SaltyTitties3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn’t fooled by Mike Pence for a single second. I’m not fooled by DeSantis or Rand Paul or MTG, even though the babies here will tell me to “Go away!” or whatever other stupid insult they have when someone doesn’t believe exactly as they do. They can come back in a year or less when DeSantis betrays them on something again or when MTG is still silent about the shots and her Pfizer money and tell me I was right- but that won’t happen because they are so still so easily manipulated that they will just believe that “Oh we’ve always been critical of DeSantis here.”

My point is that there are few who are being honest about our situation; too many are so easily manipulated that they even didn’t question Mike fucking Pence.

SaltyTitties3 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh my gosh the cope. Stop now and admit to yourself that he isn’t the good guy you thought he was. It’s ok, the world won’t fall apart

SaltyTitties3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I don’t trust him. I think he’s there to keep conservatives thinking that something is being done about shit. He will bring up things, like the border, like the child pedo thing, and conservatives will get all fired up and and ra-ra and “Boy didn’t Tucker really put it to them last night?” but then it just drops. Nothing is done.

And if you think about it, he’s NEVER telling us something that we haven’t already been talking about. Not once.

SaltyTitties3 3 points ago +3 / -0

They were neighbors?

Sure it’s good to be friendly with your neighbors but you don’t have to ask them to help get your son into college.

by BQnita
SaltyTitties3 1 point ago +1 / -0

They did it because the damage has already been done. They got whatever they were promised for being silent while it was happening. And so now they are just fooling everyone into thinking they are doing something good. We keep letting them do this. We are retarded, and until we fix ourselves this shit will continue.

by BQnita
SaltyTitties3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop praising them for something they should have never done in the first place. Anyone on here who is applauding this should be embarrassed that they let themselves get fooled AGAIN.

They were ALL completely silent the whole time. They should have been screaming about it before they started illegally jabbing them. Now the damage is done- most of the military folded and those who didn’t were kicked out.

So rescinding the mandate is great (even though they shouldn’t have even let it happen, but then I suspect they wouldn’t have gotten their hush money), but it will only help people who aren’t in the military yet. And it’s atrocious that it even happened.

People: we are fucking stupid. We have been letting the “Republicans” do this shit for years. They let something happen that shouldn’t, and then after the damage is done, they do some little thing like this that doesn’t undo the damage and won’t help a single person who got fucked. But we all applaud them like they’re doing some great thing

This is only a “win” for these politicians.

ETA: This isn’t directed at you, fren. I meant to type it as a stand-alone comment, not a reply to you.

deleted -2 points ago +1 / -3
SaltyTitties3 2 points ago +2 / -0


Also, I don’t believe the story. Not a single college student found their own balloon? Bullshit.

SaltyTitties3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck yes he’s right. We didn’t do anything about 2020. We still use machines, and even most people on here don’t know that we can’t have safe elections with those machines.

Of course he’s right. They stole 2020. We didn’t do shit. They stole 2022. We’re not doing shit.

Of course he’s right.