Ross072566 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grew up in Sciotoville. Know this place well.

Ross072566 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m from this area. That place is nothing but a bunch of drug dealers, hill jacks and shady people. Always something going on there for the police to be called.

Ross072566 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the life of me I still can’t get over how congress voted down the 7 sick days for us railroaders! I have lost all hope and faith in politicians. I have become soooooo disenchanted with the people that we have elected. The “working man’s president” showed us who he’s really working for. And the democrats AND the republicans did also! The corporations! Even Joe Manchin?!? Joe Fuckin’ Manchin?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!? I’m done with it! And it will sure take some time to get over! The politicians finally revealed their hand and what they really think of us workers at the railroad. I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS!!!!

Ross072566 0 points ago +1 / -1

Saying all that while wearing a “Patagonia” jacket………………

Ross072566 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great news! The Lord has answered my prayers! We are no longer being forced to take the shot! I was holding out until the last day and it paid off! For all of you that said a prayer or kept me in your thoughts, thank you! And praise The Lord!

Ross072566 1 point ago +1 / -0

Work is now forcing the shot on us. I work for a major railroad corporation. They are also giving the option of claiming “sincerely held religious beliefs” to not get the shot. Can they start asking questions about your beliefs and church you attend. Or get a statement from your pastor about all this?

Ross072566 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haven’t had an alcoholic drink for almost a year and a half. March 3rd of 2022 will make two years. We weren’t big drinkers anyway. Wife and I quit and the money we are saving!

Ross072566 1 point ago +3 / -2

This is why I don’t understand buying gold. When times are tough you’re not gonna be able to wipe your ass with gold!

Ross072566 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m going to say it and I don’t care what you say. But do you really think you could get an erection with a gun pointed at you? I don’t think so...... and don’t start hollering “deport,deport”. It’s just an observation. I just don’t think a person could.