RealCleanUpPhilly 4 points ago +6 / -2

I walked past my neighbor on a local walking trail and didn't say hi... because I didn't recognize him. He looks older than me by 20 years now but he's about 15 years younger. His little girl told me "daddy is waiting to get his appointment" for the jab so he could be some kind of early adopter, so you know he's a boostah boi too.

I feel bad, and I saw him look angry and sad as he walked by and I said oh wait, that can't be.... He walks fast so he was far gone by the time I put it together. He thinks I'M the crazy one probably.

RealCleanUpPhilly 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are some McNoName employees who are bitter that McCain Stain is permanent.

RealCleanUpPhilly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whisper campaign against the front runner. Dem desperation.

RealCleanUpPhilly 1 point ago +2 / -1

Weird how you didn't ask the source of the info from the source of the info.

RealCleanUpPhilly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hidey had no idea why they were out in a grassy field, so he clearly thought it was a football game.

RealCleanUpPhilly 6 points ago +6 / -0

If she hates Trump and Q, there is no room for her in your life imho. There's no redpilling someone who is profoundly ideologically motivated, and it appears would have no reason to talk to you unless she was trying to entrap you on behalf of some agency. Women who are in to you but have scant idea what Q is are going to be open minded. They encounter gormless propaganda but it means nothing. Ditto about Trump and MAGA. They are not going to be consumed with state-sponsored narrative talking points.

RealCleanUpPhilly 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fren, she is working for the Oz feds. I do not say this lightly. Look at it from an outsider perspective. Look at what the deep state alphabet agencies did in the US in the fake staged Gov of MI Whitmer kidnapping where entrapment was the order of the day.

RealCleanUpPhilly 2 points ago +2 / -0

My family brews wine and beer. I brewed beer for a time and traded it. Remember never drink your profits.

RealCleanUpPhilly 1 point ago +1 / -0

MessDNC are like the Ton Ton Macoute or the Hutu before the Rwandan genocide, screaming that "insects should be killed."

RealCleanUpPhilly 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think having cash on hand is prudent when there is news about the EU and Euro simply being terminated. Also there are legit economists who are sounding the alarm on the severity of economic indicators. It's not just about Q. It's likely there will be a deepening, worsening recession/depression in the US for a time that impacts goods and services. Store food and goods, grow food. Look at a tiny greenhouse/grow tent for winter, for example. Now is the time.

RealCleanUpPhilly 15 points ago +15 / -0

Second. There will be big bank closures, but the little independents will likely continue without too much trouble. Mine is already training on the new non-SWIFT system. They've been working hard on the new "update," as they call it.

RealCleanUpPhilly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frontline Docs Vax Shedding and Jab Detox protocol on their website.

RealCleanUpPhilly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sperry makes the case why more raids are coming: more ham sandwich grand juries, more process crimes. Just in time for the election.

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