At this point, If these are not realistic AF masks and voice mods, I 'm opened to an alliance with shape-shifters based on earth playing their part in terrestrian politics to get things moving in the overarching galactic wars between different alien races. This would partially explain Elon's genius at hand ("...He's from another planet.. "- which might be literally, lol) and the creation of Space Force. Since 45 was prompted by military, it also have to do with their handling of the alien presence, regardless of their retro-engineering of alien tech during the last century. There is the nazi Vrill Society which may have had their role too, before beeing brought in through Paperclip. Anyway, still waiting for more drips from Elon re:Space Warden! Oh well. This was fun.
I agree. The Q operation was an amazing "psyop" using game theory to get things moving as it triggered massive clue hunting and collective decyphering of patterns, among others. The Q proofs were happening to keep momentum and moral. It was always about using info for the sake of winning the info war (of overarching class war) using media and censorship to brake off the consciousness shift. But we are winning and this operation will be celebrated in many circles (if not officially in the books) as the greatest tool in History for asymetric warfare, as its impact will last for a long while..If not forever. WWG1WGA. From your french speaking frog brother stuck in Cuckbec. ;)
Btw, the covid shot was developed by the mil/DARPA. These cies just branded it.