Where do we sign up? LOL
Thinks, bro!
If Q is a psyop then we are all idiots. And i ain't one of them.
They don't walk down the street. They have drivers.
No, they are antifa pretending to be Q. Dig and you will find the truth.
WTF? Blurry sterile unknown hospital room bed means COVID IS A LIE!
Good memes are the nukes of cyberwar. Bad memes are Reddit.
Pretty blatant.
Source: military
Why not both!?!?!??!! <high-five>
Guess he shoulda been hitting the horse paste from the beginning...
Cruz and MTG are two peas from a pod.
Coupla loud-mouthed wannabe's who CONSTANTLY say STUPID SHIT and make us look like fucking retards!
Want to give your family a Merry Christmas? Buy them and yourself Guns and ammunition. WIN!
Reddit... again...
WTF, just go buy some at the fuckin feed store. DUH!
Explaining yourself is a sign of weakness. Juss sayin.
Reddit? really?
Here's the fix! Same used SUCCESSFULLY by many other countries protecting their borders.
- Landmines
- Warning signs in English/Spanish
The End.
Um where would one sign up for this benefit? Asking for a friend.
Although I'm a believer to the end, am looking back at the last 4 years and seeing these big changes in my life:
- Lost best friend and one of the biggest, meanest ALPHA PATRIOTS to COVID. He was married with 5 kids, youngest 3 months.
- Severed contact with family (Mother, Father, Sisters, Brother, etc,) after they all vaxxed and called me a "Kook" for my beliefs.
- Survived COVID twice, doctor (dumbass) says I won't make it through another round. Currently COVID negative.
- Two good friends currently locked up without trial for 1/6. One has lost faith and has turned to save his ass and family. Other one will likely die in prison due to his age and poor health.
- Lost previous GREAT job due to no jab. May lose current SHIT job due to same.
- Still have home. Barely.
- Still waiting, still holding the line, still hoping and praying.
Next year, or the year after. Someday we'll lock her up!
And when it doesn't happen, we hold the line because that is what we are told to do.
Hold the line!
Thank you
I mean to say salon. Just being dum today