HECKLES: I've been following this for a long time. Studying old photos against newer ones. Researching clones and computer generated images. Like when the Pope just disappeared into thin air when he gave his Easter sermon from a window in the Vatican. Hillary is the best example of body double. When she collapsed at 911 service and thrown into a can leaving her shoe on the street she appeared an hour later looking 30 lbs thinner and much younger. Her looks change every year. Side by sides show different ears which cant be duplicated. Where have you been, this stuff has been all over the internet. Are you just here on this site to cause problems or are you a serious truth seeker.
I agree. Just about everyone looks different than their pics 5 years ago. Obama's ears do not stick out much and the scar on back of head is missing. Big Mike has crooked teeth and shape of eyes different. Biden's eyes went from blue to black. Biden bald spot in back of head gone along with his hair plugs on top. Hillary's changes appearance every year. Even Pence has gotten younger and lost sagging neck.
The UN is one of the biggest trafficker of Children. That's why the go into a country and make things worse. Just a big distraction while they scoop up children. Can't wait til Trump defunds them and kicks them out of NYC. I'm sure we will find tunnels and lots of rape rooms. Remember when Trump offered to make the repairs on the building for far less money. They turned him down. Now we know why.
I do. Look at side by sides of Biden in 2016 and the one running for President. Black eyes instead of blue. We all know Hillksry had many body doubles or clones. The one out there now is pathetic. Obama no longer has the scar on the back of his head and his ears don't stick out as much. Michelle has crocked teeth. Eyes are more round. Either they have been arrested and replaced or they are are afraid to go out in public and sending clones. Also the Pence who has been out there for several years is not the one who ran for VP.
If Trump is instituting NESARA/GESARA he has to step down as President for 120 days. If you remember sometime back just after election Trump was called Candidate Trump. 120 days from that time is in March. Then we have to have a new election and elect Trump as President. It fits. Then we will transfer to gold back currency and the old banking system will no longer exist. All debts cancelled under old financial system. If you don't know about NESARA search You Tube. Tons of videos explaining.
My head still believes, my logic still believes but emotionally I'm depressed and heart sick thinking of all those demons back in the Capitol.