', at least until one supposedly reaches 'higher' levels. Of course, there is no path nor levels nor nothing to attain by someone, yet perhaps that is 'useful' for some? The vast majority of 'teachers' give a path or method by which an individual gradual can cultivate and soften the boundaries of the illusion of separation. I suppose it is not so strange that there are 'teachers' who appear to prescribe philosophies aimed at cultivating compassion and easing suffering. But it is sort of bullshit, though, right? Because ultimately there is nothing at all to find or attain. It's just this, already, and always was, and the more you try to gain it the further you are from the point. So I really like that about this 'message', its like Zen without all the sitting around meditating, it's the 'real' Zen if you like.

Perhaps the other reason that this isn't a 'stable' thing for me is that the 'awakening', at least here, wasn't the result of having read any spiritual bullshit or seeking any sort of 'enlightenment'. It did involve a monumental dose of mushrooms, however, without having any understanding about what they would do.

You see but with it, came the realisation that 'this' is what it had been all along, and the previous experience WAS it, as well, and that it was perfectly ordinary, not special, available to everyone at any time. If only I had the right words, I could trigger it, I thought. So it really resonates when they talk of there being no path, no teaching, no concept etc. because none of that was a thing here, previously to the 'awakening'.

I suspect this radical message of non-dualism is more useful to those that are 'ready' to hear it, or at least when thinking of it within the traditional paradigm of how it's always been 'taught' or transmitted.

There is of course no one who can ever really accept it, yet a recognition can occur and there appears to be some resonance with the message within individuals even if they reject it.

QuantumPatriot -8 points ago +2 / -10

He's not talking to the general public, he's talking to the Muslim community. How can you not see that? He's just being respectful

QuantumPatriot 1 point ago +3 / -2

It doesn't come without great cost to the planet.

QuantumPatriot 2 points ago +3 / -1

All I will say is this.

People are angry, and justifiably so,

but random acts of violence or protest of any form really isn't going to achieve anything. It seems that the protest has no real goal, and therefore no real outcome it can have other than to cause a bit of chaos, violence and perhaps death.

The British people don't have a political solution, seeing as the left just won the election bigly. They protestors have been labelled terrorists, now they have nothing to lose, no political solution and no way of achieving an outcome that they desire, so it seems. I get that, I empathise with them.

I don't know what the solution is but I do no it doesn't reside in these protests. By all means protest, but all you are doing is perpetuating a negative image of your movement.

Like i say, I don't have the solution, but I'd advise coming up with a better one if you wish to avoid more violence and government tyranny.

QuantumPatriot 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,

Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;

But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,

When two strong men stand face to face though they come from the ends of the earth!

QuantumPatriot -1 points ago +1 / -2

I ask because I'm genuinely curious, is there anywhere I can find 'proof' that it is a LARP?

I am aware of the author and the website, but I haven't seen anything about it being a 'known' LARP. It seems very much a part of 'this', if what 'this' is isn't a LARP

QuantumPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

and a rose by any other name.

QuantumPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

you're telling me if you were given one for free you wouldn't drive it? They are ridiculous fast and fun. I'd never buy one, can't afford it. But if I was given one, hell yes I would drive it, and I wouldn't care how stupid it looked.

People can have whatever opinion they want at the lights while I go from 0-100kmh in 2.7 lol.

QuantumPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late With long arrears to make good, When the English began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy-willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show, When the English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd, It was not taught by the State. No man spoke it aloud, When the English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chill years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the English began to hate.

QuantumPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suppose that is possible, if you think of it in that way

QuantumPatriot 3 points ago +4 / -1

I mean, good for her I suppose, but here's the deal She knew the dude was a dude, she went in with a losing mindset, got hit once then quit immediately.

It is disgusting that a man is boxing women and the IOC sanctioned it, yes, but this woman knew what she was getting into and it seems she was ready to milk the situation politically at the earliest opportunity. So I don't consider her some hero

QuantumPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

it is, difficult. I know that it must be done, but the physical sensation of panic can overwhelm the mind. I suffer from an actual panic attack condition, I've had it since I was a young boy so I have learned to accept it and work through it when it happens, it's just that at times it can be really bad. Especially when I feel as though I'm having a 'realisation' of something. It's my ego resisting change and clinging to itself. I know what it is and what to do, it's just a little hard. It's sort of a feeling of synchronicity or de ja vu, once it begins it goes on, then I start to panic. Sometimes one triggers the other. If you can imagine a 'bad trip' or little mini ego-death experiences, absolutely convinced im about to die and have a stroke, all the while realising stuff about myself, mostly negative things that I need to improve or let go off, feeling repentant because I'm surely going to die this time.

Funnily enough, silent meditation actually triggers it. I do better practicing a moving meditation or walking. When I start to panic I prefer to let my body shake and tremble and move about while I'm panicking while maintaining focus of my mind and concentration on the breath. It's pretty funny to witness. My nervous system is completely spazzing out but somehow I can maintain a calm within the storm. I used to be at an elite level in a sport, I'd actually get like this when competing, needless to say people thought I was very weird, lol.

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