My thing is even though we know they cheated for their season they have Biden as President, even though it's our turn to say not my Presisent. Point I am making is I don't see any of us crying or wanting to move to a different country or even commit suicide over it.
1.1K likes on Biden and 1.1K dislikes for Trump. I wonder now if the 1.1K people that liked Biden just went to Trumps to just place a dislike. Seems like more than just a coincidence to me. I could be wrong though.
Thank you, I was searching for this. Didn't know what search term to look for.
I am sure I saw a q post that at least had a meme that said something like before it is all over it would be like you were never President. This would be in reference to Obama. Did I make this up in my head or was there a Q post with a meme like this. If it was and someone knows the Q post can I get help finding it.
No today, as Shumer and McConal setup and I don't care if I misspelled these idiots, is arguments on the constitutionality of this trial followed by a vote after each side gets 4 hours. If this proceeds it continues tomorrow.
It's on purpose. If the democrats get their way to be able to try the impeachment it sets up the impechments for former Presidents like Obama and Bush.
No outside comms as it pertains to Q. But let's me make up a situation. What if President Trump, which in reality he will not, walks across my lawn. I grab my phone and capture the proof by picture or video. I come here and post it sharing that President Trump went across my lawn. Now I am not Q but if information is fact it does not matter if it comes from Q or not. Now yes it might be important to realize that a source of information is not from Q but facts are facts no matter who or what it comes from.
I agree that the majority of America will wake up but I am sure there will still be those that force themselves to stay asleep in the Matrix. Many do not want to get out and that is sad.
The only verified Telegram account I know is Lin Wood because he told us in interviews. Other than that I am honest and say I don't know any other account that is verified.
I didn't know how to write this in a post. Anyway, my thoughts are many of us were looking to Twitter for President Trump to write My fellow Americans the Storm is Upon us. I wonder if because of the Storm that Q and Trump will bring will cause Biden to tweet this? Just a theory.
Many people talk about proof of voter fraud and election fraud that could lead to a new election. If there is proof that Trump won there will be no need for new election. On the other hand if many people on congress go-to jail for treason or any other crime then new elections will be needed.
If the sun goes out it is said it will take some time before we feel or see what happened. With this could it be that an operation they do will impact everything and destroy the deep state yet like the sun we will not see it until later. Meaning after the 30 days we may not see what happened but later start to see it and maybe pin point the 30 days as the start of everything. At least I hope that is. Another theory is the 30 days was from the inauguration.
Also we were looking for Trump to tweet the storm is upon us. What if it is Biden that says that?
It is possible the trap is set at the inauguration, or the inauguration is what people think it will be, and we will witness the arrests on live TV. If that is how it will be played expect everything to be just as quiet as today. Any suspicious movement before January 20th will alert the enemy before the operation can be made. Even if the enemy is alerted there is no escape however when waiting until the proper time it will look so glorious to see the enemy defeated in a dramatic way. I believe the first arrest will not be one person arrest but many at one time that will shock the world. What better way to shock the world than to have the first arrest at a planned inauguration.
More like just wanted to retire because he is old not because he feels guilty and wants to quit being evil. He was just old.
What if an account that causes us to have concern really is Sidney Powell? Not saying I believe it is but let us think for a minute. Optics are very important and President Trump must do everything he can to make the deep state think they won. Remember Q said one time disinformation is necessary. What if that disinformation is from Trump's team designed against the deep state? Make them think you are far when you are near.
When Q is validated I hope he realizes his mistake and is man enough to apologize to us who follow Q posts and see the truth.
Where can we do a good search on these posts. does not do a good search on these words so I can find this post. Would be easier if those posting Q post would at least reference what Q post it is.
10 Days Darkness.any suggest there is no of which is true and can change the meaning. Darkness can mean what we see. It could mean that it looks like Biden will become President. That could be the 10 Days Darkness and has nothing to do with communication. In truth we don't know what this means and it is all a guess. It's good we don't know because that means the enemy does not know either.
I personally would like a new party to arise. However, if President Trump runs on a Democrat platform and gets re elected it would prove that we didn't vote party but the person who is President Trump. I assume most of us knew that the 2 party is only an illusion to make us think there is a 2 party.
People are discussing the possibility that there will not be an inauguration on January 20. Someone on this site pointed out that before FDR our inauguration for President used to be March 4. To restore us back to our founding fathers it would make sense that we will return to our original inauguration date.
First the pope is not getting arrested. If he was it would be by his own people and government and that is not happening. Arrests in America will happen with authority given to and by America.
Many of us are focused on arrest as in singular. What if the first arrest is more of 1 set of arrest of many people? What if arrest is more in the plural rather. Example what if it is VP Pence, Nancy Polosi and excuse misspelling of any name because I don't care about them enough to get it right, Brennan, Clapper, Killary,......and more in one day and or one place being one big massive arrest? What if Trump saying he is not attending inauguration because it will not be an inauguration but a stage set to arrest them all that is gathered in one place? Just a theory because I really don't know what really will happen. Just questions to expand our thinking.
I would not consider myself with a high IQ. I personally believe my IQ had nothing to do with me waking up from the matrix that started in 2015. I believe that no matter what my level of IQ is that it was me allowing the Lord Yeshua, a name that many of us know as Jesus, to guide me and show me. I believe at times it is the protection of the Lord that keeps us, who are awake, from being brainwashed.
What is she exposing? Is there a link to something that can explain it all or can anyone summarize it up for me please?