Low level radar dodging attack mode!!!
Please send link!? I'd like to look at it. Tanx!
It wasn't the U.S. Think Clowns-In-America/Mossad are behind it.
From a local Facebook post I read:
Like most of us, I am trying to make sense out of the current geo-political maneuvering. Here are the chess moves being played as I see them.
Russia - does not want Ukraine in NATO so decides to take back the Russian speaking region of Ukraine in order to weaken Ukraine and take what it believes is rightly it's own.
USA - wants peace and an end to the killing of Russians and Ukrainians and also refuses to fund a war of attrition any more; gets the ear of Russia and Ukraine; doesn't favor either Russia or Ukraine but simply wants an end to bloodshed; on the brink of a peace settlement; getting mineral rights in Ukraine gives protection to Ukraine without the useless addition of them to NATO because Russia will refrain from attacking a country with American interests.
Ukraine - foolishly tries to use a public press conference about the mineral deal to win public support for their desire to have the USA enter the war and defend Ukraine and let them into NATO. UK has quietly signed mineral dealings in January?
Europe - says they support Ukraine but they do not send troops nor armaments to defeat Russia; they like seeing Russia weakened and don't care that the Ukrainians are dying for Europe's selfish gain; they say they support Ukraine but really are causing the war of attrition to continue endlessly.
Questions: Why do those in this country who say they are for Ukraine not send their children and money over to Ukraine to fight the Russians? Is posting a Ukraine flag on your FB page actual support for Ukraine or hatred for someone else? Why would anyone not support the proposal for peace? What have I got wrong?
Clear evidence that the ability to think critically has been lost by those who openly participate in these protests. Are they knowingly stepping up to support, or are they "group thinking" participating? It's sad to see the ability to think critically has been lost with these citizens. Peace is openly offered and no one can see it because they refuse to do so. It makes me wonder is it Peace they hate, or is it "Orangeman Bad" they are blinded by from TDS and will fight against anything POTUS does?
After reading all the comments to this post, I wonder if this economic stage is the set up for the Big Scare event of a nuke FF???? Ukraine is rich in minerals and is wheeling/dealing (playing) with rival countries for deals... "Tiny man" Z being the instigator for conflict(s) for the big WW111 the DS desperately needs....
Considering his "horse play" antics.....
Oops... are we 'carbon dating' ourselves??? LOL
I'm sure "Tiny man" Z does indeed miss those days.....
But there's a new Sheriff in town... and it's not looking good for you, "Tiny man"
Wasn't this the opening for "Wild Wild West"?
Needs verification.
Yeah... see the world through a periscope... no thanks... LOL
Throwing the biggly biggest Bull Shit flag possible on this story. It's a nuclear powered vessel. It doesn't need refueling unless they are supplying core rods of Uranium for reactors... LOL
What a troll move!!! Awesome!
True. I like the idea of actual law enforcement to the US Marshals. IF the FBI is kept, then regulate laws that they do what their name says... Investigate and leave the enforcement to the Marshals.
OK. I'm on board with that. The FBI should be scaled way back and regulated to its name sake (Investigation only). Arrests made by the U.S. Marshals.
It won't be WW3, It'll be Europe (UK, Germany, France) vs Russia. This will be on them, not the USA to deal with.....
Did Trump just resurrect the San Juan Hill Rough Rider Theodore Roosevelt and his "Speak softly but carry a BIG stick."
The world is watching......
You ask "Why?". Curious. Expand your thoughts on your position. You seem to have a unique perspective on what should and should not be. If no FBI as you seem to be steadfast on, who would you have or believe to be conduct Federal level law enforcement? How would you ensure compliance with Federal level laws?
Concur with your comments on ATF. It was a covert effort by the DS/Federal Reserve to grab guns under the guise of tobacco and moonshining.
The FBI in and of itself is a sound idea, it's the corrupt leadership THAT MUST GO!!
I'm of Scottish ancestry and you fren, are very correct. I keep tabs on all of the UK and cannot argue against that. It will take time, but when it takes hold... watch out!!! Be well and safe!! WWG1WGA
Not abolish, but CLEAN HOUSE!!!! ATF can go or be absorbed into FBI.
Yep! We both old.... LOL