More Ultra psychos let loose. Brought to you by the CIA. When you need a false flag, no other choice makes sense.
Major disconnect here the reply was sent to you but, met for someone else. Apologies
Like I have been saying all along that any sodomite that is proud of being one is a reprobate. Their acts will continually get more vile with each passing day.
None do. Anus and two sodomites. I am pretty sure 2 and 2 equals 4
Libtards don't think. They, much like the lowest lifeforms, operate on pure outside stimuli. The most f'ed up thing about this is, that he would do it again.
Repenting means seeing the world for what it is and letting the law convict you. Salvation is easy. God made it easy. Confess that Jesus is the son of God He died for our sins He rose from the dead Another way is to cry out his name to save you Nothing can take away your salvation Once saved ALWAYS saved
ALWAYS remember that salvation is a GIFT. You cannot earn your way into heaven.
- The whore of Babylon are these ppl who call themselves Jews
- Babylon is New York
- The beast is the nations of the world
- There is no pre-trib rapture (yep we have to go through the whole thing)
- Rapture happens when Jesus appears in the clouds
- The 240,000 are the tribes of Israel already in Heaven (they come down in the spirit like Elijah did with John the Baptist)
- The mark of the beast is a microchip with cyanide compartment within
- The temple is the human body (There is no 3rd temple)
- Jesus Christ will defeat the armies of the antichrist
- Saints is another word for Christians
- Jesus rules the Earth with an iron rod for 1,000 years. Then the 2nd resurrection happens (this is the one you don't want to be part of). Camp of the saints denotes a temporary dwelling. The ones who are part of the 2nd resurrection lay siege to the camp of the saints (armed with sticks because there are no weapons) God fries them and throws hell into the lake of fire, The earth is reforged and merges with heaven. The end
- Israel is a spiritual family not a nation
- Tribulation, then wrath of God. Two different things. When the wrath of God descends on earth the saints will already be raptured but, we have to go through tribulation.
Not you, the original comment
Guess you missed the memo then.
You might want to show him this vid. It explains everything in detail.
yeah it appears that something is off here
No white ppl. The end
the 1984 version is wrong and the 2011 is right on that particular verse.......ugh Look buddy I sense no bad intent from you but, you really got to dump your heboo bible and the NIV. The KJV is the only Bible.
One should follow that with, why did it crumble? Over taxation, inflation, unrestricted immigration, corruption, and over regulation.
with the NIV and the heboo version
NIV version went from this 1984 NIV — Matthew 21:42, “Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: " 'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;
to this 2011 NIV — Matthew 21:42, “Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;
Evidently it was too obvious that Lucifer's Bible-butchers were corrupting the Bible, so they backed off.
So in other words the owners f'ed their dog
yeah well good luck with that
The opposition is dying. Either through those jabs they gleefully took or from the demoralization in their ranks. In short they are sounding off a rallying cry to no one. The lower echelon ranks have more or less disbanded (too busy trying to make ends meet) They are chiefs without the Indians. The only ppl they got are the ones who are getting paid. Won't be long till Xiden and crew start asking for U.N peace keepers.
That is an alcoholic.
Another maggot distancing himself from the jab in order to protect his own ass. If ppl like ourselves knew, from our limited sources, that this jab was toxic, then he should of known as well.
Looks like the white hat's took out another black hat asset.