Smith_1_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The U.S. (and Russia / China each country) is Run by a Selfish Oligarchy, a Ruling Elite in the US with a Pretend Democracy & Free Market (1993) interview with sociologist C. Wright Mills


Read the book:

The Power Elite by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in which Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities. The book is something of a counterpart of Mills' 1951 work, White Collar: The American Middle Classes, which examines the then-growing role of middle managers in American society. A main inspiration for the book was Franz Leopold Neumann's book Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism in 1942, a study of how Nazism came into a position of power in a democratic state like Germany. Behemoth had a major impact on Mills. According to Mills, the eponymous "power elite" are those that occupy the dominant positions, in the dominant institutions (military, economic and political) of a dominant country. Their decisions (or lack thereof) have enormous consequences, not only for the Americans but, "the underlying populations of the world." The institutions which they head, Mills posits, are a triumvirate of groups that have succeeded weaker predecessors: "two or three hundred giant corporations" which have replaced the traditional agrarian and craft economy, a strong federal political order that has inherited power from "a decentralized set of several dozen states" and "now enters into each and every cranny of the social structure," and the military establishment, formerly an object of "distrust fed by state militia," but now an entity with "all the grim and clumsy efficiency of a sprawling bureaucratic domain." Importantly, and as distinct from modern American conspiracy theory, Mills explains that the elite themselves may not be aware of their status as an elite, noting that "often they are uncertain about their roles" and "without conscious effort, they absorb the aspiration to be... The Ones Who Decide." Nonetheless, he sees them as a quasi-hereditary caste. The members of the power elite, according to Mills, often enter into positions of societal prominence through educations obtained at eastern establishment universities like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. But, Mills notes, "Harvard or Yale or Princeton is not enough... the point is not Harvard, but which Harvard?" Mills identifies two classes of Ivy League alumni, those were initiated into an upper echelon fraternity such as the Harvard College social clubs of Porcellian or Fly Club, and those who were not. Those so initiated, Mills continues, receive their invitations based on social links first established in elite private preparatory academies, where they were enrolled as part of family traditions and family connections. In this manner, the mantle of the elite is generally passed down along familial lines over the generations. The resulting elites, who control the three dominant institutions (military, economy and political system) can be generally grouped into one of six types, according to Mills: the "Metropolitan 400": members of historically notable local families in the principal American cities, generally represented on the Social Register "Celebrities": prominent entertainers and media personalities the "Chief Executives": presidents and CEOs of the most important companies within each industrial sector the "Corporate Rich": major landowners and corporate shareholders the "Warlords": senior military officers, most importantly the Joint Chiefs of Staff the "Political Directorate": "fifty-odd men of the executive branch" of the U.S. federal government, including the senior leadership in the Executive Office of the President, sometimes variously drawn from elected officials of the Democratic and Republican parties but usually professional government bureaucrats Mills formulated a very short summary of his book: "Who, after all, runs America? No one runs it altogether, but in so far as any group does, the power elite." Commenting on The Power Elite, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. derisively said, "I look forward to the time when Mr. Mills hands back his prophet's robes and settles down to being a sociologist again." Nonetheless, consideration of the book has become moderately more favorable over time. In 2006, G. William Domhoff wrote, "Mills looks even better than he did 50 years ago". Mills' biographer, John Summers, admitted that The Power Elite was "vulnerable to the charge of conspiracy-mongering" but declared that its historical value "seems assured".

Smith_1_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want an additional perspective view the video below about the Sworn Court Statement required by a Federal Judge in Florida to consider if the Tatum defense related evidence about his CIA work was classified or not

The Federal Judge confirmed that the CIA evidence was true but would not allow it to be used as evidence because the Judge said it was not related to the case listen to Chip Tatum video below.

This seems a strange ruling given the case involved first a treason then a fraud charge. The defense case was that the actions taken all related to Tatum's CIA work and his refusal to carry out certain actions


Even if the claims seem strange it is clear from the sworn statement he worked for the CIA for many years and can reveal this and what happened only because the Judge ruled the information was not classified despite it setting out Tatum's role in what would normally be considered as classified.

The reason for these rulings is set out by Tatum makes some sense.

The roles Tatum disclosed includes working under the regular and direct instructions of George Bush senior both while Bush was CIA Director and while President and Vice President and for previous CIA Directors.

These jobs included a CIA false flag attack on an aiport in Cambodia with Vietnamese posing as communist soldiers from North Vietnam

Tatum flying CIA cocaine with court certified copies of his original CIA flight plans with notes showing he flew Oliver North and George Bush Senior to visit CIA funded cocaine labs which produced cocaine for years that was flown into the USA.

Tatum reporting to Oliver North and CIA leaders that cocaine was being smuggled into the USA

Tatum also sets out he was involved in assassination jobs for the CIA around the world and that pressure was put on US politicians to conform.

How much of all this is true is unclear.

It will be up to each person to decide. However it seems clear that some of this looks to be true and supports claims made and evidence provided by others such as Daniel Sheehan

Good luck to all who seek the truth as Major Joesph Murphy USMC set out in 2022

Smith_1_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very good film saw it about 2016

No one wanted to believe it could be true

I wonder how different Putin is from those behind Western politicians

The murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is another strange event.

Many men with walkie talkies were seen following PM Palme and his wife, in the time before his murder. These men were not from the security services as Palme had dismissed his gurads and often walked unprotected

It is claimed there were links to a far right police group called the Baseball Club and these men with walkie talkies

It is also strange that later in 1995 and on the same night as calls for a full investigation into any police connection with the murder of Palme, 2 policemen from the Baseball Club were found on the roof above the bedroom of the next Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson.

These men were arrested but not charged with any offence and were NOT spotted by the security services but by a guard at a private building nearby

6 hours later after this roof incident Ingavar Carlson resigned as Prime Minister of Sweden telling almost no one until just before

See end of podcast below for this info


Smith_1_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is being called right wing anti vaxx anti truth - strange when he is just showing stuff that mainstream media wont talk about like the FDA and Pfizer withholding covid vax trial results or about the War in Ukraine. He makes clear he does not support Putin or the invasion but points out whats not being said


Russell Brand published this video item, entitled ""They Falsified Data"!!

Smith_1_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Powers seems to have been a small part in a big picture.

All U2 flights had been banned by Ike and the Whitehouse. Dulles says he did not give approval - so who did ?

Powers was set up to crash land and continue the forever wars via increased tension that we continued to see in a range of places around the world as direct fighting or proxy wars

Col Prouty says each U2 mission had 3 pilots and 3 planes - no pilot knew if he would go until they were all ready or which plane would be used and all U2 flights were banned by Ike.

So for Powers to end up in the plane with his ID stuff etc in his parachute seat (when all pilots went clean of any items) plus to have run out of the hydorgen fuel used to keep the engines working where oxygen was too low to work without it, and brought the plane down, really shows the fix was in.

Also if he had ejected and had not landed all the ID stuff would have scattered from his parachute seat and not been found.

It seems to be about forever wars being set up for the future bringing down the U2 helped that - Col Prouty says by 1960 the U2 missions were a joint AF-CIA operation as he supplied all the fuel, tech support, pilots, bases etc for the CIA and his office was located next to the group who prepared the cover story for each CIA op of any sort including Bay of Pigs etc

Col Prouty says the fact the Oswald story has survived since 1963 and the media wont discuss the alternatives and attacked the movie JFK so heavily shows how powerful those promoting the Oswald story are.

Prouty says he was given the names of 4 people who authorized actioning the JFK killing very shortly after by someone he knew well but suspects others were involved above them.

Cuba showed JFK what the CIA were doing and why how they took the small plan Ike approved and turned it into an invasion with arns for 25,000 in the ships plus 1500 to land in the Bay of Pigs.

Kennedy only approved the plan if all the Cuban aircraft were destroyed which they were not.

Bundy seems to have given orders not to fly and destroy the last Cuban planes and also drafted and circulated memo 273 the day before JFKs assassination reversing JFKs memo 263 of a month earlier pulling troops out of Vietnam by 1965

The suggestion is the CIA were more interested in Vietnam which Kennedy was stopping. In one Prouty interview a researcher discusses that In 1965 Vietnam planning was for a 10 year war and 57,000 US deaths - the source was the researchers mother who was in Pentagon War Planning

The CIA was not v interested in Cuba as it would be a short war after the invasion and were more worried that Ike and Kennedy were putting an end to their ability to create forever wars as both planned to co-operate with Russia on the space program plus disarmament etc and hand over covert ops to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Ike had agreed to do reduce arms and meet with Khrushchev to do this - but the U2 coming down stopped that progress and led to his military industrial complex speech plus multi heart attacks

There was also a $6billion fighter jet program which Ike delayed but Kennedy adjusted and gave to another bidder for various political vote winning reasons


The CIA was in Vietnam from 1945. According to Col Prouty the after Japan surrendered the US sent $250m of arms to supply 10 divisions to North Vietnam then CIA backed in 1945 and the other $250m to South Korea - all from Okinawa where it was waiting to be used for invasion of Japan

All part of the planning for the forever wars


Thats my take on it for now.

If we do not learn from History we will repeat until we destroy ourselves and our society - so far all human empires ended in failure and self destruction via corruption from within

Smith_1_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

See Col Fletcher Prouty video "That Whole Bay of Pigs Thing...and how it led to the JFK Assassination


THE SECRET TEAM - The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World

L. FLETCHER PROUTY Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.)

More Col Prouty public data information not discussed by the press or media




We have described the THE SECRET TEAM (ST). We have talked about who it is, what it does, how it operates. But it would be impossible to uncover everything about it and to attribute to it all that it really is. Likewise, it would be wrong to grant to this cybernetic, automatic-control machine more wisdom, more power, more sense than it really possesses. The worst possible mistake would be to overestimate it. It is not just one finite team of individuals. It is a matrix that changes with the gestation of each new operation. It is a sinister device of opportunity and contrivance. What does exist is the mechanism. What exists is the automatic system, much like a nervous system or an electrical system. More properly, what exists is like a giant electronic data processing machine, on the model of Ross Ashby's idea, which has its own power to grow, to reproduce, and to become more insidiously effective and efficient as it operates.

      It is a great intragovernmental infrastructure that is fed by inputs from all sources. It can be driven by the faceless, lobbying pressure of a helicopter manufacturer, or of a giant Cam Ranh Bay general contractor. It can be accelerated by the many small pushes of hundreds of thousands of career military personnel -- uniformed and civilian -- who see higher rank and higher retirement pay as a goal worth seeking. It can be suddenly activated by almost any "counterinsurgency" area or similar "hot button" initiator.

      This great machine has been constructed by such able men as "Wild Bill" Donovan, Clark Clifford, Walter Beedle Smith, Allen Dulles, Maxwell Taylor, McGeorge Bundy, and many others, who have guided and molded it into the runaway giant that it is today. It is big business, big government, big money, big pressure, and headless -- all operating in self-centered, utterly self-serving security and secrecy. As C. P. Snow has said, "The euphoria of secrecy goes to the head." And as Allen Dulles has said, perhaps in a slightly different context, this is really the craft of intelligence.

      For all its fabrication and apparent unreality, especially in this open society, the ST machine does have a central soul or brain. . . or perhaps. . . holy spirit. It is the evidence of a form of new religion. It has its secrets. It has its divine and unquestioned rights and obligations. It has self-righteous power over life and death. It does not believe in anything. It does not value anything. It is utterly ruthless. Its greatest motivating force and drive is entirely undefined, because it moves by pressure. It reacts. It is therefore blind, meaningless, senseless. It will do anything in the name of anti-Communism. Yet in its greatest anti-Communist war it sees no inconsistency in the killing of one of its most anti-Communist creations -- Ngo Dinh Diem. In its zeal to rid the Caribbean of Communism, it leaps at the chance to rid the Dominican Republic of Latin America's strongest non-Communist, Rafael Trujillo. Any person or groups that know how to get to this infrastructure, who have the clearances, who have the need-to-know, can make an input into this ST, and as long as the desired action is anti-Communist, the system will operate.

      As Kennedy saw, as Johnson may have seen, as Nixon's "nightmare" may suggest, there is but one way to control this massive ST structure. It must be uncovered. It must be made known. It must be exposed to the light. And then it must be told No. To be effective, this means that Congress must cut its money off, not only at the central source, but at all the hidden nerve centers.

      Before it is too late, we Americans must realize that this great cancer exists. We must expose it for pro-American reasons; not as a work of anti-Communism. We have been subjected to so many anti-American and pro-Communist notions all in the name of anti-Communism, that words and facts almost elude us. We must look at all actions -- political, social, governmental, and international -- in terms of their being pro-American. There is such a world of difference between a truly pro-American positive action, and an anti-Communist passive, or reactive, operation.

      It is not pro-American to pay barbaric tribute before the shrine of anti-Communism in Southeast Asia by sacrificing fifty-five thousand young men there. Neither is it pro-American to pay tribute in the amount of hundreds of billions of dollars before false altars of savagery there. There may be some argument, some slight argument, about such central effort being anti-Communist. We have been so brainwashed about the meaning of anti-Communism for twenty-five years that we may have forgotten what it really means. To be anti-Communist should mean that an action does have some effect upon real Communists and Communism; certainly the loss of not one Russian in an anti-Communist war can hardly be hurting the Russians one bit. But regardless of this semantic issue, the fact is that what had been going on in Indochina is not pro-American, and that is what matters the most.

      Thus this ST must be exposed, bared, and silenced. Then a new and better way of life must be created. We must end the philosophy of Defense. The alternative is not simply Offense, either. The real alternative is the requirement for a sensible strategic concept to meet American needs, not to counter imagined and suspected Communist threats. We must end the policy of "Re-action" in favor of planned action and positive diplomacy. We must end the exploitation of secret intelligence by clandestine operations.

      The first twenty-five years of the CIA have given solid evidence of how important the ideas of those legislators in 1947 were. The CIA should be, must be, the "quiet intelligence arm of the President". Not his nightmare. The CIA should be limited to the function of intelligence -- and not a bit more.
Smith_1_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks - the 2 videos in the links are on webarchive

Youtube seems to have deleted some videos from


Its all in plain sight and nobody seems to want to join up the dots - even if its just to say hey why doesnt the media report this ?

History is written by the victors - I guess there will be a book burning in time. History is full of examples of this like the bible being heavily edited by the church so it delivers the msgs wanted and cuts out the role of women etc

Smith_1_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Click on the heading it takes you to the web page


Jurisdiction Florida - civil court 20 military people seeking stay on military vaccination

3 military Drs 2 flight surgeons and one Green Berret Lt Col Dr provide evidence

1 flight surgeon says she was ordered the day before the court hearing not to comment on the adverse military vaccine data -which maybe witness tampering

Staver asked Lt Colonel Long a question about the DMED data during the hearing, and she answered: “I have been ordered not to answer that question.”

Judge Merryday reportedly asked Long: “Ordered by who?,” and the doctor explained what happened the night before the hearing.

Staver then asked Long if the information the military ordered her to withhold was relevant and helpful for the court and the public to know. She said, “yes,” and Staver asked her why etc


Smith_1_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

No main stream media reporting or google search results

See also the same for ivermectin study of 220,000 people showing 70% reduction in both mortality and hospitalization of those taking ivermectin adjusted for age etc compared to those who did not

See video by pro vaccine triple jabbed Dr John Campbell saying Ivermectin could be the biggest scandle of the pandemic at 8mins and 20 secs into the video below


Dr Campbell has produced extensive videos on covid backing the WHO position but has also been opwn to reviewing studies and data as it comes out


Also see post on censorship of any info on death of Harvey Kasdan CFO of EcoHealth of a heart attack the same night as Dr Andrew Huff VP at EcoHealth told Peter Daszak and Harvey Kasdan EcoHealth was probably breaking US laws by not reporting its Covid research properly - Dr Huff wrote a Whistleblowing letter to US Senator on this issue in which he set out a range of issues including the death of the CFO and when it occured

Sounds like a fiction but it all appears to be true


Dr Huff EcoHealth VP Whistleblowing interview


Smith_1_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The point is the info is totally censored - why not even a passing mention even when a whistleblower ecohealth VP says the death happened the same evening he confronted Dr Daszak and Mr Kasdan the CFO

PLEASE do not let go of compassion for all. The only person we hurt by letting go of compassion is ourselves.

Its like anger the only person we hurt by not letting go of it is ourselves

Smith_1_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dr. Andrew Huff @AGHuff Former EcoHealth Alliance VP and Whistle Blower Army Combat Veteran Scientist Entrepreneur Rumble: AGHuff GETTR: AGHuff Instagram: theonlyhuff Science & TechnologyMichigan, USAJoined October 2021


Michigan State UniversityMenu Environmental Science and Policy Program College of Social Science Home Directory Andrew Huff Andrew Huff Assistant Professor Hospital Epidemiologist Large Animal Clinical Services Veterinary Medical Center 612-743-1265 [email protected] WEBSITE https://cvm.msu.edu/directory/huff-1

BIOGRAPHY Dr. Andrew Huff is a multidisciplinary scientist and conducts research in high performance computing, risk analysis, bioterrorism, spatial analysis, modeling and simulation, epidemiology, emerging infectious disease ecology, and environmental health as it relates to agricultural and biological food production systems, biosurveillance systems, and public health. Dr. Huff was a member of the U.S. Army where he served two combat tours as an infantryman and has been an active participant in government committees and private sector organizations that work to establish safe and effective policies for food production systems, the environment, and public health systems. Science based policy is imperative to effectively and efficiently combat the difficult challenges our society faces. Challenges like climate change, human overpopulation, and environmental degradation are particularly complex and worrisome, and the Environmental Science and Policy Program at MSU provides the opportunity for students and faculty from different disciplines to work together to create impactful science based policy recommendations.

AREA OF EXPERTISE Health monitoring technology Veterinary public health Veterinary nosocomial emerging infection diseases

Smith_1_ 2 points ago +2 / -0


In late October 2021, Huff says he “came forward as a material witness and whistleblower related to numerous unethical and criminal behaviors that took place at EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance engaged in fraud against the U.S. government (Timecard Fraud and contract reimbursement fraud).” Huff “brought them to the attention of Peter Daszak, Dr. Aleksei Chamura, and CFO Harvey Kasdan. After raising these issues at the meeting, Harvey Kasdan went home from work, had a heart attack, and died.”

Huff’s letter states that Daszak disclosed to him in late 2015 and early 2016 that he was working with the CIA.

See link below for more info - do not know how valud it is but it looks extensive


The rumble video is currently on youtube


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