Good buy. Best pillow I’ve ever had, period.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
I imagine it to be somewhat like after 9/11. A stunned citizenry, a shattering of believed reality, a coming together of the people against a common enemy, and this burning demand for justice.
I grew up in a very spiritual family, both my father and grandfather were what some would call old school “hell fire and brimstone” ministers. I spent many days and nights in churches where the spirit was palpable - you could certainly feel it, even as a small child, but it was more than that. There was such a presence in these people you could practically SEE the spirit coming through them.
I was somewhat young when my grandfather passed, but my grandmother would tell me about how he had the gift of prophecy. I have memories of hearing him preach, I remember his tone, his cadence, the overwhelming feeling of his words burning through your soul. I’ve never seen or heard anything like that since, but I heard it in this man in the video.
Prophets, many times though not always, may not even have an interpretation of what they are prophesying. They speak in the symbolism that is given to them. Some is obvious, much is not. Understand, they are not like a fortune teller or a person who predicts the future, it is something on a much, much deeper spiritual level.
Sorry to rant, this just brought back many memories and rang that bell of truth that has been in me since childhood. Thank you for the video!
Missed opportunities
That’s some high grade hopium right there!
It’s a porthole for a camera lens to shoot the room from different angles. Only a movie set would have that.
This is how I see most Americans right now. Right under their nose and don’t realize what’s happening.
Freedom Toast!
My wife has had ours filled for a month, I feel you fren.
I like it. Almost a military kind of look in dark mode. Text seems a bit smaller, tho. No worries, looks good.
I KNEW there was more to the soccer ball than meets the eye. I suspected it might have a chip or Zip drive with damming evidence Russia was sitting on. What an inconspicuous way to pass it off - and right in their faces.
Quality post right here. Thank you, sir!!
Why have you copy/pasted this same comment a dozen times now?? Every new comment gets your comment copypasta’d to it.
Me thinks you’re a shill.
The Psalms have always been a great source of strength for me. They are beautifully written (actually “songs”) and are full of hope and inspiration.
Has Pompeo been Q all along?? He has the background and access to POTUS. He’s sure making a convincing case to suspect his involvement, if not.
Seemed appropriate for this board.
Agreed. This has always been what I thought it was, GW hanging from a gallows.
Bingo!! Thank you
“Dude, your blinker is on.”