I have never in my life used Amazon. I have seen right through Bezos from the second the USPS agreed to provide his shipping at a LOSS that we the people must cover. THAT, my friend is the definition of Fascism: Companies are owned by citizens but run by government.
After a bit of research some 9 or 10 years ago, I decided on Ebay.
I wont attempt top explain why. Caveate Emptor.
You're winning an argument with a stranger on the internet. I hereby award you four gold stars and a blue ribbon. You can now show them off to your adoring fans.
No it does not. PayPal didnt change. And elegoo didnt enact a policy of fining people.
Im not going to take the time to talk about the fallacy your question is based in. Those who would understand already know and those that dont already know probably wouldnt care.
Huh... They Replied!!
I rated their customer service as good, and did in fact fill out the survey monkey. in the notes section of the survery monkey, I cooled my tone a little bit, explained the PayPal thing in a little bit softer words, and let them know that once they add CC as a purchase option, I will return.
There is absolutely NO REASON to hold a grudge, if a company actually changes to be less woke.
If by everyone, you mean the 40 or 50 people who clicked on that and read it here... then yeah.
But, I wrote that. Its a screen shot from my comp. And I dont do any social media. Its only posted here. Its not 'out there' for 'everyone' to see.
Not sure I want to answer that question out loud. Im in NO WAY advocating a particular online Dr. I would PM you the name but I cant figure out how or if we can do that here.
If you know how, PM me and Ill reply w the name.
and the WAY he said it.