I’m glad you think so, I left my job with the feds almost 6 years ago, I guess the people I sent this to could not fathom that a former national security nerd writing this in his underwear from his perch in suburban Philadelphia could be taken seriously. Please copy and share all around,
Unfortunately, I spent 15 hours a day seven days a week between the election and the inauguration digging up every piece of information I could and sending it forward to people I thought would be able to do something about it. Including this. Apparently it failed.
Former national security nerd here – – wrote this a couple of days after the election, circulated it with beltway friends, Including a senator, two Congressman, and friends close to the vice president. In the run up to January 20 it seemed that Pompeo and Flynn were both squawking at this same frequency, but it seems like it was too little too late.
It’s also possible, given how big the bureaucracy has become and how much the deep state pushed back, he did not know what options he had. Bottom line I had an in with a couple of insiders one on pensive staff one senator on the hill, not an ounce of guts for leadership among any of them. These bastards lied and cheated to steal the election and I was screaming myself horse that they needed to hold on no matter what. The period between the election and the inauguration was the time for boldMoves, and everybody failed to meet the challenge. Welcome to communism USA
No they are a bunch of pussies. This is all virtue signaling now that the actual battle has been lost. They are hoping the stupid commoners continue to play the charade of representative government when we all know we’re fucking slaves.
But here’s the catch 22, take note. We know the election was stolen and then our worthless Republican “representatives“ largely did nothing about it, some even actively participated in it. Now we know we can’t have faith in our elections going forward, but a significant portion of the electorate is no longer going to waste time jerking off pretending we have representative government. Which means the Democrat permanent majority is here to stay. Plan accordingly.
Sorry, disagree. They are already calling trump and anybody who voted for him every name in the book. When the chips are down they will have a couple of riots in liberal shit holes which they are currently having already anyway, and faith in the republic will be restored. Clausewitz triangle—Trump showed on January 6 that he had the people behind him. The government is the problem. The question mark Was the military. They look like they are cucked just like the government, that does not bode well for us.
They are worthless, they decided to try to save their own skins rather than stand up for Trump and what was right and the American people. They think they bought themselves a pass away from the Gulag‘s that they were just complicit in ushering in.
I’m sure being able to say, “see I told you so” from an America that resembles Venezuela will be somewhat satisfying but a pyrrhic victory