Excellent post and research anon!!
I'm not saying the current J&J made any of these changes, just testing the tech first.
I am hoping and praying for Trump to lead the exposure. The public has to understand.
There's a reason I said "supposed" libertarians. This was not meant to bash libertarians but expose wolves.
Ben Shapiro notably.
Voice of America propaganda - https://www.voanews.com/a/covid-19-pandemic_why-some-libertarians-support-vaccine-mandates/6209163.html
The Economist - https://www.economist.com/free-exchange/2015/02/24/why-james-wilson-and-the-economist-supported-compulsory-vaccination
I'm not 100% on this so I'm asking.
A US Attorney who indicts someone under RICO has the option of seeking a pre-trial restraining order or an injunction to temporarily seize a defendant's assets. There are a LOT of sealed indictments out there. Who would publicly admit their assets have been frozen due to a criminal investigation?
Thanks, what do you think could improve the quality? Re-reading it, it could have definitely used some editing for clarity.
I thought about a q post refresher to tie back the importance of these topics but that would take a long time.
Ironic analysis considering Grok helped me make some of these connections.
Amen. His will will be done in the end.
Wow, just noticing the income tax & corporate tax greyed out. That's new as well. That implies they are past legacy numbers if we go by the rest of the chart.
I have always wondered why the US M2 money supply from 2000 changes.
The estimated number continues to go up. This implies assets are continued to be recaptured as part of an ongoing RICO prosecution.
Re-read the drops on SpaceX and EM.
Good question - that's the largest individual expenditure of the federal budget!
Not me, though I'm honored to have my content basically stolen lol.
Not me, though I'm honored to have my content basically stolen lol.
My X account is a looooot smaller.
Doesn't look like anything came of it :/
Not that I know of, just found it interesting.
Bros those are gold cufflinks on top of an American flag. Only the angle makes it look like a Q.
Watch the water bros! Watch CA!
They are often receptive to emotion more than logic. They have to be shown the same emotional "triggering" motion from AOC, Walz, Macron.
They will deflect. Challenge their deflections with questions. Be kind but honest.
Trump has clarified ZERO US govt funding is involved. It is all private.
This is exposure.
"Last posts" implies more posts coming at some point.
Where's the source? Have not seen this anywhere.