Interesting point.
I've always found healthcare studies off, simply because it's impossible it have a legit study without denying ethics. You can't study people humanely and find real conclusions.
That's why there is always some fad weight loss plan that works for some but not all.
Sorry, but we aren't all genetically the same. The only proof needed is majority of Europeans can digest lactose but majority of Asians cannot.
We are all still of the same race. Sad that some can't see it.
I've just told others I was vaccinated recently. It's not a lie as I got the tdap recently. The fun thing is it opened the door to talking about me not being a "vaxer" but looking into the science of the covid vaccine. So far convinced two not to take it.
I get some hate all vaccines. I don't. I just hate drugs that are unproven and haven't had long term studies.
This honestly comes off as troll bait for many reasons. Guess China is getting more clever. First off, how the hell can you marry a woman that cites a black man being educated in that context and not call her the racist for assuming being black makes you dumb? Also, your fixation on Obama and zombies is troubling.
Seriously though, this post does nothing but hurt the divide. If you loved logic and reason enough you would see that it's all emotion and a call to emotion without providing any truth.
Fun Story. My uncle and cousin who are both Doctors went to China on a trip and decided to go the message parlor there and what was supposed to be 4 star hotel in Beijing. They both got their messages and both told me later the ladies asked if they wanted 'sexy message.'.... Glad for my cousin.
The most logical explanation is the site remains entirely intact but there might be a conflict in updating new content. Depending on the structure, which I have no insight of, it could be a very minor problem that the admin can fix, or a major problem that would require a new server.
West coast of Florida is the best of everything. Lived in pinellas county for 8 years. Moved to the Midwest because of a job opportunity but would gladly move back even with a substantial pay cut.
Grass is always greener as they say, but facts are facts. You get all sorts of people in Florida. The best and worst people I've met live there. It's just the nature of freedom.
Here's something to think about. If every hospital tested for the common cold on entry for every patient(as covid has been) how many would die from it? Two of my grandparents died from cancer, but it was a cold that hospitalized them and pushed them over the edge.
Then asked yourself why they changed how death certificates registered causes of death to be all attributed causes only a year ago. While preceding decades listed the primary cause and contributing causes separately.
It's what I call "plantation mentality." It's the notion that they are 'protecting' minorities who clearly aren't capable of getting IDs because of their race... Which is really just a manner of spinning their deep seeded racism as goodwill. It's exactly what southern plantation owners did to justify their benevolence.