REDBALL66 -2 points ago +1 / -3

you guys?keep doing this is fake and maybe your a member of the false bureau of investigation, whom ever you are you are really dumb to continue this.

REDBALL66 1 point ago +1 / -0

ITS NOT GOING TO WORK. To many Americans, whether they be white, black, asian or hispanic are seeing through all this crap the media and activist groups are throwing out.

and the folks are throwing it all out.

they- the woke crowd are done their time in the sun is coming to an end.

REDBALL66 2 points ago +2 / -0

Went now Gentlemen and Gentle ladies, those are some very good questions,

especially in light of what we have seen within the last two years!

REDBALL66 4 points ago +4 / -0

From the Donal.Win site A Quote "We will actually have some god damn positive progress in this country when we have more Ben Carsons, more Thomas Sowells, and many more Clarence Thomases." QUOTED FROM "Thepalagoon," and he or she as the case may be is 100% correct.

So I hope some really good doc helps him through, I think Jamie Fox is better now? Peter McCullough has this scenario correct. a dastardly plan was perpetrated upon all of us, the entire planet.

some folks are going to have to pay one way or the other.

REDBALL66 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mr. Bowe is 100% correct.

Stop worrying about climate, and start thinking and writing your congressmen about the comets and earth passing asteroids ---remember CHELYABINSK METEOR!!? That was a wake up call for man-kind-including all the folks worried about climate!

we are sitting ducks in a cosmic shooting gallery!

REDBALL66 1 point ago +1 / -0

Booty juice has it correct, the Anheuser co. has 100 beer brands, to big to fail? likely, so as the juice says local micro brews!

REDBALL66 1 point ago +1 / -0

What can or shall we do if we find out these people exist, of where they exist

what type of law is relevant for this type of crime on children, and even babies, oh my head hurts trying to think of ways to deal with these perverts!