Correct. There is no man with a gray beard floating in a cloud.
I think that if you commit schism and then you get excommunicated for schism, that justice has been done.
Not that it exactly matters. Schismatics are excommunicated whether or not the Pope officially recognizes it.
According to you.
How do you know what God would do?
How do you know how Godly the last few Popes have been? Surely not from the lying fake news media? But I'm sure they tell the truth about the Pope! They really do love Christianity and all that. Did you see their interpretation of the Last Supper at the Olympics? Real Godly stuff!
Then there's the fact that the Bible tells us all leaders are placed by God. Ask yourself why He gave us Joe Biden if you want an answer to why we have the Popes you consider to be so terrible. At worst, it's judgement on us, and He prevents them from doing any real damage to His Church.
Also, Pope Francis says based stuff all the time. My favorite was when he said (I'm paraphrasing) that "there's an air of faggotness in the Vatican" before promptly apologizing. The reason it's my favorite is because after he apologized, he said it again like a week later. Fucking legend. Many such cases.
Maybe, just maybe, he's where he is because God placed him there to "play the game" and protect the Church from the Gates of Hell. But no, I'm sure you know better.
We believe Francis is not a pope and Vatican 2 is not Catholic
To believe this is not Catholic. Imagine going to your local priest in the year 1376 and telling him that you don't think the Church teachings on "xyz" are correct? Absurd and anti-traditional.
There is a hierarchy for a reason.
I second the Bible.
I said almost the same exact words you just did. "I want to believe but I just don't".
I said it with an earnest desire to find something more, and after reading the Bible for several months with the mindset of "there's no reason for me to actively believe that any of this is false", I one day found myself able to honestly say to myself "I believe".
Not sure if Western civ is better off because of his rebellion.
Spoiler alert: It's not.
Disgusting slander furthers proves the godlessness of Protestantism.
He was excommunicated for schism, which is absolutely and undeniably true. The fact that we all like what he says does not change this.
Christ made Peter Pope, and no alternative reading exists that bears any validity.
I think that if Christ is fully man, He'd appreciate beauty like all right-minded people do.
I also think that He'd prioritize greater virtues over beauty if need be, and offer correction where He sees error.
What I don't think He'd do is walk in and start telling everyone that they're "doing it wrong" for making beautiful things in His name.
I also think you worship your own mind over an external, objective God.
And for the record, I didn't downvote you.
Why do you think you can make such a determination personally? Why do you believe that this isn't simply evidence you worship your own mind instead of an external, objective God?
No, I said "Prayer is invaluable".
What you're doing is pretending that observable reality doesn't exist and that sitting at home praying will magically make everything better, when it's clearly evident that God doesn't operate like that.
Again, it's certainly not a bad thing to pray and trust in God, but it won't make the world a better place, which yes, should be our goal here. If you're ok resigning yourself to prayer, become a monk or something. Nothing wrong with that. But don't pretend it's how the world will become a better place, because it isn't.
And while God can do anything, He doesn't do plenty of things.
You mean your personal interpretation of the Bible.
Nothing Godly about that, and it's certainly not in the Bible. You only believe it because Martin Luther thought it up on the toilet.
All fake news propaganda.
Blaspheming Christ's perfect Church isn't a very virtuous thing to do...
Good thing God decides who is Pope and not us, or we'd be in real trouble.
If you think we're going to pray the evil away, you can sit at home while everyone else fixes the problem.
Prayer is invaluable, but action is a necessity, as God evidently doesn't just delete evil people from existence. He certainly hasn't at any point in history for the last 2000 years. Instead, what we see throughout history is that evil is beaten back when Christians have turned their cheek one too many times and eventually strike back with force.
Pacifism is Satanic and unchristian.
And yet, God doesn't call us to stand aside and allow evil to prevail.
Instead, He tells us that the gates of Hell shall never prevail against His Church. How does He fulfill this? As always, using us as his way to affect change in the world. And we don't stop evil by bending over for it over and over again continually.
The thing to know about lefties is that words don't have any inherent meaning to them. The only thing that matters to them is winning, and so everything is dependent on temporal convenience, and not on objective reality or actual facts.
Cultural homogeneity.
Anything else leads to division in core worldview and thus chaos throughout society.
Be the change you want to see in the breakroom, fren!
We will all perish if we simply sit back and allow evil to overcome us. Evil doesn't care about our words or our boycotts. It will appeal to the lowest common denominator until there aren't enough of us left to do anything.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. Obviously we shouldn't rush to violence, but self-defense is permitted, and there comes a time when we must defend ourselves. If we never did, we'd all be Muslims right now.
Same Church for 2000 years.
Nothing changed, nothing removed.
Gotta love that "corrupt Catholic Church" donating millions of dollars to fight abortion. How corrupt of them! They should be sitting on all their money instead of using it for charitable and good causes!