SpeaQeasy 3 points ago +3 / -0

we really can't lose no matter what BLM does with it optics-wise lol

SpeaQeasy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I highly recommend Intel Slava Z on telegram 'intelslava'

SpeaQeasy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Add this to the one about Germany relying on Russian oil and needing to fund NATO and you basically have the deepstate intentionally torpedoing itself as we all expected

SpeaQeasy 4 points ago +4 / -0

woah woah woah... let's not give cnn traffic now lol 🤣


There you go 👌🇺🇸

SpeaQeasy 9 points ago +9 / -0

Logical steps:

  • sars-cov-2 has never been isolated
    • isolated means extracted from an infected person showing symptoms and shown in a compound microscope.
    • cdc admitted it had never isolated it
    • multimillion dollar reward for anyone who can is 2 years old now.
    • attempts to prove it have only involved simulations or combining viruses and still doesn't match.
    • PCR test doesn't even test for sars-cov-2

The only thing close to what was described as sars-cov-2 are the various mrna "vaccines".

From the beginning I have known and shared the fact that covid doesn't even exist. Even the best counter-argument I have heard is a red herring among strawmen, appealing to authority and wrapped in an ad hominem.

I once heard "Well it took years for them to isolate HIV and even then it turned out that was fake because they isolated it years after that".

I heard people say "It doesn't matter if it's real or not, we can't get through to the normies unless we act as if it's real - which actually helps us more since if it were real the response to it has been retarded."

As most of you know it's the responsibility of the individual making the claim to provide evidence in the affirmative not the responsibility of the one who doubts the claim to provide evidence in the negative (although we could even do that lol).

No matter how you feel about this topic it's always my IQ test for everybody else around me. At this point it's a subcoscious and continuous environnental assessment of who and what I'm dealing with.

I'm looking forward to the day when we all collectively realize this humungous truth but even moreso, and I'm interested in your feedback, about what the implications of that revelation would be. Would it manifest an era of a higher standard of proof for anything related to safety and liberty? I'm pretty optimistic, for now it's my shill-dar. How about you? 🇺🇸

SpeaQeasy 10 points ago +10 / -0

my guess this far is our national guard in 12 major liberal sanctuary cities where they try to activate antifa/ms-13/isis/blm/ recent illegal immigrants, recent Afghanistani "refugees" etc..

SpeaQeasy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Plus it's an opportunity for liberals to piss off black people - implying people think of blacks when they hear the word monkey.. not to mention diseases/viruses etc. what a psyop lol

SpeaQeasy 41 points ago +41 / -0

read through it earlier. normies don't trust Russia enough to hear it from them. Add this to the expanding list of reasons 98% of government should be arrested for treason. along the way people wake up and eventually after every promising angle is blocked and the people are maximally aware of what is going on - the military is the only way.

SpeaQeasy 2 points ago +2 / -0

if the reward is his incentive for turning himself in it represents an effective strategy for catching low IQ murderers at least

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