Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are so right. I am so glad to hear that someone is pursuing all this.

Raritan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it looks like the DS has opened up Pandora's Box by prosecuting alternate electors and Trump and his associates.

Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0


It gets much worse – I sent ERIC public records requests, and they are subject to them. ERIC ignored the requests. So I filed a lawsuit against ERIC, and through discovery, it came out that:

  1. ERIC admitted to a Wisconsin Court of law they are sharing our social security numbers, driver’s licenses, birthdates, and voting history with other third parties, including CEIR. CEIR has no contract with the State of Wisconsin and is funded by Zuckerberg.
  2. In discovery ERIC also admitted on the Court record that they are giving out our personal information to other third parties. One of them is named Everyone Counts in La Jolla, CA. This is in addition to CEIR. Everyone Counts traces to a company in Australia. The Chinese own that Australian company.
  3. ERIC further admitted on the court record they are sending our personal information to China. Case 2023CV0000157 in Waupaca County.
  4. Then we traced ERIC to China as a double confirmation. ERIC is sending our information to a website with the domain of http://7oo.com The IP addresses trace to Beijing and Hong Kong
  5. Peter Choo is the owner of that domain. Peter Choo is the Risk and Compliance Manager at Facebook.
  6. ERIC has been conducting business in Wisconsin since about 2015. Not once have they registered as a foreign corporation as mandated by Chapter 181. They have never paid the annual fee; never filed the annual reports; never have had a registered agent in the state with a physical address.
  7. Meagan Wolfe is a Director of ERIC per the IRS tax filings of ERIC. She used to be past President in 2021.
Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0


There is another contract I learned Meagan Wolfe has not signed. There is a lawsuit in Ozaukee County against WEC and Meagan Wolfe. Case 22CV00300. On that court record by WEC’s own admission, Meagan Wolfe never signed an agreement with ERIC. Statute 6.36(1) mandates that she sign that agreement. There is a much bigger problem, however: Wolfe has repeatedly been giving our personally identifiable information to ERIC. This means anyone registered to vote, including all of you, your social security numbers, driver’s licenses, birthdates, voting history, and telephone numbers have been given away by Meagan Wolfe illegally to ERIC. She didn’t sign the agreement. No one at WEC did, this is a state and federal felony crime by Wolfe.

Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is great! For those of you who do not have twitter (X), I will post some of what Peter has written there.

Testimony of Peter Bernegger - Before The Wisconsin Senate Committee on Elections
August 29, 2023 (trying to get out in 5 tweets, 1 of 5)

Two years ago, the State Auditors discovered Meagan Wolfe had failed to sign the contract with the Dept. of Transportation. Statute 85.61 requires her to have signed it. The State Auditors then told Wolfe she had to sign that contract. Yet just four months ago, I learned from the DOT Wolfe still had not signed the contract. Only when I published these findings did the contract magically get signed. Wolfe signed it just 7 days before her 4-year term ended.

Raritan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe he thinks there are two Trumps - one is the real Trump and the other is an imposter. The real Trump is hidden away in some military base and the imposter is the guy we see golfing. Ben doesn't like the imposter. Ben thinks a lot of famous people are imposters.

Raritan 2 points ago +3 / -1

ThanQ Love the comments - all ages love this song WWG1WGA

Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree. Ben always brings out a new wrinkle on current events.

Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you need to think of fires as having a background. There are natural fires but also controlled burning for agriculture. Here is a timelapsed global distribution of fires from NASA. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE

Raritan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe they don't want to be outstaged by a pillow guy. He is doing the work they should be doing.

by BQnita
Raritan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting the YT link because the only state I missed was my own! (my phone battery ran out of juice while I was driving. So I was able to go back and listen. What I liked was how the word "hope" was used. There are people who are doing things in their states to clean up their elections. Heck - maybe I will volunteer for something. But if you listen to some of the numbers these groups have found to seem questionable - there was considerable fraud. Add them up and -> Trump has the numbers. Nice way that Mike has set this up.

Raritan 1 point ago +2 / -1

A conference is when the court meets to review cases and then vote on if they will take the case. Only 4 votes are needed.

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