They will be the first ones to run away as soon as a better deal is available.
No they did not use the Hindu symbol at all. It was a Christian cross at all times called the heuken kreuz. The connection to the Hindu cross was made later and was incorporated into history books. Of course like a lot of other things, this falsification was also ignored. It also hides the convenience of the Vatican. Backed Hitler to the hilt and abandoned him publically when he died or disappeared.
Maybe we need someone who has more knowledge about this. there are depth errors defined for 10KM events as well as for others. The depth error is also not consistent and saying that it defaults to 10 always is also erroneous. There are differeneces in the depth errors as well.
However even if 10% of this number is accurate, that is still a lot.
COming to your point about the unstabale nature of these depths, the only available information is know what is called "known information" distributed by controlled groups.
I dont remember the exact number but at the last count 1000's of patents were classified. These are not tunnels made in the traditional ways IMO.
The count for the last 1 year is 8789 ( see table attached as a pic above)
Mapping the 10KM ones only you get this map.
With several earthquakes being shown at 10KM depth with alarming frequency, I decided to dig a little. I went to the USGS website and downloaded the earthquake data for the last 1 year. for depths between 8 & 12 Km's and magnitude between 2.5 to 7 on the Richter scale. I got 11324 results. When i apply ranges and keep 10 KM as a specific datapoint i get this most shocking result. This is not natural, and this many ? Are these all tactical nukes ?
Just because it's the same, doesn't mean it's untrue. Other than the text, there are videos in the article as well
Many actors social profiles are silted. Tom Hanks is one.
I see a 666 in the UK image.
The Marines are saluting Trump in one of the pics
Could this be going on to destroy the will of Texas indirectly. I strongly feel that this is a created phenomenon and coupled with the electricity grid being potentially made to fail, this is the perfect.way to punish a whole state.
Or was it just water?
Not a triangle. This is more natural and common. Mitch's hands are forced into that position
At a virtual summit, recently.I think WTO. I saw the video but can't find it.memoryholed perhaps.
Wierd but isn't it do more.with the type of mask je is wearing? Hard on the bridge of the nose.
But yeah even a slight movement causes a lot of discomfort. This is really weird.
Why do you get upset when we push back.why do you have to state your beliefs?
thank you for the invite and i appreciate it, but no thank you.
I pray by myself and in private.
Live Long and Prosper :-)
Jai Shri Ram
Look man, live and let live.
Nothing better than that. Don't force your religion on others who may not want it, regardless of what your faith teaches you. That itself will guarantee a lot of peace in the world.
Why do you think the muzzlims are violent, because they have no other aim, but to convert everyone through any and every means necessary to islam. That is it, and they have killed billions since they started.
So live in peace and let others live in peace as well.
Jai Shri Ram
It's a joke, no way its real
Just see who wears the red shoes
The Vatican is nothing but the continuation of the ran empire under the guise of christianity
National Guard Soldiers 'take The Oath' and are Deputized at U.S. Capitolfrom the telegram. Happened on 18th before.trump's departure