SomeRandomGuy1121 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its Satan slowly calling her home.

SomeRandomGuy1121 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden has been in office for like about 4 months now. Trump said he had it all from when Trump first went into office. Why the wait then? Starting to seem like they are feeding us bullshit.

SomeRandomGuy1121 5 points ago +5 / -0

This was one of the most powerful videos I have seen. It also made me wonder if Trump is a freemason and found this.


SomeRandomGuy1121 22 points ago +22 / -0

Wish people would link stuff like this so we can see the proof vs just repeating what everyone else is saying. I don't have a paid account so that info is hard to find.

SomeRandomGuy1121 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went into one recently also, had my mask in hand and saw the woman that went in before me didn't have one on so I shoved mine back into my pocket. Also notice all the employees where wearing the masks down with noses sticking out so that was going to be my go to if they said anything to me but they didn't.

But where I live its not mandatory anymore but the businesses can still refuse to serve you as I recall if they want you to wear one and you don't. But not 100% sure on that.

SomeRandomGuy1121 4 points ago +4 / -0

Arizona audit will be done by their deadline, despite all Dem attempts to stop it https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/arizona-audit-director-ken-bennett-maricopa-county-election-audit-pace-done-deadline/

Saw a interview with one of the people over the AZ audit today and they stated they have no deadline, they have 5 days around the 15th that they have the space setup for a few graduations but after that they can keep going if needed.

SomeRandomGuy1121 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its just a excuse for Biden to keep the troops longer, it will something else shortly.

SomeRandomGuy1121 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wish people would link the source on stuff like this, makes it easier to share and prove it was said vs someone just putting txt in a window and taking a screenshot of it and calling it truth.

SomeRandomGuy1121 4 points ago +5 / -1

Well I see it two ways.

  1. He could run twice more because we are going back to the real Constitution not the one where its a corp.

  2. He could keep running "if he wanted" because if we are going back to the old Constitution, The president two term limit was added after in 1947 and ratified in 1951. So if we are going back to the old one we would have no limit of how many terms he can run. Don't see him doing this because of his age and we might chose to add that amendment back in. But hopefully Trump Jr is wanting to run at a later date or possible other family members. They all seem to be a smart bunch.

I hope its the 2nd, it would do away with all amendments that have stripped away our rights over the years. But I do think some will be voted back in like a term limit. Hopefully we will have some changes where the senate and others to term limits also. It would be the time to set those limits in place after everything comes out and we all see why its needed.

SomeRandomGuy1121 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone should make a torrent of all the data. Sure someone has it all downloaded by now.