Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

He murdered a tiny female unarmed veteran and says that eliminating that life was a life saver?

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's also been supportive of lockdowns and the rest of the Rona BS.

I like Kiley better, but at this point it's first things first: get rid of Newsom. I just don't want to replace Swamp with Lesser Swamp.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wish it were Kiley "surging past" Newsom. I don't really trust Elder because I saw some of his statements about masks and mandates and lockdowns and it sounded like he was one of THEM.

To listen to he sounds nice, but I'm pretty suspicious at this point, and Kevin Kiley has actually DONE something substantial against Newsom.

Rubieroo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup - it continues. Though: We never needed the audit for what's coming. The audit is so that the public can be shown. It's just one way the public can be shown.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you can still get NAC too....but it takes a while. Like a few weeks. I got some from purebulk, but it really was a BULK order. Oops. I have enough to treat 200 people XD

But it's cheap, so whatever :P

Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0

Thinking these things has made watching Resident Biden squirm even more fun and funny. He has NO authority over the military. He has to appeal to commercial jets to go "save Americans" because he can't make the military do it, and he can't tell the world "Hey, this wasn't ME! I have no real authority!"


Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Geeze. Same ole same ole with them, huh?

Had wondered about the mysterious unnamed puppetmasters and I do think these might be some of them.

Still wondering about the apparently intermingled/invisible Payseurs, along with the rest of the cartel who don't have public identities the way the Rothschilds and Soros families do. Invisible enemy, just as President Trump said.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm really starting to wonder about the old Scythian stories that were taught - that were woven into the "prophetic" narrative about Gog/Magog but are possibly WRONG. What if you track the Scythians and they didn't all go to what became Russia, but went all OVER the place?

I'm thinking the notion that they've been right under our noses this whole time might have some merit. I've known a lot of Jews who have no clue about any of this, who are just honest regular people - and then we have this....Cabal. They always do the same things, don't they? Believe the same things, push the same things. It's pretty lockstep, their behavior. Too organized to be random.

Edited to add: so the family "patriarch" did hail from Ukraine....Ukraine again? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abram_Nicholas_Pritzker

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hehe - no worries, most of us who haven't lived rural lives have worked at a Cabal-run company at least once in our lives. I worked for couple of banks and S&Ls, and yeah.....

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep - I actually have a strong suspicion that our guys have readied what amounts to an Internet replacement.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah - horse stuff. I'm going on the weight/dosage written right on the syringe the gel comes in.

Since ivermectin isn't our front line of defense - just an adjunct - I am not too concerned about following any specific guidelines, but instead just wanted to make sure not to take too MUCH.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the first I've ever even heard of it, but when the FDA started interfering with our ability to buy N-Acetyl Cysteine I bought some on purebulk

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, if it gives you any confidence - a family member of ours is a triple PhD in AI, med, math (that he earned 2 of simultaneously) Oxford, Harvard, MIT - and he can't write and is prone to misspellings. He has been given various kinds of equipment since childhood to compensate for it. It's really weird. Not kidding: give him a pen and he cannot write. They thought he was mentally deficient, but then found he could write on a typewriter or later a computer.

Knowing this I usually give people a pass on this kinda thing because there are all KINDS of intelligence out there, and they do not always overlap ;-)

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hadn't noticed, but since we take the "horse" stuff from feed stores we never worried about pill content. There's an awful lot of misinformation out there right now so nothing would surprise me - if this isn't real, I mean. Just in case? We're headed to the feed store and getting more.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Almost anywhere in the country there is a feed store somewhere nearby. That's where we buy ours. Not pills. It's like a gel. Weight based, comes in a syringey-sorta thing with measurements right on it. Measure it out, chase it with water, and it's pretty easy.

Don't forget...zinc is still necessary even with ivermectin. Apparently it has more in common with HCQ than we thought. Also you can get quercetin at good vitamin shops or online. That and zinc every day, and we can testify: you don't catch ANYTHING.

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