Who's going to be willing to trade their time for those jobs if you don't pay them to live well?
I mean hands.
Bibi Netanyahu next to extend his nose for some more money.
That's only a $50,000 salary pre-tax, you know? $25 x 2,000 = $50,000. Far less than the median wage in this country.
Just 1 news agency?
Joe's administration is probably not far left enough for their tastes.
Oh fuck yeah, Jerry Nadler, as big as a humongous hippopotamus fat ass as he is, I can't believe it, but I think Chris Christie is even MORE humongous! I can't wait until Chris Christie starts shitting himself during press conferences ala Jerry Nadler style pants dumping.
Yeah fuck them, lol. I think it was 2021, 2022, some of the masked peoples used to stand in line outside businesses even if there wasn't a long line inside, because they wanted to maintain that 6' bullshit even though the germs are flying everywhere in the air as they have done for thousands of years. I cut 'em every single time, had a couple get pissed at me, but I told them they shouldn't leave such a gap. I haven't been shot....yet!
Maybe if Christie pisses off enough of right leaning people, they'll let him win another election new New Jersey.
Chris Christie follows the legendary Hobbit diet; he takes seven meals daily: breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper.
What else do you expect from a big city north-easterner? They're all disgusting, lol.
This guy definitely uses a 24 pack of Charmin each time his fat ass sits on a side-by-side custom made lard ass toilet, tailored just for his huge fat ass.
Haahhaha he is just saying "any one of those boos, any one of those cat calls" and the guy tells him he sucks to his face. I think he deflated from 700 pounds down to about 695 pounds.
Yeah no shit, he's not just a little bit fat, he is one of those people that you see out in public where you just have to say "oh my god."
Chris Christie IS going to fall over dead, that 700 pound lard ass fat ass from New Jersey.
I'd rather take my chances with a manmade biological weapon than any Demonrat swine.
We used to have Citizens Bank here in Indiana that was bought out in 2015 or so by Indiana's Largest Bank, First Merchants Bank.
They could pick either permanent daylight savings OR no daylight savings, I don't care, as long as it wouldn't switch back and forth. Personally if I had to weigh in on the decision making, I'd vouch for brighter evenings and darker mornings. Give people more light to enjoy life after getting off of work!
Don't give them a free pass just because someone finds them sexy. Sexy is a meaningless trait for this type of position. Unless someone is both sexy and useful far beyond posting on social media, and it's really their staff doing it too. I think all of these politicians only work about 2 hours a week.
I was really hopeful that they were going to end the change, but of course, something that would be a net positive for Americans gets pushed to the backburner.
Comparing Northern Indiana to Central Florida, prices are virtually identical. The only thing I have noticed cost more are CAR INSURANCE and HOME INSURANCE. We have a 2100 square foot home in central FL about 45 minutes to the west of New Smyrna Beach. A lot of people in FL were telling me about how much things have increased especially real estate. In my opinion, home prices are equal to our area in Indiana - so they may be experiencing a change but for me, it's the "new normal."
Black man kept down and oppressed by the huwhite man. Even though whites are the only race who will lose out 10/10 times when it comes to upper education and employment due to affirmative action and diversity quotas. We're still to blame though!
MTG is a fucking RINO.
When you need to celebrate a "minority accomplishment" nothing ever really tops certain events. Remember they still teach children about the black inventor who designed a cotton jinn about 200 years ago. Where's everything since?
You sound like some 75 year old 'Boomer 'tard. Go and show us how that works out, please?