SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Says the man who's been arguing about it for days.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, it is your job to educate if you ever hope to persuade anyone to your point of view.

Wrong again.

I have no need to convince anyone about my position because it's already commonly accepted and I've already established that I'm happy for you to remain ignorant.

You had your chance to substantiate your claim and refused...

...so here I am, watch you throw a fit and laughing about it.

Zelensky is a Khazarian Jew and Russia is at war against a Ukrainian Khazarian Jew controlled government.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have certainly not provided any.

It's not my job to educate you. I'm not your mommy.

The research I've done has 100% satisfied me about the rise of the Khazar empire, the origins of the Khazarian Jews from about 1,200 years ago and the Zelensky bloodline.

Ahhhhh. I'm totally satisfied with my research and reasons.

Feels good man.

I'm even more delighted for you to not do your own research and remain ignorant.

Now it's your turn to scream and cry. You may proceed.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Zelensky is a Khazarian Jew based on the evidence and that's enough for me.

You're the only one with a problem.

You're the only one screaming and crying about this whereas I'm totally satisfied.

Feel free to keep throwing a fit and I will entertain that because it's been amusing thus-far.

I hope this lasts for days.

SelfReliancePepe 6 points ago +6 / -0

I bet none of this is true, that Schumer hasn't been vaccinated and he doesn't have Covid.

This is either comms or this dirty, dirty Merchant is playing his part to push the lie that the clot-shot reduces the symptoms of Covid rather than destroying your immune system.

Hand-rubbing intensifies.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +4 / -2

Malik Obama is a Hamas terrorist wanted for acts of terrorism in Egypt.

Please don't praise the Muslim terrorist.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe Zelensky is almost certainly a Khazarian Jew given what we know about him.

You're the only person making definitive claims that he's not a Khazarian Jew... so the burden of proof is yours.

Prove Zelensky is not a Khazarian Jew or shut the fuck up.

SelfReliancePepe 0 points ago +3 / -3

Fuck Jordan "clot-shot" Peterson for:

  • Encouraging everyone to get the clot-shot because "compliance will end fascism";

  • Choosing to only interviewing Ukrainian New World Order fan-boys and push New World Order propaganda about the war;

  • Endlessly pushing every Bolshevik fan-fiction false narrative about WW2 including all the lies that were forensically debunked in the 1950s and 60s;

  • Discussing and promoting the benefits of gay marriage on his podcast show;

  • He's a tranny.

There's a reason YouTube and Google promote Peterson so heavily and it's not because he's your friend.

Peterson getting into bed with Ben "dancing Israeli" Shapiro should have been your first red flag!

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +3 / -2

Eh, I don't usually care about the distinction between Kharzarian Jews and Ashkenazi Jews and Hebrew Jews because they all follow the same religion and study the same scripture and study the same religious scholars and practice the same culture.

Occasionally I see someone triggered by the distinction and it's usually because of silly Jewish scapegoats about the No True Scotsman logical fallacy of "real Jews" and "fake Jews".

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has bred with ducks for 60 generations then it's a duck.

And if God sends the religious Kharzarian Jews and the religious Ashkenazi Jews and the religious Hebrew Jews to wriggle around in the same hellfire, then I see even less reason to care.

It's like worry about which Christ-deniers color their hair. It really doesn't matter.

SelfReliancePepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, it's owned by the Jewish Newhouse family.

SelfReliancePepe 0 points ago +1 / -1

So, how quickly

As recession becomes depression, it'll happen rapidly because people won't have any other choice.

But things aren't going their way.

In case you haven't noticed, they just injected half of the white race and half of America and Australia with vaccine-AIDS.

SelfReliancePepe 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's relevant because this is precisely what the New World Order are planning for us all.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zelensky is almost certainly a Khazarian Jew given what we know about him in the same way that Donald J. Trump is almost certainly a white male Christian.

And even if I did write you a white paper tracing Zelensky's full Jewish ancestry, you likely wouldn't read it and start crying about something else, probably a No True Scotsman logical fallacy scapegoat.

You have my permission to follow your own advice and devote oceans of your time into obsessing over Zelensky the Khazarian Jew.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

People have known family trees. It's nothing special and nothing to cry about.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry about your sister's cancer.

This may be the lamest suggestion in this post, but your sister's pain my be relieved using a gentle massage using a product called Deep Heat. It's a non-greasy paste that feels very comforting and very warm when gently massaged into your skin. The soothing warmth and gentle muscle massage encourage blood flow and that's often enough to kick-start the healing process even for non-muscular aches.

It's an all natural product that have been used for centuries.

There are a few different types of Deep Heat for different kinds of aches, but I'd recommend just trying the classic version first.

You can buy it over the counter at most grocery stores and chemists.

I'm a trained masseuse but haven't gained my qualifications. I've used gentle massage with Deep Heat to cure many aches and pains among friends and family. It even works wonders for things like inner ear infections - just rub the cream around your neck and ear and the soothing warmth feels nice and the increased blood flood speeds up the healing.

If the massage feels uncomfortable for her then I'd stop immediately. If she enjoys it then it's likely helping because of the increased blood flow.

If you're unfamiliar with the product then I recommend rubbing some into your calf muscle so you understand what it does. I have no idea what medications you're sister is on, so you might want to have some towels and warm water ready to wash away the cream if she doesn't like the sensation.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

His family tree.

And I agree there are plenty of Jews in the world and I don't think the distinction between a Khazarian Jew and an Ashkenazi Jew and a Hebrew Jew is very important, but people get triggered and start screaming and throwing fits if you're not specific about naming the Khazarian Jew specifically. I think it's because of some scapegoat "real Jew" vs. "fake Jew" bullshit or similar.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other ten percent work in the mainstream media and Silicon Valley.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Us vs. Them

Pro-tip: Them are not our liberal brothers and sisters, neighbors and fellow Christians in our congregation.

The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus and worship themselves, worship hurting children and worship shekels. Their motivation is purely religious: a carnal master-race fantasy that they believe can be validated only by enslaving, killing, raping and causing suffering to others.

SelfReliancePepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can't name one

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, you've been screaming hysterically for over an hour now.

I presume you lost an argument or something.

SelfReliancePepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry I don't recall because of all of your nonsense.

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