RedRiverValleyGirl 15 points ago +15 / -0

The IRS does have an armed Criminal Investigation Unit. Like most government agencies. Which is scary as hell if you think about it. Look up government departments with armed agents.

RedRiverValleyGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes it is hot here in Texas. Has and will get hotter as summer gets here. What is going to happen when we have 105-110 degrees in August? I do not remember ERCOT giving out warnings for weekends in summers past. Ercot is just another entity that wants to yield it power over the unwashed (and sweaty) masses. Make the directors live in Texas for one August and see how fast there is enough electricity for cooling our homes and businesses.

RedRiverValleyGirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

At age 67, 30 year sentence is a death sentence. This way it cost us a lot more money for housing him. But with all the appeals and foot dragging it might not be any quicker.

RedRiverValleyGirl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Bradley Whitford's comment ......The GOP can't get over losing the Civil F'ing War....Nobody said you had to be smart to be an actor, but come on people. Somebody is listening to the "revised" version on History.

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